Devil's Nursery

From PathfinderWiki

The slums of Devil's Nursery, located in the Redroof neighborhood of Kintargo, are named for the large proportion of its residents who are cambions, most of whom fled here from less tolerant corners of Cheliax.1


Under Chelaxian rule

Few of Kintargo's non-cambion residents dared to venture amongst the dilapidated, towering tenements and ramshackle shanties of Devil's Nursery, and rumours suggested that the area was under the secret control of diabolists, imps, or erinyes devils.1

Under the rule of Ravounel

Conditions improved after the Kintargan Rebellion, in which Kintargo and Ravounel won their independence from Cheliax. However, as of 4724 AR the district remains the nascent nation's largest slum.2
