Tomb of the Whispering Tyrant.1, located in Ustalav, in the province of Virlych.2 Former capital of Tar-Baphon's realm after he conquered Ustalav in 3203 AR.23 Described as a "pinnacle of jagged black stone and rent iron".2 Land around Gallowspire has a necrotic taint,4 and is described as "lifeless" and "haunted". It is plagued by unnatural weather patterns and overrun by blighted plants.2 Site of the final battle of the Shining Crusade where General Arnisant sacrificed himself to imprison the Whispering Tyrant.1 The country of Lastwall was created in 3828 AR to maintain constant vigilance against the return of the WT.1 Patrols of soldiers from that land can often be found near Gallowspire.2 Gallowspire remains the metaphysical center for followers of the Whispering Way, those who wish to transcend life through undeath. These fanatical men and women still seek to find a way to break the seals that hold Tar-Baphon imprisoned. They make regular pilgrimages to Virlych to study the lich's tomb and confer with each other.5
Gluttonous Tome
The Gluttonous Tome was created by the Runelord Zutha, the Thassilonian undead lord of gluttony to act as his phylactery. Just as the other runelords, Zutha foresaw the end of his empire and created the tome in order to avoid its fate.
Important locations of Riddleport
Even though Riddleport is not a large city, it is certainly a colorful one. Cyphergate, Riddleport harbor, Inner harbor, Velashu ferry, River District, Publican House (Temple of Cayden Cailean), Windward District, Cypher lodge, Wharf District, Gold Goblin gambling hall, Zincher's arena, Gas Forges, Rotgut District, St. Caspieran's mission, Riddleport light, Leeward District, House of the Silken Veil, The Fish Bowl, Mystery of the Gate, Zincher's tenement, Boss Croat's compound, The River Runner, The Devil's Fork, Maskyr's Island, Free-Coin District, Lubbertown, City mortuary, Burying Ground, Boneyard Cut, The Boneyard
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Kaer Maga history
The great stone ring of Kaer Maga has always existed. Even the long-lived elves and the wise scholars of the Atheneum have no memory or record of a time when it didn't sit on the edge of the Storval Plateau.
Its first confirmed mention occurs during the near-mythical Age Before Ages, when it is said that Thassilon's first (unnamed) Runelord of Greed discovered it while surveying his domain. Within its walls he found, already living there, a previously unknown race of outsiders. They lived off the thoughts and memories of sentient races, being able to absorb them with a single touch. These seemingly immortal creatures had no individual personalities, but shared a hive mind, within which they pursued their never-ending thirst for prophecy and understanding of all things. The wizard-king named them the caulborn and allied himself with them, wishing to gain access to their vast knowledge. In return, the caulborn demanded access to the minds of intelligent species, which the runelord happily provided. Once the caulborn had gleaned all they could from an individual, they simply tossed him or her into the open center of Kaer Maga's ring, and it was from this population that the first human city of Kaer Maga grew.
Koriah Azmeren
Published in Pathfinder Chronicles Volume 4, 44 Explored Darklands (Nar-Voth)
Magic items
Pathfinder Adventure Paths
Pathfinder 4, Fortress of the Stone Giants: Fogcutting Lenses (50) Wondrous Item, Runeslave cauldron (91) Wondrous Item
Pathfinder 5, Sins of the Savior Fanged Falchion (12) Weapon, Revelation quill (17) Artifact, Staff of hungry shadows (32) Staff, Staff of mithral might (36) Staff, Runeforged weapon (57) Weapon, Rune of resistance (58) Rune, Rune of obedience (59) Rune, Rune of contingency (60) Rune, Rune of the mistress (61) Rune, Rune of the inscrutable one (62) Rune, Rune of lord's palanquin (62) Rune, Rune of razing (63) Rune
Pathfinder 6, Spires of Xin-Shalast Elixir of the Peaks (13) Wondrous Item, Sihedron Ring (37) Ring, Chellan, sword of greed (52) Weapon, Anima focus (58) Artifact, Karzoug's Burning Glaive (64) Weapon, Robes of Xin-Shalast (65) Wondrous Item, Runewell amulet (65) Artifact, Sihedron tome (65) Artifact, Talons of Leng (65) Weapon,
Pathfinder 7, Edge of Anarchy Zellara's harrow deck (21)
Pathfinder 8, Seven Days to the Grave Plaguebringer's mask (18) Wondrous item, Death's head coffer (32) Wondrous item
Pathfinder 9, Escape from Old Korvosa Third eye (43) Wondrous Item, Mantis mask (69) Wondrous Item
Pathfinder 10, A History of Ashes Shoanti war paint (14), Elixir of shadewalking (19), Bone house (21), Guided weapon (22), Mantis mask (18)
Pathfinder 11, Skeletons of Skarwall Celestial plate armor (29), Ring of immolation (42), Serithtial
Pathfinder 12, Crown of Fangs Ring of splendid security (60), Armor of skulls (63), Bound blade (64), Crown of fangs (64), Howling horn (65), Shredskin (65), Staff of the slain (66), Throne of Nalt (66)
Patfinder 13, Shadow in the Sky Savage-tongued ghoul head (58)
Pathfinder 14, Children of the Void None
Pathfinder 15, The Armageddon Echo Staff of dark flame (46)
Pathfinder 16, Endless Night Bloodlink (11)
Pathfinder 17, A Memory of Darkness Maleficus spike (25)
Pathfinder 18, Descent into Midnight Lash of Abraxas (42)
Pathfinder 19, Howl of the Carrion King En-Nebi, blade of the leopard (68), Gremlin bell (85)
Pathfinder 20 Nothing
Pathfinder 21, The Jackal's Price Scroll of Kakishon (9)
Pathfinder 22, The End of Eternity Horn of the golden draught (19), Flask of ebon flame (38) Interpretation of secrets (51), Master of four quarters (51), Tongue of the hidden (51), True seal of Suresh (52)
Pathfinder 23, The Impossible Eye The Impossible eye (51)
Pathfinder 24, The Final Wish Crown of the Simurgh (87)
Pathfinder 25, Bastards of Erebus: None
Pathfinder 26, The Sixfold Trial: Advengen's Edge (43)
Pathfinder 27, What Lies in dust Chelish crux (9-10) Grave candle (11) Trucolor dye (34) Bones of Founder Raccona (54) Claps of the mind scream (54) Entwined syrinx (55) Felhart (55) Golden dragon kite (56) Hand of Abendego (56) Dream journal of the pallid seer (57) Kybwa'ka war mask (57) Osirian spirit jars (58) Skin of Klendar the troll king (58) Talisman of the orc mother's fury (59) Vudran Ashak helmet (59)
Pathfinder 28, The Infernal Syndrome Spartoi seeds (89)
Pathfinder 29, Mother of Flies none
Pathfinder 30, The Twice-Damned Prince Fang of Erebus (64) Nightskin (68) Ebon acolytus (83)
Pathfinder 31, Kingmaker Stag's helm (52)
Pathfinder Companion
Andoran, Spirit of Liberty: Feather token (26), figurine of wondrous power - serpentine eagle (26), golden eagle epaulets (26), talon sword (26)
Cheliax, Empire of Devils: Abrogalion corset (20), cloak of flash and shadow (20), grudge blade (20), hellcaller's edge (21), pact parchment (21), ring of terrible cost (21), verdict of the nether court (21)
Osirion, Land of Pharaohs: Rod of the river serpent (25), Rod of the uraeus (25), Scarab of Khepri (25), Crook of the ancient serpent (31), Ruby circlet (31)
Council of Thieves Player's Guide: None
Elves of Golarion: Clustershot (23), Healer's sorrow (23), Sparkfly crystal arrow (23,) Buttered sparrowfish filet (26), Cheya dumplings (27), Leap cake (27), Newlife soup (27), Snoberry fire peppers (27), Sun-dried lantern lemons (27), Waybread (27), Viridian crown (31),
Legacy of Fire Player's Guide: Bag of everlasting dung (26), Boots of the soft step (26), Dunestrider boots (26), Dyso's travel canopy (26), Lapis camel (26), Firepowder (27), Glarecutter goggles (27), Goblet of quenching (27), Handstraps of roofjumping (27), Keffiyeh of cooling (27), Sandsculpt resin (27), Sentinel scorpion (27)
Taldor, Echoes of Glory: Costume bureau (26), Gossip glass (26), Missive stone (26), Pendulate divan of Emporer Fortigre (26), Philanderous compact (27), Pitfall (27), Raucous canard (27), Ring of the sublime (27), Soaring cathedra (27), Talisman of the summoned steed (27),
Adventurer's Armory: None
Pathfinder Chronicles
Campaign Setting: Wayfinder (195), Mask of the mantis (197), elixir of shadewalking (197) None
Classic Monsters Revisited: None
Classic Treasures Revisited: Bag of holding (5), Bag of concealment (7), Bag of holding, minor (8)
Dark Markets, A Guide to Katapesh: Brazen claw (17), Charm of aluum control (59)
Dragons Revisited: None
Dungeon Denizens Revisited: Bulette bulwark (shield) (7), delving (armor quality) (7), rust monster antenna whip (55)
Gazetteer: None
Gods and Magic: Azlant pendant (54), Barbed pentacle of Asmodeus (54), Bear pelt of the bonebreaker (54), Belt of the snake king (54), Besmara's bicorn (55), Boots of the eternal rose (55), Broken chin of the beast (55), Bronze dagger of Erastil (55), Cloak of the crusader (55), Cloak of the dark tapestry (55), Dawnflower sash (56), Deathlurker's cloak (56), Demon mother's mask (56), Droskar's guiding ring (56), Father's forgehammer (56), Flask of the reaper (57), Gossamer amberstone (57), Great barghest hero cloak (57), Hag's shabble (57), Holy mask of the living god (57), Icon of the midwife (57), Inheritor's gauntlet (58), Key of the second vault (58), Mask of cutting flesh (58), Nightstone of sorrow (58), Orb of the waybringer (58), Pallid crystal (59), Preklikin's book of cults (59), Rhombocrystal (59), Robe of the master of masters (59), Sacrificial dagger of the blood mother (59), Shad'Gorum nugget (60), Spellsight bracer (60), Stinging stiletto (60) Tankard of the drunken hero (60), Veil of veils (60), Vurra of the maker (61), Windwave kilt (61), Shattered shield of Arnisant (61), Greatcube of Jayalakshmi (62), Cantorian spring (62), Vesper's rapier (63)
Guide to Absalom: None
Guide to Darkmoon Vale: None
Guide to Korvosa: None
Guide to the River Kingdoms: Salve of the second chance (62)
The Great Beyond: None
Into the Darklands: None
Princes of Darkness: Melancholic talisman (41), sanguine talisman (41), bilious talisman (41)
Seekers of Secrets: Amber spindle (44), crimson sphere (44), dull gray stone (44), emerald ellipsoid (44), gamboge nodule (44-45), mossy disk (45), mulberry pentacle (45), nacreous gray sphere (45), onyx rhomboid (45), opalescent white pyramid (45), pale ruby trillian (45), scarlet and green cabochon (45), turquoise sphere (45), vermilion rhomboid (45), wayfinder - standard (50), wayfinder - ebon (50-51), wayfinder of passage (51), wayfinder of the sleeping eye (51), autonomous cartographer (55), dead man's shroud (55), eldritch egress (55), horseshoes of great burden (55), pathfinder pouch (56), versatile vest (56), blade of the willing martyr (56), mindborer ioun stone (57), sepia ellipsoid ioun stone (57)
Crypt of the Everflame Kassen's boon (26)
D0:Hollow's Last Hope Ring of Torag (13) Soulspeaker (10)
D1:Crown of the Kobold King Crown of the kobold king (26), Grasp of Droskar (14), Heartripper blade (27)
D1.5: Revenge of the Kobold King Azlanti Sealstone (14)
D2:Seven Swords of Sin Asheia, Sword of Lust (33), Cloak of nightmares (33), Culling goggles (33)
D3:The Demon Within: The Demonscope (29), Faith orb (30), Hourglass of shadows (30), Shadow urn (30), Ward stone (31), Water scorpion (31)
D4: Hungry are the dead: Cresset of grisly interrogation, Necrobinding serum, Tallowheart mass, Drazmorg's stasis crucible, Drazmorg's staff of all-sight, Eye of scrying
E1:Carnival of Tears: Eye of rapture (15) Whisper and Shadow (10), Witch ice shard (26), Wyvernsting (10)
E2:Blood of Dragonscar: Necropyre crystal (29)
J1:Entombed with the Pharaohs: Creeping glyph (26), Funeral mask of the Four Pharaohs of Ascension (9), Jade mantis (25), Rod of writhing (25), Tomb guard (25), Wracking rod (25)
J2:Guardians of Dragonfall: Bellweather brooch (27), Hand of the theurge (27)
J3:Crucible of Chaos: Prophecies of the Blind Star-God (27), Staff of rightful rule (15), Unerring compass (3)
J4:The Pact Stone Pyramid: Mudstone minion (29)
LB1:Tower of the Last Baron: Hellfire infusion (27)
LB2:Treasure of Chimera Cove: Barracuda's bite (25), Scale of the mariner (25)
S1:Clash of the Kingslayer: Bloodflame ring (29)
U1:Gallery of Evil: Animator brush (30), Id portrait (30), [[Portrait of health] (31), Sorcerous pigments (31)
W2:River into Darkness: Fetish of natural armor (15)
W3:Flight of the Red Raven: The Storied cup (18), Red Raven's cape (23), Vernal key (3), Vest of endure elements (25)
Masks of the Living God: Mask golem (31)
Realm of the Fellnight Queen: Crook of Childhureen (29) Visionary lens (29)
Magic Item Index (WIP)
This is an alphabetized index of new magic items in the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting. The index includes the item's name, its slot, CL (Caster Level), and the print source in which the item first appeared or was detailed. All columns are sortable–Just click on the arrows in the header row to sort by that criteria.
Name | CL | Type | Slot | Price (gp) | Source (page) |
boots of the mire | 5 | wondrous item | feet | 3,500 | PF3 (33) |
crown of the Kobold King | 12 | wondrous item | head | 15,000 | D1 (24) |
Eye of Rapture | 20 | minor artifact | — | minor artifact | E1 (15) |
fanged falchion | 11 | weapon | — | 22,375 | PF5 (12) |
fogcutting lenses | 5 | wondrous item | eyes | 8,000 | PF4 (50) |
grasp of Droskar | 10 | wondrous item | hands | 12,302 | D1 (12) |
impaler of thorns | 7 | weapon | — | 9,000 | PF2 (51) |
medusa mask | 11 | wondrous item | head | 10,000 | PF2 (54) |
reaper mask | 7 | wondrous item | head | 12,000 | PF2 (47) |
revelation quill | 20 | minor artifact | — | minor artifact | PF5 (17) |
robe of runes | 13 | wondrous item | body | 44,000 | PF4 (50) |
runechill hatchet | 5 | weapon | — | 5,312 | PF4 (46) |
runeslave cauldron | 20 | minor artifact | — | minor artifact | PF4 (91) |
seed of fire | 18 | wondrous item | — | 14,400 | W1 (20) |
Sihedron medallion | 5 | wondrous item | neck | 3,500 | PF1 (55) |
skinsaw mask | 3 | wondrous item | head | 1,500 | PF2 (45) |
snakeskin tunic | 8 | wondrous item | shoulders | 8,000 | PF2 (54) |
staff of heaven and earth | 9 | staff | — | 53,000 | PF4 (23) |
staff of hungry shadows | 13 | staff | — | 65,000 | PF5 (32) |
staff of the master | 5 | staff | — | 15,200 | W1 (24) |
staff of mithral might | 12 | staff | — | 46,500 | PF5 (36) |
stalker's mask | 5 | wondrous item | head | 3,500 | PF2 (40) |
Whisper and Shadow | 10 | weapon | — | 12,310 | E1 (10) |
Witch Ice Shard | 17 | minor artifact | — | minor artifact | E1 (26) |
Wyvernsting | 9 | Weapon | — | 8,335 | E1 (10) |
Monster Index creatures in need of major work
Ahriman, aluum, Arcanaton, Asakku, Astradaemon, Attic whisperer, Banshee, black blooded,
Mordant Spire
Was built as a place for elven diplomats and spies in Azlant. When Azlanti dissidents left to found Thassilon, the elves of the Spire closed it off to all outsiders.6
Nar-Voth (pronounced nar-VOTH)7 is the uppermost layer of the Darklands, extending to a depth of about 2000 feet. It is the only part of the Darklands that most surface dwellers ever come into contact with. Mostly isolated cave networks that occasionally lead up to the surface, although all also have a connection to the deeper reaches of Sekamina.
Nar-Voth was damaged by the massive earthquakes which followed teh fall of the Starstone. Many areas under the Inner Sea collapsed completely, as did many in the orc empire of the time.
Add to Orv: Orv was created by something other than natural processes of erosion and tectonics. Huge caverns known as Vaults created by an ancient race known only as the Vault Keepers. Lie below 8000 feet.
Poisons of Golarion
Black lotus extract8
Monstrous spider venom9
Small centipede poison10
Tatzlwyrm's breath11
Waters of the Whispering River12
Pyramid of Kamaria
The Pyramid of Kamaria is the massive tomb of Pharaoh Kamaria the Brazen, and is located to the south of the city of An in south-eastern Osirion. Built around the time of the founding of Absalom, it stands beside the pyramids of the other rulers of her Pharaonic dynasty: its founder Hirkoshek I, and his successors Hirkoshek II, and Zahur I. The design and placement of the pyramids is said to mirror the mountain peaks to the northeast of An.13.
Even though the pyramid is generally held to have been completely looted centuries ago, it still attracts treasure seekers who hope to uncover secret side chambers or other ancillary structures.
Quantium (a port city on the Obari Ocean) is the capital of the nation of Nex. The city prides itself on its diversity; xenophobia is frowned upon. The city has many palaces, hanging gardens, open-air mazes and also several reputable universities of arcane magic. The city's magnificence has been compared with Oppara in Taldor and Sothis in Osirion.
The city's central parade ground is known as the Warlock's Walk. Its centerpiece is a massive marble fountain. Two huge iron golems, one green and one red, silently circle the fountain, as they have done continually since the time of the archmage Nex. There are many statues of the archmage and the heroes who helped him forge the kingdom that still bears his name.
Another landmark is the impressive Bandeshar, one time palace of the archmage but now the meeting place of the Council of Three and Nine. Its lower dungeons contain an entrance to the Refuge of Nex, believed to be the location of the vanished archmage Nex.14
Rune magic
Rune magic is a catch-all term used to describe the sophisticted and powerful brand of arcane spellcasting practiced in the ancient Thassilonian Empire. Developed by [[xin
The sprawling empire of Thassilon was powered by conquest and its sophisticated rune magic. That magic defi ned the empire’s rulers and included various forms of blood sacrifi ce, powerful glyph-laying, and dimensional warping. Without rune magic and the binding of the rune giants, the Thassilon legions would never have conquered their vast lands. With them, though, they were unstoppable.15
Drow influences have been growing in remote parts of this country.16
Trade in Golarion
There needs to be an article on the general subject of trade in Golarion. Right now there are a few smaller articles that need to be consolidated (North Tack, etc). Brandingopportunity 17:46, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
Vault Keepers
An ancient race said to have created the enormous Vaults of Orv in the Darklands.
Volshyenek Ornelos
Volshyenek was a powerful and well-respected Chelaxian conjurer and a close advisor to the Emperor Halleck IV. His family has held a noble title since before the founding of the empire and was known to be quite wealthy. When Emperor Halleck was succeeded by his son, Fane II], Volshyenek's fortune's quickly shifted. Fane II fired all of his father's old advisors, replacing them with personal friends and yes-men. In enduring this for four years, Volshyenek moved his family and their holdings to Varisia.17 Built a manor house on the mainland during the early years of colonization which has long-since been demolished. Volshyenek played an important part in the defense of the mainland colony during the Third Battle of Mainshore. He led a small contingent of spellcasters which broke through the Shoanti defenses, ending the siege of the Grand Mastaba. He founded the Acadamae soon thereafter.18 Citadel Volshyenek houses the Korvosan Guard and was named after him as he donated most of the money for its construction.19 House Ornelos controls the Acadamae.18
Winter Council
Founded as a spy organization to keep an eye on the developing humans in the time before Earthfall. Discovered that the Azlanti had been given, or had stolen, their gift for magic from the aboleth. The council also was able to gather enough information so that the elves were able to foretell the destruction of the Starstone and flee through the Sovyrian Stone to the world of Sovyrian.6 Winter Council founded the Shin'Rakorath (elven for "lantern bearers") to elimate the drow and hide the fact that normal elves to spontaneously transform into drow from the rest of the elven population.16 Winter Council hid the fact that drow transformations and general drow presence is on the rise.16 After Allevrah's transformation, the focus of the Winter Council shifted towards cover-up. They lied to the powers in Kyonin that they had sent Allevrah on a secret under-cover mission to Sargava. They are desperate to keep the truth a secret.16
Emperor Xin, an exile from the ancient nation of Azlant,20 was a visionary who founded the Thassilonian Empire in what is modern-day Varisia during the pre-history which predated Earthfall.21
, which would later be divided by the squabbling runelords that he created. Though exact dates from this pre-Earthfall time are hard to gauge exactly, it is believed that Xin began the formation of the Thassilonian empire eleven thousand years ago. He helped to create not only his empire but many orders of knights and wizards, even helping foster monastic orders. His goal was to create a civilised paradise within his empire. To do this Xin bargained with mighty and powerful creatures, ancient dragons and inscrutable outsiders. These creatures granted knowledge of rune magic, said by some to be the language of creation itself, and worship of the goddess of rune magic Lissala. Xin used this knowledge in many aspects of day-to-day life within Thassilon. Eventually the empire got too large for Xin to control and he created a group of magistrates to help him govern the empire. These runelords as the most powerful magistrates would be called, eventually went on to supplant and subvert Xin's empire.
Xin lived longer than your average man ruling till the age of one hundred and ten. His death was as exceptional as his life. As he aged, Old Xin (as he was called in his final years), started losing his grip over the realm and his magical abilities. Rather than succumbing to the ravages of age or disease he was consumed by his own magics which immolated him in crimson flames and destroyed much of his palace. After his death, Xin's oldest son was placed on the throne, but at this point rule of the empire effectively fell to the runelords. Xin's son was a mere puppet kept on the throne for the sake of tradition. He was imprisoned in the city of Xin were he could be effectively watched and controlled.22
The rule of Zirnakaynin not centralized, but divided among a number of powerful noble houses.
House Azrinaes
Followers of the demon lord Abraxus.16
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 “Chapter 2: The Inner Sea” in Campaign Setting, 90. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 “Chapter 2: The Inner Sea” in Campaign Setting, 142. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Chapter 3: Religion” in Campaign Setting, 177. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Chapter 1: Characters” in Campaign Setting, 47. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Whispering Way” in Faction Guide, 52. Paizo Inc., 2010 .
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 “Shadow in the Sky” in Shadow in the Sky, 7. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Appendices” in Campaign Setting, 246. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ Template:Cite web fiction/062310
- ↑ Crown of the Kobold King, 22. Paizo Inc., 2007 .
- ↑ Crown of the Kobold King, 15. Paizo Inc., 2007 .
- ↑ Hollow's Last Hope, 15. Paizo Inc., 2007 .
- ↑ City of Golden Death, 8. Paizo Inc., 2010 .
- ↑ “Osirion” in Osirion, Land of Pharaohs, 3. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Chapter 2: The Inner Sea” in Campaign Setting, 108–109. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ Template:Cite book/burnt offerings
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 “Shadow in the Sky” in Shadow in the Sky, 8. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Chapter 5: Secrets” in Guide to Korvosa, 57. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 “Chapter 3: People” in Guide to Korvosa, 42. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Chapter 2: Places” in Guide to Korvosa, 23. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Chapter 2: The Inner Sea” in Campaign Setting, 144. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “The History of Thassilon” in Burnt Offerings, 73. Paizo Inc., 2007 .
- ↑ “The History of Thassilon” in Burnt Offerings, 72. Paizo Inc., 2007 .