Sai Riang's Refuge

From PathfinderWiki

Sai Riang's Refuge is a small island in the Shackles. When Tian-Shu pirate Sai Riang long ago left a life of piracy, she founded a monastery on this island. The monastery hosts pirates who have grown weary of their pirate lives and have been accepted to join Sai Riang's mysterious Order of Infinite Emptiness. They tend the isle's vineyards, gardens, and sheep, living a peaceful life. It is said that the abbey was built using stones from Ghol-Gani ruins. Many cynics say that Sai is running some sort of secret business, but as of 4712 AR no evidence of this had yet emerged.1


  1. Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 39. Paizo Inc., 2012