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Greenbriar Fetters' warehouse

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The Greenbriar Fetters' Warehouse is named for the small slaver ring, the Greenbriar Fetters, that have taken it over to use as a headquarters and storage space for their operations within Kintargo. The Greenbriar Fetters' Warehouse is in the centre of the Yolubilis Harbor district and utterly unassuming from the outside.1 It has only a single entrance and most of the interior is occupied warehouse space apart from a row of rooms located against its southern wall.2


  1. Jim Groves. “The Kintargo Contract” in The Kintargo Contract, 26. Paizo Inc., 2016
  2. Jim Groves. “The Kintargo Contract” in The Kintargo Contract, 28. Paizo Inc., 2016