House Aulamaxa

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House Aulamaxa

Noble family
National (Cheliax)
Source: In Hell's Bright Shadow, pg(s). 63

House Aulamaxa are one of the nine noble houses of the city of Kintargo that composed the once-prominent Court of Coin. During the Kintargan Rebellion, House Aulamaxa were more loyal to Kintargo than to the Chelaxian crown or House Thrune. House Aulamaxa are renowned for their love of hunting and their interest in the Kintargo opera scene,1 and scions of this house are normally trained in some sort of musical or dramatic performance.2 Its patronage of the theatrical arts in Kintargo is sometimes considered both a boon and a curse due to the imperious nature of the House's matriarch, Eldonna Aulamaxa.3

House Aulamaxa also has a branch of the family in the former Chelaxian capital of Westcrown, where they are considered a minor noble family beholden to the much more powerful House Oberigo.4
