Elder wyrm

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Elder wyrm

Source: Bestiary 6, pg(s). 108
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Elder wyrms are powerful, two-headed dragons that were created by the gods to hunt down powerful enemies of the divine, but which have since begun pursuing their own goals independently of the decrees of the gods.1


Elder wyrms are very large winged dragons with six legs; two heads, each crowned with a large number of horns; and a long, serpentine tail.1

Ecology and society

Elder wyrms were originally created to serve as hunters and executioners of immensely powerful beings; although they no longer serve the gods directly, many elder wyrms still feel a psychological need to judge and defeat mighty foes. This sometimes leads adventurers to seek out elder wyrms in an attempt to turn them against powerful entities they are currently fighting. However, some elder wyrms presented with such an offer might decide that its supplicants are more worthy of execution than their foe and turn on them rather than join them.1

Elder wyrms are rare creatures, and there are seldom more than a few on any given planet. They spend most of their lives hibernating, occasionally emerging from slumber to hunt or to seek out causes to defend and enemies to defeat.1

Each of an elder wyrm's heads has its own independent personality, although the two heads share seamless control of their body. This allows the dragons to perform awe-inspiring acrobatics and displays thanks to the two awarenesses controlling each movement. The personalities and views of the two heads often diverge from one another, and as a result elder wyrms occasionally engage in friendly debate and arguments with themselves.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Paizo Inc., et al. “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 6, 109. Paizo Inc., 2017