Nightmare dragon

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Nightmare dragon

2–18 (by age category)
Source: Bestiary 5, pg(s). 94f.

Nightmare dragons are esoteric dragons native to the elusive Dreamlands, where they disturb the dreams of sleeping mortals with nightmares and collude with night hags to collect their souls.1[citation needed]

Nightmare dragons are especially drawn to mortals that died and were resurrected, as their dreams subconsciously recall fragments of their brief encounter with eternity. These are particularly intoxicating to the dragons, which hunt down the minds of the resurrected in the hope of preying on their dreams and consuming their souls.2


These dragons are generally a deep, ebony color with red frills. They trail shadows wherever they go and appear unnaturally contorted.1[citation needed]

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In 4718 AR, the Pathfinder Society encountered a peculiar nightmare dragon named Daosvaria while investigating one of many problems at the troubled Blakros Museum.3


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  1. 1.0 1.1 Jason Bulmahn, et al. “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 5, 94–95. Paizo Inc., 2015
  2. Patchen Mortimer. “Cheating Death” in The Twilight Child, 78. Paizo Inc., 2018
  3. Isabelle Thorne. Oath of the Overwatched, 9ff. Paizo Inc., 2018