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Small town
Source: Isles of the Shackles, pg(s). 6

The town of Beachcomber on Bag Island in the Shackles is mainly inhabited by halflings, but also a large number of liberated dromaars live in its Lurker District. The port is rowdy and shady characters are often attracted to the town.

An increasingly bold temple to Norgorber is located at the north edge of the town, and it is said that secret tunnels beneath the temple lead to the vast catacombs under the town. Despite the freedom of religion on Bag Island, most of Norgorber's faithful still hide their identity. The two priests of Norgorber in town are Antal Armskeep and Black Gnarea and they are almost open about their faith. They jointly command the ketch Darkbow. The priest-captains are brutally efficient at hunting and destroying slave ships, and often sacrifice the captured slavers to Norgorber.1


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  1. Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 6. Paizo Inc., 2012