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Varian Jeggare

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Varian Jeggare
Varian Jeggare

Abrogail's rat-catcher (pejorative)
Desna privately; Asmodeus publicly
Radovan, Arnisant
Source: Pathfinder Society Guide, pg(s). 59

Count Varian Jeggare is a Chelaxian noble3 and venture-captain of the Pathfinder Society. Along with his bodyguard, Radovan, Jeggare has investigated mysterious deaths among the aristocracy of Cheliax and ventured deep into the mountains of Ustalav to learn the true fate of a missing Pathfinder.45 Since his Ustalavic trip, the count has been accompanied by his faithful Ustalavic wolfhound named Arnisant.6


Jeggare learned magic at the Acadamae, an arcane college in Korvosa, where he specialized in metamagic7 and evocation.8 Unfortunately, he experienced an unusual condition during his studies in which he suffered an acute case of nausea while retaining and casting spells. As a result, he abandoned his studies and returned to his home in Greensteeples in Egorian.9 Despite this peculiar condition, Jeggare eventually passed the final examination at the Acadamae.10

During a trip to Ustalav, Jeggare rediscovered the secrets of riffle scrolls in an obscure library. With this new method of casting spells, he had a handy remedy for the crippling nausea he normally suffered.1

Jeggare is a worshipper of Desna first and foremost, but only in private; in public as a count of Cheliax, he has to perform due service to Asmodeus, his country's patron deity.7

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Pathfinder Society

As a patron of the Pathfinder Society, he secretly operates a Pathfinder lodge out of his manor home of Greensteeples, an act that violates laws against certain Society activity in Cheliax.23


He is the son of Countess Pontia Jeggare and the elf Variel Morgethai of Riverspire, Kyonin.11

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Pontia and Variel met in Greengold, when Pontia was 19 years old and touring the Inner Sea region; she cancelled the tour after a dalliance between the two, and according to Variel had asked the elf to return to Cheliax with her, which he refused to do out of a desire to avoid becoming Forlorn and to continue his pursuit of the elven concept of the Brightness.12 Pontia had also kept Varian's existence a secret from Variel.13

Varian's grandfater was Patroclus Jeggare, and despite his disappointment in Pontia for bearing a bastard son, refusing to marry, and refusing to bear further children, Patroclus educated Varian as a boy and soon also named him the sole irrefutable heir of his estate, defying other branches of House Jeggare.14

Variel gifted the Red Carriage to Pontia, unknowingly on Varian's 16th birthday.1516 Pontia in turn gifted the carraige to Varian, suggesting to him that it was his father's "legacy" to him.13 She died approximately a decade later.17


The Lacuna Codex

In 4711 AR, the count was responsible for the transport of the nefarious Lacuna Codex to the Decemvirate in Absalom.62

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Benedet, the majordomo of Greensteeples Manor.

Jeggare wrote Bestiary of Garund, which classifies the fauna of the Garundi continent, in his youth.182

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Varian Jeggare wields the Shadowless Sword.

Count Jeggare numbers many interesting items amongst his possession, including:[citation needed]

Red Carriage
A beautifully crafted horse-drawn carriage which his mother informed him was a gift from his father.
Shadowless Sword
A magical blade that, amongst other advantages, is able to penetrate illusions to see the real situation.
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For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Jason Nelson, et al. “Variant Magic” in Inner Sea Magic, 14. Paizo Inc., 2011
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Kate Baker, et al. “Chapter 2: Pathfinder Society Factions” in Pathfinder Society Guide, 59. Paizo Inc., 2020
  3. 3.0 3.1 Kate Baker, et al. “Chapter 3: Pathfinder Society Lodges” in Pathfinder Society Guide, 110. Paizo Inc., 2020
  4. Dave Gross. Prince of Wolves, 13–350. Paizo Inc., 2010
  5. Dave Gross. Pathfinder's Journal: Hell's Pawns 1 of 6” in The Bastards of Erebus, 68–73. Paizo Inc., 2009
  6. 6.0 6.1 Dave Gross. A Passage to Absalom. Paizo Inc., 2012
  7. 7.0 7.1 Dave Gross. Master of Devils, 220. Paizo Inc., 2011
  8. Dave Gross. Lord of Runes, 20. Tor Books, 2015
  9. Dave Gross. Prince of Wolves, 125. Paizo Inc., 2010
  10. Dave Gross. (26 January 2015). Pathfinder Trivia: The Acadamae,
  11. Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 89–90. Paizo Inc., 2012
  12. Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 255–256. Paizo Inc., 2012
  13. 13.0 13.1 Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 250. Paizo Inc., 2012
  14. Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 90–91. Paizo Inc., 2012
  15. Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 91–92. Paizo Inc., 2012
  16. Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 384. Paizo Inc., 2012
  17. In Queen of Thorns 274, Radovan Virholt suggests the gift of the Red Carriage occurred 80 years prior to the novel's events, in 4712 AR per its publication date, and in multiple passages Varian states that his mother died 70 years prior.
  18. Dave Gross. A Lesson in Taxonomy. Paizo Inc., 2011
Varian Jeggare is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
Prince of WolvesAugust 2010
The Lost PathfinderOctober 2010
Hell's PawnsMay 2011
Master of DevilsAugust 2011
A Lesson in TaxonomyAugust 2011
HusksJuly 2012
Queen of ThornsOctober 2012
The Fencing Master2013
King of ChaosAugust 2013
The Elven EntanglementSeptember 2013
Killing TimeOctober 2013
Lord of Runes2 June 2015
Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (scenario)25 August 2021
The Devil-Wrought Disappearance29 October 2021
The Locked Lodge15 December 2021
The Burning of Greensteeples26 March 2025