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Christoph Peters

From PathfinderWiki
Christoph Peters


Christoph Peters is a freelance artist who has contributed to Paizo Inc.

Pathfinder credits

Art credits

Title Date Notes
Hands of the Devil 2102 February 2021 Abomination Vaults #3
Despair on Danger Island 2107 July 2021 Fists of the Ruby Phoenix #1
King of the Mountain 2107 July 2021 Fists of the Ruby Phoenix #3
Spoken on the Song Wind 2109 September 2021 Strength of Thousands #2
Hurricane's Howl 2110 October 2021 Strength of Thousands #3
Secrets of the Temple-City 2110 October 2021 Strength of Thousands #4
Doorway to the Red Star 2111 November 2021 Strength of Thousands #5
Punks in a Powderkeg 2204 April 2022 Outlaws of Alkenstar #1
Knights of Lastwall 2205 May 2022
Abomination Vaults 2205 May 2022
Impossible Lands 2211 November 2022
Fists of the Ruby Phoenix 2301 January 2023
Treasure Vault 2302 February 2023
Choosing, TheThe Choosing 2304 April 2023 Stolen Fate #1
Destiny War, TheThe Destiny War 2305 May 2023 Stolen Fate #2
Worst of All Possible Worlds 2306 June 2023 Stolen Fate #3
Player Core 2311 November 2023
Player Core 2 2408 August 2024
See also: Category:Artwork by Christoph Peters