Paeterpade Isle

From PathfinderWiki

Paeterpade, the Blinking Isle, is a small island in the Shackles. The island is empty save a tall tower of Ghol-Gani construction at its center. More than 200 years ago, an old, elf sorcerer, Hegesander of Manaket, came to the island and eventually activated an ancient machine in the tower's dungeons. The machine caused the entire island to lose its anchorage to this reality and blink about the multiverse. Legend has it that the sorcerer, trapped forever on the Paeterpade Isle, has gone mad. The island reappears in the archipelago only one or twice each year and remains there no longer than a day or two. Foolish adventurers who land on Paeterpade's shores during its brief appearance have been trapped along with mad Hegesander.1


  1. Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 39. Paizo Inc., 2012