Montlarion Jeggare

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Montlarion Jeggare

4417 AR (age 86)
Source: Guide to Korvosa, pg(s). 12

Montlarion Jeggare (4331 AR4417 AR) considered himself a gentleman explorer. He was never seen without his monocle firmly in place. Despite the fact that his support was primarily financial and moral, Jeggare's contingent of marines, trappers, and scouts explored the Varisian river that now bears his name (the Jeggare River) to its headwaters. Named the second lord magistrate of Korvosa on the death of Field Marshall Jakthion Korvosa in 4410 AR, Jeggare died a pauper, having spent the entirety of his extensive wealth on the foundation of the city of Korvosa.1


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  1. Mike McArtor. “Chapter 2: Places” in Guide to Korvosa, 12. Paizo Inc., 2008
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What The Helms Hide27 March 2019