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Sharpbeak, Hooks
Source: In Hell's Bright Shadow, pg(s). 70 (1E)
Curtain Call Player's Guide, pg(s). 18 (2E)

Chuko is a tengu ex-adventurer and owner and proprietor of the War Cage weapon and armor shop in the Yolubilis Harbor area of Kintargo.12


Chuko is renowned for his dual love of adventurers and hatred of thieves, though as a former adventurer himself he is aware that the line between the two is thin and often blurred. His hatred for thieves is commonly believed to stem from Chuko's animosity towards his brother, Ravzee, leader of the local thieves' gang the River Talons.

He is close friends with the famous local bard Shensen, whose temporary disappearance during the Night of Ashes left him feeling isolated and threatened by the increasingly tyrannical House Thrune. In his paranoia, he plotted escape routes from Kintargo in case the worst came to pass. This fear also made him sympathetic to local rebel groups like the Silver Ravens.1

After Kintargo and Ravounel won their independence from Cheliax during the Kintargan Rebellion, he continued to operate the War Cage and has become equally well known for telling stories to his customers and name-dropping his friendship with Shensen, whose fame has only grown due to her activity with the Silver Ravens.2
