Vespasio Vespam

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Vespasio Vespam

Source: In Hell's Bright Shadow, pg(s). 66 (1E)
Curtain Call Player's Guide, pg(s). 19 (2E)

As of 4724 AR, Vespasio Vespam was the owner of Vespam Artisans in the Old Kintargo district of Kintargo. Vespasio runs Vespam Artisans more like a tinkers' guild than a traditional blacksmith's or metalwork shop, and as such his business is one of the healthiest remaining in Old Kintargo.123


As of 4715 AR, Vespam was a short human man with a balding fringe of white hair. He commonly wore spectacles with retractable magnifiers and smelled slightly of slurk grease.3


Vespam has lived his entire life in Old Kintargo. He faced difficulties supplying his workshop as a younger man and in a dream envisioned a tinker's cooperative, the idea of which eventually became Vespam Artisans.4


Vespam is a lifelong bachelor and has no heirs. He regards the tenants of Vespam Artisans almost as his apprentices but lacks patience for any who might damage his reputation.4


  1. Crystal Frasier. Kintargo” in In Hell's Bright Shadow, 66. Paizo Inc., 2015
  2. James Jacobs. “Kintargo at a Glance” in Curtain Call Player's Guide, 19. Paizo Inc., 2024
  3. 3.0 3.1 Mike Shel. “Turn of the Torrent” in Turn of the Torrent, 33. Paizo Inc., 2015
  4. 4.0 4.1 Mike Shel, et al. Turn of the Torrent, inside rear cover. Paizo Inc., 2015