Kepre Dua

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Kepre Dua

Source: Isles of the Shackles, pg(s). 24

Kepre Dua is a secluded elven enclave near the centre of the large group of islands comprising the Shackles, where the locals deem themselves "ocean elves" as opposed to their Kyonin cousins, whom they refer to as the "Landlocked" or "Treebound". The elven port of Alendruan Harbor was founded around 4622 AR by Kaala Raingold, an elven witch. Kaala now styles herself "Queen Kaala of the Veil" after a mysterious, religious experience associated with Calistria and the Obelisk of Wonders; the obelisk is found on the island.1

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There is one main settlement on the island, its main port of Alendruan Harbor.

Locations of interest


  1. Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 24. Paizo Inc., 2012