Skinny Whale Isle
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(Redirected from Skinny Whale Bay)
Skinny Whale Isle is one of the Goblin Isles of the Shackles, located south of the archipelago and Motaku Isle. It is inhabited by the Bigbarb goblin tribe, which lairs at Skinny Whale Bay.1
- ↑ Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 38. Paizo Inc., 2012
The Shackles
Mainland and civilized islands
Other islands
- Benbog Isle
- Besmara's Throne
- Bhudrek Atoll
- Blacksand Beach
- Bonewrack Isle
- Brightglass Island
- Butcher's Rock
- The Cannibal Isles
- Cauldron Rock
- Clubber's Point
- Culp's Menagerie
- Dagon's Jaws
- Dahak's Teeth: Dahak's Fang (East Fang & West Fang); Dahak's Horn; Dahak's Tooth
- Darguro Plate
- Fernlat's Islet
- Firegrass Isle
- Footless Isle
- Gannet Island
- Garnet Island
- Glengarnie Chain
- Haekin's Rebuke or Haekin's Redoubt
- Hesmene's Grotto
- Island of the Black Tower
- Island of Empty Eyes
- Isle of Consummations
- Kelizar's Atoll
- Kepre Dua
- Mancatcher Cove
- Mgange Cove
- Moluune Parapet
- Nalt's Island
- Onokin
- Paeterpade Isle
- Pangalley Atoll
- Petrel's Perch
- Raingale Isle
- Rampore Isles
- Raptor Island
- Raugsmauda's Reach
- Redbow Isle
- Sai Riang's Refuge
- Sarenvent
- Shenchu Bay
- Skinny Whale Isle
- The Smoker
- Taldas Isle
- Taypan's Rock
- Undersquare Isle
- Ungoro Tedar
- Ushinawa Isles
- Vaelyn & Kellan
- Warvil's Folly
- Whyrlis Rock
- Widowmaker Isle
- Windward Isle
- Yoha's Graveyard
Major geographical features
- Arcadian Ocean
- Baydac Falls
- Broken Hook
- Broken Hope River
- Cayden's Arm
- Cecaelia Swirl
- Chenogg Rainforest
- Dead Slave Cove
- Fellhope Canyon
- Fever Sea
- Ghost Lake
- Glittering Lake
- Greenscale River
- Halfling Coast
- Jeopardy Bay
- Karsule Swampland
- Lake of Dead Dreams
- Lake Rogshagrox
- Lake of Scales
- Lake Vene
- Leatherwing Bay
- Lurching Mountain
- Methoth Lake
- Paego Peaks
- Sahuagin Coast
- The Slithering Coast
- Steirwood
- Straits of Aashaq
- Straits of Balthus
- Sweet Tooth Lake
- Takalak Hills
- Terwa River
- Terwa Uplands
- Wailing Cave
- Alendruan Harbor
- Arena
- Banukmaud
- Beachcomber
- Blackblood Cay
- Bogsbridge
- Chalk Harbor
- Cho-Tzu
- Colvaas Gibbet
- Downpour
- Dragonsthrall
- Drenchport
- Drowning Rock
- Falchion Point
- Fort Benbem
- Fort Holiday
- Ganagsau
- Genzei
- Ghrinitshahara
- Goatshead
- Haigui Wan
- Halabad
- Heggapnod
- Hell Harbor
- Heslandaena
- Kora
- Kukgukmol
- Lilywhite
- Little Oppara
- Maidenspool
- Mezdrubal
- Moak Harbor
- Myscurial
- Neruma
- Ngozu
- Ollo
- Oyster Cay
- Parley Point
- Peshaka Naeu
- Pex
- Plumetown
- Port Peril (capital city)
- Queen Bes
- Quent
- Raketooth
- Rapier Bay
- Rickety's Squibs
- Robu
- Rumbutter
- Slipcove
- Tyvas-Devas
- Vezhnu
- Vilelock
- Yelligo Wharf
- Zeibo
- Zhenbarghua
Sites of interest
- Besmara's Temple
- Black Tower
- Blackwarn's Gallows
- Blood Fountain
- Camp of the Merry Pranksters
- Camp of the Penitents
- Cauldrons of Calm and Calamity
- City of Bleeding Stones
- Dragon's Gullet
- Wreck of the Dusk Poacher
- Eel's Skull
- Field of Bones and Black Glass
- Haunted Crater Lakes
- Heavywater Perch
- Heskott Bay
- Holy Isle
- Moak Harbor
- Norboro Ashes
- Obelisk of Wonders
- Ongongte Overlook
- Pit of Raugsmauda
- Queen's Processional
- Sanctum of the Sorrowmaker
- Stone of Tears
- Temple of the Ravenous Moon
- Tidewater Rock
- Tzaarban
- Vhunsaub
- Whirlpool Rush
- Zhukuo Tegeg