Silver Span

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(Redirected from Bleakbridge)

The Silver Span, formerly known as Bleakbridge,1 is the sole bridge connecting the two halves of Kintargo across the Yolubilis River and links the districts of Yolubilis Harbor with Redroof. The Silver Span also serves as one of the city's greatest markets, as it is lined with wooden shops from end to end on both sides with smaller markets nestled round either end of the bridge.2

The bridge is 475 feet long, consisting of stone arches that peak 10 feet above the water, and are supported by eight large stone towers that also serve the local Dottari as guardposts. All types of shops line the bridge, including food stores, a cobbler, a hatter, curio shops, and a florist.3

The Silver Span is also home to unique gang of tengu toughs called The River Talons who act as cutpurses, thieves and general nuisances2 who never quite made the leap from street gang to thieves' guild.3


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  1. The Silver Span was renamed during the events of A Song of Silver. Curtain Call Player's Guide 20 lists the bridge as "Bleakbridge", but James Jacobs confirmed this was a canon error and the listed name should have been "Silver Span". See James Jacobs. (July 9, 2024). Comment on Introducing the Curtain Call Player's Guide, Paizo Blog.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Crystal Frasier. Kintargo” in In Hell's Bright Shadow, 70–71. Paizo Inc., 2015
  3. 3.0 3.1 James Jacobs. “A Song of Silver” in A Song of Silver, 24–25. Paizo Inc., 2015