
From PathfinderWiki

Canalsguard is a castle located next to Pastorling at the conjunction of the Lingian Prefecture's three largest canals. It was originally built to protect Taldor's canals from being used by any invading force from Qadira.

Canalsguard was originally built as a inspection and toll station, but during the Grand Campaign it was greatly expanded and heavily fortified. Since the end of the war with Qadira, Canalsguard has lingered as a hopelessly overbuilt relic of the war.

As of 4717 AR, it was guarded by a skeleton garrison barely large enough to manage the toll station. Most of the fortress is unused, except as a dumping ground by the Taldan military for washouts and screw-ups. Canalsguard's commander as of 4717 AR was Urbicus Porphygo, scion of middling House Porphygo in Oppara, and even with by Canalsguard's low standards he has not been a stellar commander of the fortress.1


  1. Mark Moreland, et al. “Gazetteer” in Taldor, the First Empire, 24. Paizo Inc., 2017