Castle Kintargo

Castle Kintargo is an impressive and imposing structure that dominates the Castle District of Kintargo. Its vaunted impregnability has not been truly tested in centuries. Castle Kintargo also encloses the sealed and once notorious prison Kintargo Keep, its spires rising five stories high to the northwest of the main castle.1
Under the rule of Cheliax, it was primarily used as the headquarters of the Kintargo Dottari, although it had also become home to a contingent of Hellknights led by Paralictor Kyrre Ekodyre from the Order of the Rack invited to the city in 4715 AR by Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune.23
After Kintargo and Ravounel won independence in 4716 AR, Castle Kintargo was repurposed to serve as a governmental center. The Order of the Rack were ejected, and the castle has since been cared for by the Order of the Torrent. As of 4724 AR, Kintargo Keep and parts of its western wing remained sealed in order to contain potential diabolic and supernatural threats.4
- ↑ “A Song of Silver” in A Song of Silver, 27. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- ↑ “Kintargo” in In Hell's Bright Shadow, 62. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- ↑ “Kintargo” in In Hell's Bright Shadow, 63. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- ↑ “Map: Kintargo” in Curtain Call Player's Guide, 22. Paizo Inc., 2024 .