Jadrishar Island
From PathfinderWiki
Jadrishar Island is located just off the west coast of Oppara having full view of the river traffic. This island district is occupied fully by the Taldan Imperial Navy. The Imperial Navy Headquarters, the Imperial Naval College and the River Guard Academy are located on the island which is surrounded by thick, blackened stone walls. Its one gate on the south side is a fortress unto itself. Large docks line the southern shore of the island and dozens of Taldor's warships are at anchor there.1
For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.
- â Joshua J. Frost. âOppara, The Gilded Cityâ in Taldor, Echoes of Glory, 17. Paizo Inc., 2009
Notable inhabitants (living and dead)
Royal family
Nobility and ruling class
- Renatta Anstarza
- Trelorick Anstarza
- Grand Duke Avernathus
- Veneranda Cain
- Baronet Duranis Cicato
- Lady Zariyah Clement
- Comolaudio
- Baroness Ryapha Crellest
- Marquess Charlotte Deschamps
- Senator Gengethlia
- Landgrave Ogvai Jarlbjorn
- Senator Karthis
- Lord Remilliard Kastner
- Lady Martella Lotheed
- Cartison Mavorran
- Baroness Marzipelle Mavorran
- Baronet Solmon Menander
- Lady Gloriana Morilla
- Viscountess Octavia Nicodemius
- Marquess Tanasha Starborne
- Lord Merriweather Stokes
- Duke Georgi Backus Talbot II
- Baroness Hanlisse Tylria
- Earl Gahez Varima
- Earl Calhadion Vernisant
- Baron Oltar Vinmark
- Count Orlundo Zespire
Families, organizations, and businesses
Organizations and businesses
City districts and locations of importance
Canals, roads, and bridges
Taldor, decadent failing empire
- Adrast
- Belhaim
- Blackwood Moot
- Braughleigh's Hollow
- Breezy Creek
- Bronze Bridge
- Cascina
- Cassomir
- Dalaston
- Demgazi
- Disaren Village
- Eagle's Head
- Elbistan
- Elsekulp
- Evondemor
- Faldamont
- Golsifar
- Hangman's Harbor
- Heldren
- Hope's Hollow
- Karakuru
- Kazuhn City
- Kozan
- Kravenkus
- Lionsguard
- Lotheedar
- Maheto
- Merciful Bay
- Monastery of the Seven Forms
- Moost
- Mut
- New Towne
- Old Sehir
- Oppara
- Ortalaca
- Pastorling
- Pensaris
- Pol
- Railford
- Ridonport
- Sardis Township
- Skathen
- Solscrene
- Stachys
- Stavian's Hold
- Torcova
- Tregan
- Tribulation
- Voinaris
- Wispil
- Yanmass
- Zimar
Geographical features
- Alycean Valley
- Mount Antios
- Isle of Arenway
- Aroden's Eye
- Beggarwood
- Blackpeak
- Blackwood Swamp
- Border Wood
- Brokenbridge River
- Deiphovan Slough
- Dragonfen
- Emperor's Pass
- Fairview Isle
- Falling River
- Fog Creek
- Fog Peaks
- Grogrisant's Fang
- Headwater Gap
- Hyden Marches
- Jadrishar Island
- Jagged Saw
- Jalrune River
- Mount Kaltafarr
- Lauchlein Lake
- Lionsmane Forest
- Ostivai Hill
- Lake Pensaris
- Pergamon Pass
- Pillars of Rovagug
- Porthmos Gap
- Porthmos River
- Mount Rein
- Sellen River
- Southern Range
- Star Bay
- Lake Stavian
- Tandak Plains
- Temple Canyon
- Thistleridge Barrens
- Thousand Relics Pass
- Valley of the Azlanti
- Verduran Forest
- Verduran Fork
- Void Wood
- Well of Kurgess
- Western Rushing Marches
- Whistling Plains
- World's Edge Mountains
Places of interest
- Antios's Crown
- Bafra's Face
- Bondstones
- Broken Bridge
- Canals of Taldor
- Canalsguard
- Ruins of Cydonus
- Darromoor
- Dunholme
- Eagle's Head
- Falling River Fort
- Gold Canyon
- House of the Senses Awakened
- Hyden (ruins)
- Ruins of Jambis
- Kublan Grove
- Lion Sleeps Inn
- Mistholme (ruins)
- Mistwatch
- Ruins of Nazilli
- Palace of Birdsong
- Pegaduor
- Porthmos Prison
- Ralthorn Manor
- Rhoetius (ruins)
- River Road
- Sanctum's Watch
- Stavian Ranches
- Sureshire Ranch
- Talamir (ruins; Dragonscar)
- Temple Canyon
- Tok-Tshka
- Tomb of the Iron Medusa
- Treaclerun
- Urfa-Halij
- Wildwood Lodge
- Wilting Rose