Druman (unofficial)
The Kalistocracy of Druma (pronounced kal-ihs-TOK-rah-see of DROO-muh)1 is a land glutting itself on the wealth of trade that is ruled by the high prophet of a strange, secular philosophy called the Prophecies of Kalistrade that values wealth and trade above any deity.
Members who follow this philosophy, known as Kalistocrats, permeate every level of Drumish society and always favor one another in business and personal dealings. While other religions are tolerated in Druma, their faithful rarely achieve great wealth or positions of power as the majority of the Resplendent Bureaucracy—the civil servants who run Druma—is composed of followers of the Prophecy.2
The Macridi Blade culture
Much like many other parts of Avistan, Druma was once inhabited by a branch of the Kellid people. While the ancient Kellids of Druma lived as nomadic pastoralists, they developed agriculture following the collapse of the ancient serpentfolk empire and eventually coalesced into a single cultural tradition. It is not known what name this society used for itself, although modern archaeologists refer to it as the Macridi Blade culture after the characteristic stone blades associated with its sites and the modern-day town of Macridi where these were first found.3
The Macridi Blade people formed an extensive trading network thanks to their access to Lake Encarthan and its associated waterways: Macridi Blade sites have yielded pots of food from Gastash, soapstone tools from the World's Edge Mountains, wooden carvings from Kyonin, and freshwater shells from the Lake of Mists and Veils. Additionally, the Macridi Blade culture developed its own techniques for working copper and gold, and domesticated variants of millet, plum, sorghum, and vetch that are still cultivated today.3
A religious tradition known as the Speakers of the Pale arose during this time that followed a belief system focused on mutual relationships between individuals and communities that was extended to humanity's relationship with the natural world and the afterlife. The Speakers served as intermediaries between their people and the fey of Palakar Forest, negotiating for the harvesting of resources in exchange for compensation, and were often ritualistically buried within local entrances to the Darklands to serve as protectors from the creatures living underground and to warn off living people from entering.3
The Macridi Blade people's trade networks led to a period of prosperity, during which they raised cities of stone and brick and erected large earthwork projects of varied purposes under the Speakers' direction; these mounds are still found throughout modern Druma, as are the ruins of the cities. A still-undeciphered system of petroglyphs was developed and utilized by the Speakers, and the periodic recovery or elaborately braided rawhide strips from Macridi Blade ruins, alongside the presence of similar patterns in artwork from that period, has led to speculation that these knotted patterns had some specific meaning of their own. The Macridi Blade people lived in independent communities united by intermarriage and a shared culture, and never formed a single united government.3
Contemporaneous written accounts of the Macridi Blade culture are limited and largely restricted to records from Thassilon. One such record details the visit of a delegation from Cyrusian to the Macridi Blade city of Eahprin, which ended when an unknown slight against the Palakar fey led them to attack Eahprin and kill several members of the delegation. The surviving Thassilonians returned to Cyrusian and used this incident to depict the Kellids as a barbarous people who summon monsters to devour their foes.3
Age of Darkness and dwarven rule
After having endured for about a millennium, the Macridi Blade society ended with the destruction wrought by Earthfall. Tremors from the meteorite impact caused mountain uplift to the south of the Macridi homelands, while the decades-long impact winter created by the tons of ejected material killed off much of the area's plant life and consequently caused the collapse of the Macridi Blade culture's agricultural system, resulting in devastating famines and thousands of deaths. Survivors abandoned their now-unsustainable settled civilization and adopted nomadic lifestyles, much like those of their ancestors.3
Kellids lived in this manner for several centuries, a period which in turn ended once orcs emerged onto Golarion's surface after being forced out of their traditional Darklands homelands during the dwarves' Quest for Sky. While the Macridi Blade culture might have been able to fend off the invading orc tribes, the scattered Kellid clans were unable to meaningfully resist.3
The dwarves surfaced some decades after the orcs and allowed the human clans to drive the orcs out of the lowlands, but the clans were left bloodied and dispersed. The dwarves considered the surviving humans to be a primitive culture and initially offered them aid, but this relationship soon developed a condescending nature, and by -4969 AR the dwarves had begun to consider the Kellids' former homeland as an empty territory fit for colonization. They named it Druma, which is believed to be a bastardization of a local word meaning "silver shore", and incorporated it within their newly formed empire of Tar Taargadth in -4890 AR.3
Druma became Tar Taargadth's agricultural breadbasket and was subject to relatively little mining. The Kellids continued to inhabit the area as subjects of the dwarves and were granted protection in exchange for grain taxes and political submission. However, dwarven rule eventually clashed with traditional Kellid practices, which led to a substantial incident when a dwarven landowner neglected to pay the blood-price for having killed a Kellid herder's goat. This led to a violent reprisal that was condoned by the Speakers of the Pale.3
Dwarven authorities decried this as vigilantism and responded with a crackdown on the Kellid religion, which inspired a popular defense of the faith that was in turn suppressed by the dwarven governor. Tensions escalated into three years of open warfare starting in -4866 AR, recorded as the First Drumish Rebellion, which ended with the Speakers fleeing to Isger and across Lake Encarthan. The Kellids viewed the exiled priests as martyrs and symbols of Kellid cultural autonomy.3
The dwarves' increasingly common forays for lumber and charcoal also drew them into conflicts with the forests' Palakar fey natives. Local satyrs demanded tolls for access to lumber, which the dwarves saw as brigandry and refused to pay. The satyrs considered this to be a violation of the Peace of Palakar, a pact formed by the region's Kellids with the fey in -6082 AR, and responded by kidnapping several dwarven trespassers. This escalation sparked 17 years✝ of armed conflict known as the Charcoal Wars that began in -4411 AR, destroyed a quarter of the forest, and ultimately proved too costly for the dwarves to maintain.3
By -3840 AR, famine and dwarven oppression drove some of Druma's Kellids out of Tar Taargadth, with many settling on Inteper Isle at the center of Lake Encarthan. These settlers eventually founded the city-state of Kestrillon in -2301 AR, which grew to influence many of the lake's coastal settlements.4
Despite these conflicts, dwarven rulership over Druma remained functionally uncontested for millennia. The area continued to supply Tar Taargadth with large quantities of food, and numerous dwarven engineering projects such as the Aqueduct of Gtaldorn, a network of roads, and the draining of the Heibarstol Marsh still exist. Several cities were founded during this time, including Detmer in -1113 AR, which prospered as a haven for dwarves unwelcome in the Sky Citadels until rising water levels caused it to sink beneath Lake Encarthan.3
Three more armed conflicts occurred during this period: the decades-long Whisperfall Offensive against the orcs, and the Second and Third Drumish Rebellions; few records survive about the latter two conflicts, although the former ended in the death of Eark of Tall Fern and the latter occurred after a famine from -896 AR to -893 AR.3
The rise of the empire of Taldor began a period of decline in Tar Taargadth, and the news of a thriving human empire to the south combined with the increasing weight of dwarven tariffs, taxes, and edicts sparked the humans' Fourth Drumish Rebellion. Despite aid from allied war bands from Isger and Kestrillon, the Fourth Rebellion ended in 113 AR as a failure much like the first three had. Emperor Hurognar responded by demanding that the people be "denied beards and beer", prohibiting Druman men from growing facial hair or consuming alcohol.3
Although the edict was repealed on Hurognar's death, it had by then developed into a formal tradition and a way for local humans to reject dwarven culture. While Druman men remained clean-shaven and abstinent, Druman women developed a counter-culture centered on symposia where they would drink, debate, and perform music. These habits formed the foundations of what would become modern Drumish culture.3
Rise of the Prophecies of Kalistrade
Decades after the failed Fourth Rebellion, the prophet Kalistrade was born in 187 AR. As an adult he undertook his journeys and returned with coffers filled with wealth while adhering to a strict lifestyle. A cult quickly formed around him through its adherents' financial success and grew steadily until Kalistrade's disappearance in 251 AR.3
Kalistrade's followers collected and compiled his numerous writings, letters, and journals into early versions of the Prophecies of Kalistrade, but his cult subsequently underwent a period of religious schisms that left the newborn religion fractured and with little influence that lasted until Kalistrade's tomb was discovered in 408 AR. The discovery allowed religious leaders to commune with his remains and syncretize their faith into a cohesive whole.3
One faction, however, remained distinct from the new religious mainstream. The Golden Solidarity relocated to Kestrillon and adopted a life of giving and generosity. Other followers of Kalistrade perceived this as wasteful and inadvisable, and perceived the island's fall to Tar-Baphon and the massacre of the Golden Disciples alongside its other residents in 861 AR as a cautionary tale.3
Over the following centuries, Kalistrade's faith endured but declined in favor of Aroden's, who was aided by the Last Azlanti's victory over Tar-Baphon and the efforts of his evangelists in 896 AR. Aroden's status as the God of Humanity originally served as another rallying point against dwarven rule, but his followers' reticence to support armed uprisings ultimately crippled his faith's hold on Druma and allowed Kalistrade's following to return to prominence.3
By 1551 AR, Tar Taargadth had fractured and weakened to such a point that it fell to a devastating series of orc attacks. Its people split into the five dwarven kingdoms of Gardadth, Saggorak, Doggadth, Grakodan, and Taggoret, which thereafter fought each other in the devastating Five Kings Wars that began in 1571 AR.5
The kingdoms, particularly Saggorak, began to levy increasingly harsh taxes against the Drumans in 1578 AR that sparked the Fifth Drumish Rebellion against Saggorak two years later. The Fifth Rebellion itself only won the Drumans a reprieve from the wars and a lessened tax burden, but allowed the Prophets of Kalistrade to profit significantly by providing financial and material aid to the dwarven armies. A cabal of 14 Kalistocrat war profiteers formed the Promise of Kalistrade that year and began plotting ways to purchase Druma's independence from dwarven rule.3
In 2133 AR, several Isgeri Kellids fled their homeland's fall to Taldor's Seventh Army of Exploration and further fueled sentiments of independence in Druma. The relatively minor Sixth Drumish Rebellion saw the formation of the Meritocracy of Jelheg in Druma's south, but the fledgling nation's refusal to trade with the Taldans and dwarves left it impoverished before being crushed by Taggoreti forces during a lull in the dwarves' internecine wars.3
In 2331 AR, the Promise of Kalistrade had amassed significant debts among the dwarven governments, allowing them to force the Five Kings to negotiate an end to the Nineteenth Five Kings War and Druma's independence in exchange for forgiving their debts in the Kerse Accord, signed in 2332 AR.36✝ The accords granted Druma independence, with its status as a sovereign nation recognized by both the dwarves and Taldor.36 Druma has remained independent ever since, and alongside the Five Kings Mountains is the only nation in the Shining Kingdoms region to have never been under the heel of the Empire of Taldor.7
The Kalistocrats established themselves as Druma's new ruling class afterwards, although the Burning Glove Riots of 2335 AR eventually forced them to relax taxation and provide greater opportunities for upward mobility. This led to a period of prosperity, and Druma engaged in an aggressive expansion of its influence that would last until the return of the elves from Sovyrian in 2632 AR led to border conflicts at Cutter's Holdout.8
While the newborn country largely flourished, the Unsullied Hand faction—driven by lingering resentment against dwarven rule and spurred on by Jelhegi influence and news of Rahadoum's Oath Wars—won control of Druma's government and in the process engaged in racially driven retaliation against Druma's dwarven citizens and enacted isolationist policies.3
Although the Unsullied Hand eventually lost popular support in 2520 AR, Druma's reputation remained damaged for centuries to come. Even after the establishment of Tar Khadurrm by Khadon the Mighty, the dwarves rebuffed Drumish overtures due to their refusal to send aid when orcish attacks had caused the Five Kingdoms' collapse. The dwarves established trade routes with Cheliax that circumvented Druma altogether, which Druma responded to by strengthening its trade routes to the Shining Crusade in the north.3
When the Rending of Torag's Crag in 3980 AR crippled Tar Khadurrm and Ordrik Talhrik seized control of the ailing empire, however, Druma opened its doors to thousands of dwarven refugees and helped rebuild many of the connections between the two cultures.3
In the following centuries, Druma prospered through its investments in Cheliax's Everwar, caravans traveling along the then newly discovered Path of Aganhei, and other ventures. Because Druma had never relied on deities, it endured Aroden's death and the dawn of the Age of Lost Omens better than many other nations, although it was forced to restructure its mercantile networks as wars ravaged many of its trading partners. The rise of Razmir's cult caused a brief period of instability in Druma's ports and resulted in strict restrictions on the spread of the Living God's cult in Druma. The Goblinblood Wars also threatened Druma's borders and trading networks, and deployed its Blackjackets in the conflict due to Drumish feelings of kinship towards Isgeris.3
Druma's centralized location, positioned between the bustling waters of Lake Encarthan and trade routes of Isger that lead to the Inner Sea, is ideal for a nation of traders, and its rich mineral deposits ensure that Druma is never short on goods to export.
Druma is nestled between Lake Encarthan to its north and the Five Kings Range to its east and south. Its border to the west with Molthune is the only border not defined by a natural feature. Druma itself is predominantly hilly, and much of its terrain is dominated by the mountains that make up two sides of its border. While the hilly nature of its terrain impedes agriculture, it contains the mineral wealth that has helped make Druma wealthy.91011 The hilly landscape is also conducive to the rearing of baccali alpacas, which are known for their extremely soft wool and another source of Drumish trade.12

The Kalistocrats who compose the Resplendent Bureaucracy are directly responsible for running Druma. However, in a nation that values wealth above all else, few people wish to remain in a job with steady pay but no opportunities to accumulate vast amounts of personal wealth. As such, Bureaucracy members tend to hold office for only up to a decade while they seek other opportunities, and the richest Kalistocrats outside of the Bureaucracy hold more influence and power than the government itself.
Above the Bureaucracy is High Prophet Kelldor, the man it serves. By ruling a nation of wealth-obsessed merchants and gaining their political connections, the High Prophet is one of the most powerful people in the Inner Sea region. The High Prophet can also autocratically countermand any decision made by the Resplendent Bureaucracy.927
Foreign relations
Druma is obsessed with trade and interested in its neighbors as trading partners and little else.2
Drumans struggle to understand the egalitarian principles of Andoran, its neighbor to the south. The wealthy merchants of Macridi find interacting with its citizens, who to Drumish sensibilities do not know their place, particularly annoying.2
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Certain Drumans are attempting to forge alliances with Galt's newly established leadership and anticipate that stability within that nation might offer more lucrative opportunities. Others are content with conducting whatever trade they can manage, primarily in essential supplies and weaponry. Drumans have otherwise remained relatively unchanged in their response to recent developments in Galt and frequently reinforce the notion that, irrespective of their neighbors' rulership, wealth reigns supreme for all.7
The Kalistocracy owns large sections of Isger and hopes to purchase more in preparation for their "hour of victory" (see Prophecies of Kalistrade).2
To the east, Druma eagerly eyes Kyonin and the untapped potential of the elven kingdom.9 Druma ships boatloads of goods yearly to the Kyonin city of Greengold, the only city in the elven nation that allows entry to humans, in the hopes of encouraging an expansion in trade or even for Druma to become Kyonin's sole trade conduit to the rest of the world.27
Druma considers their western neighbors in Molthune to be naive and unaware of their power or potential influence.2
While the white robes of Kalistocrats are widely recognized throughout the Inner Sea region, Druma's military—officially known as the Mercenary League—is equally renowned. The organization and its members are most commonly referred to as "Blackjackets" due to their distinctive all-black uniforms. The Blackjackets are equipped with top-tier armor and weaponry, undergo some of the finest training that the immense wealth of Druma can buy, and pays the highest salaries among any military force in the region. Consequently, the Blackjackets' unwavering loyalty to the Resplendent Bureaucracy is legendary, and individual Blackjackets are known for their unflinching amorality when executing their orders.7
High Prophet Kelldor is credited with the Blackjackets' strength. He recently initiated a concerted effort to bolster the Mercenary League through an "Edict of Preparation," which mandated a near doubling of the army's recruitment and training, and the now-formidable force is composed of highly skilled warriors specially trained to counter orcs and undead.7
This strength placed Druma in a distinctively strong position to withstand the resurgence of the Whispering Tyrant since 4719 AR, and the nation experienced less related suffering than its neighbors. However, the blockage of lucrative trade routes—particularly along Lake Encarthan—led some citizens to express concerns that the hordes of undead might pose a problem that even wealth cannot resolve.7
Prophecies of Kalistrade

Drumans almost universally adhere to the Prophecies of Kalistrade, and the nation is by far the most concentrated home of its followers in Avistan. The prophecy requires its followers to follow strict rules on diet and sexual activity, and mandates wearing only white clothing and gloves to prevent contact with those outside of the cult.
The prophecies' main tenet is that one must attain personal wealth in order to justify one's worth in the celestial order. Displays of wealth are thus prominent amongst Druman citizens and often extremely gaudy. Merchant lords of Druma frequently wear jewelry worth many thousands of gold pieces. Despite this, few would rob an adherent of the Prophecies as they can afford magical protection, scrying, and assassins, and are often protected by members of the Mercenary League, Druma's highly paid and well-trained military.911
Deific religions are tolerated but not encouraged by the Drumish government, but those who do not follow the Prophecies are looked down upon and rarely achieve high positions in the official bureaucracy. Nonbelievers also find conducting business here more difficult since adherents always favor each other in any business dealings.2
Citizens of Druma see kinship with food-trading tauhotis, a species of squirrel, and believe that their owners are trustworthy since they never forget slights and reward their companions well. They also breed an albino variant designed to appeal to Kalistocrats.13
Paizo published a Pathfinder Campaign Setting sourcebook on Druma's nation and culture titled Druma, Profit and Prophecy.
For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.
- ↑ “Appendices” in Campaign Setting, 246. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 “Druma” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 63. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 “Overview” in Druma, Profit and Prophecy, 6–11. Paizo Inc., 2019 .
- ↑ “Overview” in Druma, Profit and Prophecy, 11. Paizo Inc., 2019 .
- ↑ “Chapter 3: History” in Guide to Darkmoon Vale, 44–45. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 “Chapter 1: Introduction” in Highhelm, 14. Paizo Inc., 2023 .
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 “Shining Kingdoms” in World Guide, 124–125. Paizo Inc., 2019 .
- ↑ “The Lands of Druma” in Druma, Profit and Prophecy, 40. Paizo Inc., 2019 .
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 “Chapter 2: The Inner Sea” in Campaign Setting, 72–73. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ Campaign Setting, Poster Map. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 “Gazetteer of Nations” in Gazetteer, 30–31. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Nature & Animals” in Travel Guide, 99. Paizo Inc., 2022 .
- ↑ “Bestiary” in Druma, Profit and Prophecy, 63. Paizo Inc., 2019 .