Hetawell Haace

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Hetawell Haace

Source: Turn of the Torrent, pg(s). 64-65

Hetawell Haace was a tailor and proprietor of The Devil's Threads in Kintargo, Cheliax, until his son Hetamon Haace took over its operation around 4699 AR at the age of 14 and succeeded him as owner of his shop. By 4715 AR Hetawell had become an ailing, fragile man.1


Hetawell raised his son Hetamon alone. The child's mother was a half-succubus named Natsiel, who had seduced and abandoned Hetawell, then returned a week later with Hetamon, whose gestation she had alchemically accelerated.1


Hetawell was known as an honest but struggling peasant tailor when Natsiel seduced him, left him with Hetamon, and abandoned him. Natsiel attempted to leverage the responsibility of raising Hetamon in order to damn Hetawell's soul to the Outer Rifts, but after a decade Hetawell had successfully raised Hetamon and lived contently as a family and Natsiel's plan had failed.1

Infuriated, the half-succubus drained Hetawell of nearly all of his vigor, leaving him a shell of a man and convinced that their poverty would drive them into sin. However, Hetamon learned the healing arts to support his father, which he also used to supplement their income, and by the time Hetamon was 14 years old the child had also taken over operation of Hetawell's tailoring business.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Mike Shel. “NPC Gallery” in Turn of the Torrent, 64–65. Paizo Inc., 2015