
From PathfinderWiki

Azlanti Empire (originally)
Taldor (ruins)
Originally tens of thousands (estimated)
Source: Taldor, the First Empire, pg(s). 18–19

Located in the rural province of Kazuhn in Taldor, Pegaduor is a vast underground city that dates back to the Azlanti Empire and Earthfall.

Pegaduor was discovered five centuries ago when a farmer stumbled upon a massive sinkhole leading into its depths. Pegaduor baffled historians of the time, who soon flocked to the site.

From the outside, Pegaduor resembles a series of low-lying stone structures, but this is only the top-most layer of a vast underground city.1

Pegaduor was later identified as an ancient Azlanti ruin, built by refugee from the empire's Avistani colonies shortly after the Earthfall. While many other Azlanti sought shelter beneath the earth and delved much deeper into the Darklands, the people of Pegaduor seem to have stayed within a few hundred feet of the surface. As such, it is believed that the residents never succumbed to the isolation and corruption that created the caligni, mongrelfolk, morlocks, and munavri from other groups of Azlanti survivors.1

The ruins of Pegaduor are still a hotbed of activity as new chambers and sub-settlements keep being discovered to this day. It is estimated that at its height Pegaduor must have had tens of thousands of residents. Over a dozen researchers and their entourages are currently exploring the site. The most prominent of these researchers is Fareine Oubroulay, a Pathfinder originally from Nex. She has been focusing on a series of hidden temples devoted to Scal, the Azlanti deity of annihilation. Fareine believes that these hidden temples may have something to do with the disappearance of Pegaduor's population.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mark Moreland, et al. “Gazetteer” in Taldor, the First Empire, 18–19. Paizo Inc., 2017