Whitemarch Prefecture

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Whitemarch Prefecture

Source: Taldor, the First Empire, pg(s). 38–39

Whitemarch Prefecture is the south-easternmost of the 14 modern political divisions of the nation of Taldor. A mountainous region, the prefecture has traded hands with Qadira many times over the past few thousand years.1

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The ruler of Whitemarch Prefecture is the Grand Duchess Vivexis Darahan.2


Whitemarch is also home to House Trant, a belligerent noble family that uses the threat of future Qadiran aggression to maintain control of their holdings. The elder Trant serves the Taldan government as a senator.3


  1. ↑ Mark Moreland, et al. “Gazetteer” in Taldor, the First Empire, 38–39. Paizo Inc., 2017
  2. ↑ Crystal Malarsky. “Noble Lines of Taldor” in The Reaper's Right Hand, 76. Paizo Inc., 2018
  3. ↑ Thurston Hillman. “Crownfall” in Crownfall, 21. Paizo Inc., 2018