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Pathfinder Miniatures

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Pathfinder Miniatures was a line of 25-28mm unpainted gaming miniatures designed by Paizo Inc. and produced by Reaper Miniatures for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Pathfinder Miniatures releases

The Pathfinder Miniatures line consists of 28mm white metal miniatures.

Image Title Item # Price Sculptor Release Date Related Product(s)
Dwarven Pathfinder Grunt Dwarven Pathfinder grunt RPR14460 $5.99 Mason, TomTom Mason 0801January 21, 2008
Durin, dwarven Pathfinder RPR14465 $5.99 Mason, TomTom Mason 0802February 11, 2008
Valeros Valeros, iconic human fighter v1 RPR60001 $7.49 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 0911November 16, 2009 Core Rulebook
Ezren, iconic human wizard RPR60002 $6.49 Harris, ToddTodd Harris 0911November 16, 2009 Core Rulebook
Amiri, iconic human barbarian RPR60003 $5.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 0911November 16, 2009 Core Rulebook
Harsk Harsk, iconic dwarven ranger RPR60004 $6.49 Harris, ToddTodd Harris 0911November 16, 2009 Core Rulebook
Arael Arael, aiuvarin cleric RPR60005 $5.99 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 0911November 16, 2009 Council of Thieves
Goblin Warriors RPR60006 $10.99 Siens, BenBen Siens 0911November 16, 2009 Rise of the Runelords, Jade Regent
Sinspawn Sinspawn RPR60007 $4.79 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 0911November 16, 2009 Rise of the Runelords, Jade Regent, Shattered Star
Hook Mountain Ogre #1 RPR60008 $17.99 Summers, DaveDave Summers 0911November 16, 2009 Rise of the Runelords
Seoni, iconic human sorcerer v1 RPR60009 $6.99 Ridolfi, BobBob Ridolfi 1001January 11, 2010 Core Rulebook
Xanesha, lamia matriarch RPR60010 $9.99 Fitzpatrick, ChrisChris Fitzpatrick 1001January 11, 2010 Rise of the Runelords
Kyra Kyra, iconic human cleric of Sarenrae RPR60015 $5.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1002February 22, 2010 Core Rulebook
Sajan, iconic human monk RPR60016 $5.99 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 1002February 22, 2010 Core Rulebook
Nualia and Erylium RPR60012 $7.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1001January 25, 2010 Rise of the Runelords
Merisiel, iconic elven rogue RPR60013 $5.99 Fitzpatrick, ChrisChris Fitzpatrick 1002February 8, 2010 Core Rulebook
Goblin commando on a goblin dog RPR60014 $6.99 Siens, BenBen Siens 1002February 8, 2010 Rise of the Runelords
Lini, iconic gnome druid, and her animal companion Droogami RPR60020 $6.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1003March 22, 2010 Core Rulebook
Goblin Pyros RPR60017 $10.99 Siens, BenBen Siens 1308March 8, 2010 Rise of the Runelords, Jade Regent
Goblin Warchanter RPR60018 $5.99 Siens, BenBen Siens 1308March 8, 2010 Rise of the Runelords
Chammady Drovenge RPR60038 $5.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1009September 20, 2010 Council of Thieves
Visbaronetess Delour Aulamaxa RPR60036 $6.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1008August 9, 2010 Council of Thieves
Grandmaster Torch Grandmaster Torch RPRPAIZOCON2010 $5.99 1006June 18, 2010 PaizoCon
Order of the Scourge Hellknight RPR60024 $12.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1004April 19, 2010
Troll RPR60021 $15.99 Wiebe, JasonJason Wiebe 1004April 19, 2010 Rise of the Runelords, Kingmaker, Jade Regent
Seltyiel iconic half-elven magus RPR60032 $7.49 Klocke, WernerWerner Klocke 1006June 14, 2010 Ultimate Magic
Seelah, iconic human paladin RPR60019 $6.49 Harris, ToddTodd Harris 1003March 22, 2010 Core Rulebook
Karzoug, Runelord of Greed RPR60022 $6.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1004April 5, 2010 Rise of the Runelords
Justice Ironbriar RPR60023 $5.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1004April 5, 2010 Rise of the Runelords
The Scribbler RPR60026 $5.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1005May 3, 2010 Rise of the Runelords
Dorella Kreeg, ogre shaman RPR60027 $16.99 Summers, DaveDave Summers 1005May 3, 2010 Rise of the Runelords
Gray Maiden RPR60025 $5.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1005May 17, 2010 Curse of the Crimson Throne, Shattered Star
Red Dragon Red dragon RPR60028 $39.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1005May 17, 2010 Rise of the Runelords, Legacy of Fire
The Scarecrow RPR60029 $9.99 Siens, BenBen Siens 1005May 31, 2010 Rise of the Runelords
Hook Mountain Ogre #2 RPR60030 $17.99 Summers, DaveDave Summers 1005May 31, 2010 Rise of the Runelords
Seoni, iconic human sorcerer v2 RPR60034 $5.99 Fitzpatrick, ChrisChris Fitzpatrick 1006June 14, 2010 Core Rulebook
Alahazra Alahazra, iconic human oracle RPR60043 $5.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1008August 9, 2010 Advanced Player's Guide
Damiel Morgethai, iconic elven alchemist RPR60044 $6.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1008August 9, 2010 Advanced Player's Guide
Alain, iconic human cavalier RPR60045 $6.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1008August 9, 2010 Advanced Player's Guide
Imrijka Imrijka, iconic half-orc inquisitor RPR60046 $6.49 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1008August 9, 2010 Advanced Player's Guide
Balazar, iconic gnome summoner RPR60047 $5.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1008August 9, 2010 Advanced Player's Guide
Hookmaw Kreeg RPR60037 $18.99 Summers, DaveDave Summers 1008August 30, 2010 Rise of the Runelords
Valeros, iconic human fighter v2 RPR60035 $6.49 Harris, ToddTodd Harris 1008August 9, 2010 Core Rulebook
Queen Ileosa RPR60031 $5.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1008August 30, 2010 Curse of the Crimson Throne
Skinsaw Man RPR60033 $5.99 Fitzpatrick, ChrisChris Fitzpatrick 1008August 30, 2010 Rise of the Runelords
Pactmaster of Katapesh RPR60051 $17.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1011November 15, 2010
Blackjack RPR60053 $5.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1012December 13, 2010 Curse of the Crimson Throne
Depora Azinrae RPR60054 $5.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1012December 13, 2010 Second Darkness
Shalelu Andosana, elven ranger v1 RPR60042 $5.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1011November 1, 2010 Rise of the Runelords, Second Darkness, Jade Regent
Feiya, iconic human witch RPR60048 $5.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1008August 9, 2010 Advanced Player's Guide
Eando Kline, Pathfinder RPR60041 $5.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1010October 4, 2010 Serpent's Skull
Red Mantis assassin RPR60049 $5.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1010October 4, 2010 Curse of the Crimson Throne, Serpent's Skull
Eagle knight RPR60050 $5.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1010October 4, 2010
Pugwampis RPR60040 $8.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1009September 20, 2010 Legacy of Fire, Shattered Star
Keketar protean RPR60055 $16.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1012December 27, 2010
Half-orc assassin RPR60057 $6.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1012December 27, 2010
Plague Doctor Plague doctor RPR60058 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1101January 10, 2011 Curse of the Crimson Throne
Almah Roveshki, merchant princess RPR60052 $5.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1011November 15, 2010 Legacy of Fire
Jabberwock RPR60056 $49.99 Wiebe, JasonJason Wiebe 1102February 7, 2011 Kingmaker
Tar-Baphon RPR60060 $17.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1101January 24, 2011 Campaign Setting
Shazathared, Marid RPR60061 $6.99 Ridolfi, BobBob Ridolfi 1101January 24, 2011 Legacy of Fire
Low templar RPR60062 $5.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1102February 7, 2011 Campaign Setting, Inner Sea World Guide
Mystic theurge RPR60063 $5.99 Ridolfi, BobBob Ridolfi 1102February 28, 2011 Core Rulebook
Nature warden RPR60064 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1102February 28, 2011 Advanced Player's Guide
Harrower RPR60059 $5.99 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 1103March 14, 2011
Mites RPR60066 $7.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1103March 14, 2011 Shattered Star
Ailyn Ghontasavos Ailyn Ghontasavos RPR60065 $5.99 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 1103March 28, 2011 Council of Thieves
Ostog the Unslain RPR60068 $6.79 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1105May 23, 2011 NPC Guide
Shensen RPR60069 $5.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1105May 23, 2011 NPC Guide
Chivane, Red Mantis assassin RPR60072 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1105May 9, 2011 Serpent's Skull
Eagle Knights Captain Colson Maldris RPRPAIZOCON2011 $5.99 1106June 20, 2011 PaizoCon
Nyrissa, dryad queen RPR60067 $8.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1106June 20, 2011 Kingmaker
Velmarius Elazarin RPR60070 $6.49 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1106June 20, 2011 NPC Guide
Serpentfolk Warrior RPR60074 $6.29 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1106June 20, 2011 Serpent's Skull
Gray Gardener RPR60076 $6.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1106June 20, 2011
Eccardian Drovenge RPR60071 $6.29 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1107July 18, 2011 Council of Thieves
Stag Lord RPR60073 $8.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1107July 18, 2011 Kingmaker
Khavith, serpentfolk evoker RPR60078 $7.49 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1109September 12, 2011 Serpent's Skull
Lyrie Akenja RPR60079 $5.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1109September 12, 2011 Rise of the Runelords
King Castruccio Irovetti RPR60075 $7.49 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1108August 29, 2011 Kingmaker
Pathfinder Agent RPR60080 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1108August 1, 2011
Baba Yaga RPR60077 $7.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1108August 29, 2011 Reign of Winter
Nakayama Hayato, iconic human samurai RPR60083 $10.79 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1108August 15, 2011 Ultimate Combat
Reiko, iconic human ninja RPR60084 $5.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1108August 15, 2011 Ultimate Combat
Lirianne, iconic half-elven gunslinger RPR60085 $6.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1108August 15, 2011 Ultimate Combat
Ameiko Kaijitsu RPR60086 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1108August 15, 2011 Rise of the Runelords, Jade Regent
Master spy RPR60087 $5.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1110October 10, 2011 Advanced Player's Guide
Lady Andaisin, Cleric of Urgathoa RPR60088 $6.79 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1110October 10, 2011 Curse of the Crimson Throne
Zandu Vorcyon RPR60089 $5.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1110October 24, 2011 NPC Guide
Merisiel, iconic elven rogue (v2) RPR60095 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1111November 7, 2011 Core Rulebook
Black dragon RPR60096 $29.99
Runelord Alaznist RPR60081 $7.49 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1109September 26, 2011 Rise of the Runelords
Vordakai, cyclops lich RPR60082 $11.29 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 1109September 26, 2011 Kingmaker
Degenerate Serpentfolk RPR60090 $5.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1110October 24, 2011 Serpent's Skull
Raogru, Charau-ka shaman RPR60094 $4.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1111November 7, 2011 Serpent's Skull
Satinder Morne, Cleric of Calistria RPR60092 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1112December 5, 2011 Kingmaker
Khalib RPR60098 $7.79 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1112December 19, 2011 Rise of the Runelords
Charau-Ka Warriors RPR60093 $9.49 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1112December 19, 2011 Serpent's Skull
Jigeke the Exile RPR60091 $7.29 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 1201January 2, 2012 Serpent's Skull
Trinia Sabor Trinia Sabor RPR60102 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1201January 23, 2012 Curse of the Crimson Throne
Shalelu Andosana (v2) RPR60099 $6.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1112December 19, 2011 Rise of the Runelords, Second Darkness, Jade Regent
Battle Herald Battle herald RPR60104 $6.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1202February 20, 2012
Kiramor the Forest Shadow RPR60101 $7.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1201January 23, 2012 Second Darkness
Kirin the Heretic Kirin the Heretic RPR60105 $6.79 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1202February 20, 2012 NPC Guide
The Horned Hunter RPR60100 $9.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1202February 20, 2012 Kingmaker
Antipaladin RPR60103 $10.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1203March 5, 2012
Hellknight signifer RPR60107 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1203March 19, 2012
Pathfinder Explorer Pathfinder Explorer RPR60106 $7.29 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 1204April 9, 2012
Styrian Kindler Styrian Kindler RPR60109 $6.79 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 1204April 9, 2012 NPC Guide
Pathfinder Leader (Decemvirate) RPR60112 $6.29 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1204April 30, 2012
Skinsaw Cultist RPR60116 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1204April 30, 2012 Rise of the Runelords
Viorian Dekanti RPR60114 $8.29 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1204April 30, 2012 Rise of the Runelords
Highlady Athroxis Highlady Athroxis RPR60108 $7.49 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1203March 19, 2012 Rise of the Runelords
Technic League Captain RPR60113 $6.29 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1203March 19, 2012
Vorn RPR60110 $8.99 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 1205May 14, 2012 NPC Guide
Tsuto Kaijitsu Tsuto Kaijitsu RPR60117 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1205May 14, 2012 Rise of the Runelords
Andoran Steel Falcon Andoran Steel Falcon RPR60119 $5.99 Brett Amundson 1205May 14, 2012
Hellknight, Order of the Nail RPR60123 $7.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1206June 18, 2012
Knight of Ozem RPR60126 $7.29 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1206June 18, 2012 Carrion Crown
Holy vindicator RPR60111 $8.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1207July 2, 2012
Attic Whisperer Attic whisperer RPR60125 $4.99 Williams, KevinKevin Williams 1207July 2, 2012
Diabolist RPR60130 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1208August 6, 2012
Katapesh Merchant Katapesh Merchant RPR60133 $6.29 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1210October 22, 2012 Legacy of Fire
Chelaxian Infernal binder RPR60129 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1209September 17, 2012
Cheiton RPR60122 $5.99 Wiebe, JasonJason Wiebe 1207July 23, 2012 Serpent's Skull
Krojun Eats-what-he-kills RPR60115 $7.29 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 1208August 10, 2012 Curse of the Crimson Throne
Alicavniss Vonnarc RPR60120 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1208August 10, 2012 Second Darkness
Vencarlo Orisini Vencarlo Orisini RPR60121 $5.99 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 1208August 20, 2012 Curse of the Crimson Throne
Sheila Heidmarch Sheila Heidmarch RPR60138 $8.29 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1211November 5, 2012 Shattered Star
Aspis Consortium Gold Agent RPR60131 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1210October 8, 2012 Inner Sea World Guide
Kaltessa Iyis, Cleric of Mammon RPR60132 $7.29 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1210October 8, 2012 Council of Thieves
Jade Regent RPR60097 $10.79 Prow, TimTim Prow 1210October 22, 2012 Jade Regent
Isabella Locke RPR60134 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1210October 22, 2012 Skull & Shackles
Kerdak Bonefist Kerdak Bonefist RPR60137 $7.29 Prow, TimTim Prow 1211November 5, 2012 Skull & Shackles
Druid and animal companion RPR60147 $6.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1301January 14, 2013
Clegg Zincher Clegg Zincher RPR60140 $6.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1211November 26, 2012 Second Darkness
Lady Moray RPR60141 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1212December 10, 2012 Kingmaker
Hellknight: Order of the Pyre RPR60118 $6.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1211November 26, 2012
Hellknight Captain Hellknight Captain RPR60127 $6.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1211November 26, 2012 Cheliax, Empire of Devils
Aglanda, Herald of Razmir RPR60136 $7.49 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1211November 26, 2012
Golden guardian RPR60142 $9.49 Prow, TimTim Prow 1212December 10, 2012
Oriana, Gray Maiden RPR60143 $7.49 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1301January 14, 2013 Shattered Star
Ulf Gormundr Ulf Gormundr RPR60144 $6.29 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1302February 4, 2013 Jade Regent
Kaer Maga Duskwarden Kaer Maga Duskwarden RPR60150 $6.29 Ridolfi, BobBob Ridolfi 1302February 18, 2013 Shattered Star
Kassata Lewynn Kassata Lewynn RPR60146 $5.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1302February 18, 2013 Serpent's Skull
Luvick Siervage Luvick Siervage RPR60145 $6.49 Prow, TimTim Prow 1302February 4, 2013 Carrion Crown
Winter Witch Winter witch RPR60149 $8.49 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1302February 18, 2013
Genie Binder Genie binder RPR60155 $7.49 Prow, TimTim Prow 1311November 25, 2013
Lem, iconic halfling bard RPR60011 $4.49 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1001January 25, 2010 Core Rulebook
Graveknight Graveknight RPR60156 $6.99 Prow, TimTim Prow 1311November 25, 2013
Gogmurt and Tangletooth RPR60997 $5.99
Varian Jeggare RPR60997 $5.99 1008August 5, 2010 Gen Con exclusive
Radovan RPR60996 $5.99 1008August 5, 2010 Gen Con exclusive
Ardoc Brotherhood Ardoc Brotherhood RPR60151 $5.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1312December 16, 2013
Arcanamirim Wizard RPR60135 $6.49 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1312December 16, 2013
Zayafid Zayafid RPR60154 $8.79 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1408August 11, 2014 Legacy of Fire
Jolistina Susperio Jolistina Susperio RPR60159 $7.29 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1408August 11, 2014 Curse of the Crimson Throne
Ilnerik Sivanshin Ilnerik Sivanshin RPR60161 $5.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1404April 14, 2014 Council of Thieves
Nidalese Rogue Nidalese Rogue RPR60163 $5.99 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1408August 18, 2014 Kingmaker
Rohkar Cindren RPR60039 $8.29 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1407July 7, 2014 Reign of Winter
Sandru Vhiski RPR60148 $5.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1302February 18, 2013 Jade Regent
Dungeon torturer RPR60153 $5.99 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 1403March 3, 2014
Osirion Living monolith RPR60158 $6.29 Prow, TimTim Prow 1403March 3, 2014 Mummy's Mask
Mendevian Crusader RPR60160 $8.99 1404April 14, 2014
Doctor Orontius RPR60165 $8.49 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1405May 26, 2014 Thieves' Vinegar"Thieves' Vinegar"
Brotherhood of the Seal RPR60152 $6.99 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 1407July 7, 2014
Cleric of Rovagug RPR60157 $8.49 Prow, TimTim Prow 1408August 11, 2014
Vampire hunter RPR60164 $6.99 Ridolfi, BobBob Ridolfi 1409September 1, 2014
Constable RPR60166 $7.99 Van Horne, GeneGene Van Horne 1409September 1, 2014
Nolveniss Azrinae RPR60162 $7.49 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1408August 18, 2014 Second Darkness
Jirelle RPR60174 $6.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1409September 29, 2014 Advanced Class Guide
Nella Cailean RPR60169 $6.49 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1409September 15, 2014 Thieves' Vinegar"Thieves' Vinegar"
Oloch RPR60175 $11.29 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1409September 29, 2014 Advanced Class Guide
Quinn RPR60176 $6.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1409September 29, 2014 Advanced Class Guide
Crowe RPR60177 $9.49 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1409September 29, 2014 Advanced Class Guide
Enora Enora RPR60178 $6.49 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1409September 29, 2014 Advanced Class Guide
Beast of Lepidstadt RPR60170 $9.49 Williams, KevinKevin Williams 1410October 13, 2014 Carrion Crown
Irabeth Tirabade RPR60171 $8.29 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1410October 27, 2014 Wrath of the Righteous
Staunton Vhane RPR60186 $5.99 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1410October 27, 2014 Wrath of the Righteous
Hosilla RPR60172 $5.99 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1410October 27, 2014 Wrath of the Righteous
Hestrig Orlov RPR60167 $6.79 Ridolfi, BobBob Ridolfi 1410October 27, 2014 Reign of Winter
Kagur Blacklion RPR60168 $7.29 Ridolfi, BobBob Ridolfi 1411November 17, 2014 In Red Rune Canyon"In Red Rune Canyon"

Pathfinder Bones releases

The Pathfinder Bones line consists of 25mm polymer miniatures.

Image Title Item # Price Sculptor Release Date Related Product(s)
Goblin Pyros RPR89002 $2.99 Siens, BenBen Siens 1308August 26, 2013 Rise of the Runelords, Jade Regent
Goblin Warchanter RPR89004 $1.99 Siens, BenBen Siens 1308August 26, 2013 Rise of the Runelords
Seelah RPR89011 $2.49 Harris, ToddTodd Harris 1308August 26, 2013 Core Rulebook
Seltyiel RPR89014 $2.49 Klocke, WernerWerner Klocke 1308August 26, 2013 Ultimate Magic
Goblin Warriors RPR89003 $2.99 Siens, BenBen Siens 1308August 26, 2013 Rise of the Runelords, Jade Regent
Seoni RPR89006 $2.79 Ridolfi, BobBob Ridolfi 1308August 26, 2013 Core Rulebook
Valeros RPR89007 $2.79 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1308August 26, 2013 Core Rulebook
Feiya RPR89008 $2.79 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1308August 26, 2013 Advanced Player's Guide
Merisiel RPR89009 $2.79 Keith, PatrickPatrick Keith 1308August 26, 2013 Core Rulebook
Amiri RPR89005 $2.79 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1308August 26, 2013 Core Rulebook
Damiel RPR89010 $2.49 Jackson, BobbyBobby Jackson 1308August 26, 2013 Advanced Player's Guide
Lem RPR29012 $2.29 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1308August 26, 2013 Core Rulebook
Red dragon RPR29001 $14.99 Guthrie, JulieJulie Guthrie 1308August 26, 2013 Rise of the Runelords, Legacy of Fire
Ezren RPR89013 $2.49 Harris, ToddTodd Harris 1308August 26, 2013 Core Rulebook
Jabberwock RPR89016 $12.99 Wiebe, JasonJason Wiebe 1308August 26, 2013 Kingmaker
Kyra RPR89015 $2.49 Schubert, DerekDerek Schubert 1308August 26, 2013 Core Rulebook