
From PathfinderWiki
For another meaning of "Whisperwood", please see Whisperwood (Varisia).

The Whisperwood is arguably Cheliax's largest forest, and can be found in that nation's eastern heartland.1 Despite centuries of settlement surrounding it, the vast and ancient forest remains mostly untouched. Desperate outlaws occasionally seek refuge under its canopy, only to encounter gruesome fates. Local legends speak of a mysterious menace that holds sway over the Whisperwood, and it is widely known that devils prowl its depths.2


The Whisperwood is unofficially separated into five regions.3

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Hellspawn Dale

Iron Snarl

The Murmurs

Perdition Reach


The Scar Thicket

The wood has a dark, tangled heart—a place where precious little sunlight filters through primeval growth. Known as the Scar Thicket, this undergrowth-choked region is home to huge colonies of monstrous bats, vicious insects, and deformed animals. Youths in the area grow up learning to deal with evil outsiders, and the inhabitants are quite skilled at leading hunts for them. At the center of the thicket, huge mushrooms and other deformed fungi dominate the landscape, providing a home for a rare tribe of surface-adapted vegepygmies. Twisted tunnels lie beneath them, reaching down into Nar-Voth and connecting it to the Midnight Jungle.45

Hellish reputation

It is rumored that an unclosed portal to Hell can be found in the woods. Paladins of Iomedae have vanished and several paralictors of the Order of the Gate have lost their entire commands while searching the area. The Order of the Pike runs active patrols along the western edge of the forest to hunt down any creatures that emerge from the woods. A reward has been posted to enlist the help of bounty hunters and adventurers by Master of Blades Tolsis Tuvadorn in Senara. It remains a mystery why the Hell-aligned House of Thrune would want such a gate closed.4

The Whisperwood is also believed to be the habitat of thruneosaurus rexes, the result of experiments to infuse tyrannosaurus eggs with devil ichor. As of 4724 AR the fate of the experiment had been lost, and the beasts had most recently been observed in the wood.6


Striking a deal with House Thrune of Cheliax, the great wyrm Athervox maintains an observatory in the woods, near Senara. After years of instructing a small, pre-agreed group of apprentices, the green dragon was betrayed and robbed, losing many volumes of her notes. Still furious, the normally scholarly dragon now plots her vengeance.7


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. Erik Mona, et al. “Chapter 2: The Inner Sea” in Campaign Setting, 69. Paizo Inc., 2008
  2. Erik Mona, et al. Old Cheliax” in World Guide, 100. Paizo Inc., 2019
  3. Patrick Renie. “The Inferno Gate” in The Inferno Gate, 25ff. Paizo Inc., 2016
  4. 4.0 4.1 Jonathan H. Keith, et al. Cheliax” in Cheliax, Empire of Devils, 11. Paizo Inc., 2009
  5. James Jacobs & Greg A. Vaughan. “Exploring the Darklands” in Into the Darklands, 6–8. Paizo Inc., 2008
  6. James Case, et al. Dinosaur” in Howl of the Wild, 139. Paizo Inc., 2024
  7. Logan Bonner, et al. “Monsters A-Z” in Bestiary, 109. Paizo Inc., 2019