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Christopher West

From PathfinderWiki
Christopher West

United States
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Christopher West is a freelance artist who has contributed to Paizo Inc.

Pathfinder credits

Art credits

Title Date Notes
Hollow's Last Hope 0706 June 2007 Cartography
Crown of the Kobold King 0706 June 2007 Cartography
Gallery of Evil 0709 September 2007 Cartography
Entombed with the Pharaohs 0710 October 2007 Cartography
Crucible of Chaos 0802 February 2008 Cartography
Revenge of the Kobold King 0806 June 2008 Cartography
Hungry Are the Dead 0810 October 2008 Cartography
Jester's Fraud, TheThe Jester's Fraud 1007 July 2010 PFS 1e #00-56 cartography
Year of the Shadow Lodge 1008 August 2010 PFS 1e #02-00 cartography
Rescue at Azlant Ridge 1008 August 2010 PFS 1e #02-02 cartography
Shadows Fall on Absalom 1008 August 2010 PFS 1e #02-04 cartography
First Heresy, TheThe First Heresy 1009 September 2010 PFS 1e #02-06 cartography
Sarkorian Prophecy, TheThe Sarkorian Prophecy 1010 October 2010 PFS 1e #02-07 cartography
Beneath Forgotten Sands 1011 November 2010 PFS 1e #02-09 cartography
Fury of the Fiend 1011 November 2010 PFS 1e #02-10 cartography
Below the Silver Tarn 1012 December 2010 PFS 1e #02-12 cartography
Chasm of Screams, TheThe Chasm of Screams 1101 January 2011 PFS 1e #02-14 cartography
Flesh Collector, TheThe Flesh Collector 1102 February 2011 PFS 1e #02-16 cartography
Exiles of Winter 1103 March 2011 PFS 1e #02-17 cartography
Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor, TheThe Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor 1103 March 2011 PFS 1e #02-18 cartography
Wrath of the Accursed 1104 April 2011 PFS 1e #02-20 cartography
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained 1105 May 2011 PFS 1e #02-22 cartography
At Shadow's Door 1106 June 2011 PFS 1e #02-23 cartography
Mantis's Prey, TheThe Mantis's Prey 1106 June 2011 PFS 1e #02-26 cartography
Ghenett Manor Gauntlet, TheThe Ghenett Manor Gauntlet 1108 August 2011 PFS 1e #03-03 cartography
See also: Category:Artwork by Christopher West