Sedranni Vashnarstill

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Sedranni Vashnarstill

Source: In Hell's Bright Shadow, pg(s). 70 (1E)
Tomorrow Must Burn, pg(s). 29 (2E)

Sedranni Vashnarstill is the proprietor of Sunset Imports in Kintargo, Ravounel.12


Vashnarstill is a tall Chelaxian3 woman who carries herself as an aristocrat despite such behavior falling out of fashion in Kintargo. She wears fashionable shawls and elegant jewelry.1


Sedranni Vashnarstill fortunes were long built around a contract from House Thrune to import goods from Cheliax's colony of Anchor's End in distant Arcadia. However, this contract was revoked and moved to another importer in the southern city of Corentyn.41

After Ravounel seceded from Cheliax in the Kintargan Rebellion, Vashnarstill tried to negotiate an exclusive contract with the ruling Silver Council by staging lavish events. However, the more pragmatic and libertarian council sought to foster competition instead of exclusivity and shunned her Chelaxian-style pageantry as unfashionable and unpatriotic. Out of desperation, she then turned to dealing in secret with the criminal Scarlet Triad ca. 4719 AR.1

The Triad murdered most of her employees, however, and it took several years for Vashnarstill to rebuild the business with its now tainted reputation. By 4724 AR it had regained a prominent role in Arcadian trade, in part to the efforts of Sedranni's father Sendi Vashnarstill,5 which once again has caused its business to quickly regrow to new heights.6


Vashnarstill is a member of House Vashnarstill, an influential family in Kintargo for whom the Vashnarstill Shipyard is named.1 She is the daughter of house patriarch Sendi Vashnarstill, and as of 4724 AR she manages the family's business in Kintargo when Sendi travels away from the city.2


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Ron Lundeen & Stephanie Lundeen. “Tomorrow Must Burn” in Tomorrow Must Burn, 28–29. Paizo Inc., 2019
  2. 2.0 2.1 James Jacobs. “Kintargo at a Glance” in Curtain Call Player's Guide, 19. Paizo Inc., 2024
  3. Paizo described Chelaxians as a separate human ethnicity until Pathfinder Second Edition, when they were retroactively redesignated as being of Taldan descent. See Meta:Chelaxian (human ethnicity).
  4. Crystal Frasier. Kintargo” in In Hell's Bright Shadow, 70. Paizo Inc., 2015
  5. James Jacobs. “Notable Locals” in Curtain Call Player's Guide, 17. Paizo Inc., 2024
  6. James Jacobs. “Kintargo at a Glance” in Curtain Call Player's Guide, 19–20. Paizo Inc., 2024