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Nicholas Cloister

From PathfinderWiki
Nicholas Cloister

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Nicholas Cloister is a freelance artist who has contributed to Paizo Inc.

Pathfinder credits

Art credits

Title Date Notes
Bonus Bestiary 0906 June 2009
Voice in the Void 0910 October 2009 PFS 1e #00-35
Jester's Fraud, TheThe Jester's Fraud 1007 July 2010 PFS 1e #00-56
Where Dark Things Sleep 1010 October 2010 PFS 1e #02-07
Bestiary 3 1112 December 2011
Shattered Star Adventure Path Pawn Collection 1308 August 2013
Bestiary 3 Box 1401 January 2014
Treacherous Waters 1412 December 2014 PACGS #00-03
Pathfinder Society Pawn Collection 1608 August 2016
Cindersworn Pact, TheThe Cindersworn Pact 1611 November 2016 PFS 1e #08-09
See also: Category:Artwork by Nicholas Cloister