User:Oznogon/Products mentioning drow
Second Edition
All 2E glossaries: "Descendants of ancient elves who live within the Darklands."
- Bestiary (2E): pgs. 136β137; spontaneous transformation of elves into drow pg. 136; drow exiles pg. 137; fleshwarps/fleshwarping (drider, grothlut) pgs. 158β159; connections to gogiteths pg. 183
- Beginner Box pre-Remaster printing Gamemaster's Guide: statblocks, lore summaries pgs. 61β62
- Book of the Dead: Hornath captured by drow pg. 211;
- Treasure Vault: Stone and gem gardens pg. 168
Lost Omens
- Ancestry Guide: fleshwarp pg. 67, 88, 90 (drider, shapewrought)
- Character Guide: half-drow (Hollowborn, "Major half-elf ethnic subgroup descended from drow") pg. 10, 13
- Gods & Magic: cults of Abraxas "most prevalent among the drow of Golarion" pg. 76, Zura worshiped by drow pg. 77
- Impossible Lands: "drow aren't an odd sight in the region" pg. 274 (with cool art of a drow wearing sunglasses); employed by Nex's army pg. 274; blamed for the Bath in Oenopion pg. 289; Dulin Tro (Oenopion, 3653 AR, Haagenti, Ankquit Daal, Haagenti's Mask, Jandeerish Vel) pg. 294; Jandeerish Vel (previous plus Apothate, Bath) pg. 302
- World Guide: timelines pgs. 8, 111 (4709 AR, Riddleport, Celwynvian; events of Second Darkness)
Adventure Path
- Abomination Vaults:
- Ruins of Gauntlight: Chandriu Invisar, Volluk Azrinae; mentions of driders, Yldaris pg. 63; Yldaris timeline (founding, no year; Belcorra Haruvex fealty 4234 AR) pg. 76, Apprentice Island (Gauntlight) pg. 15
- Hands of the Devil: article on fleshwarping pgs. 65β68; Haagenti granting fleshwarping to the drow is what completed their corruption pg. 66; Haagenti claims drow fleshwarping creations pg. 66; Zirnakaynin as center of fleshwarping (House Parastric, driders, Astranovidova Parastric, Mardeis Parastric) pg. 66; as origin of grothluts (human), irnakurses (elf), driders, dreshkans (morlock), ghonhatines (xulgath), gomnit (gnome), gublasks (goblin), jashois (halfling), mulventoks (urdefhan), oronci (orc), phranduses (kobold), varchiks (ratfolk) pgs. 66β67; dwarf immunity to fleshwarping pg. 67; dreshkan pg. 78; mulventok pg. 79
- Eyes of Empty Death: prominently Yldaris and its inhabitants incl. Salaisa Malthulas, Yrorix, Tanieth, Falxi Orshendiel, Taklitur, Bhazrade, Klathor, Quara Orshendiel, Larathols, Rikizlia; drow article on pgs. 82β83, notably non-demonic drow culture; also connections to Belcorra Haruvex, Lozardyn, repeating hand crossbows, fungal walk musk
- Age of Ashes:
- Fires of the Haunted City: bloodbane rune pg. 73
- Against the Scarlet Triad: drow may have pillaged an aiudara key from the Library of Reenai pg. 73
- Blood Lords:
- The Ghouls Hunger: Black Desert drow vampires worshiping Orgesh; Mechitar, Hanging Castle pg. 58β66
- Extinction Curse:
- The Show Must Go On: Black Desert (820 AR, House Shraen, Shraen, Dyzallin Shraen, Urgathoa, cave worms, aeon orb) pg. 72
- Legacy of the Lost God: rivals of xulgaths (Abraxas, twinskulls) pg. 63; hire xulgaths as mercenaries pg. 65
- Lord of the Black Sands: Dyzallin Shraen, Shraen Gazetteer, House Shraen, Shraen rituals in Adventure Toolbox, Cult of the Faceless Sphinx article (Mafaere Alonsyn, Delvingulf, Sothis, Zirnakaynin, Outer Gods worship)
- The Apocalypse Prophet: Kirosthrek wants to enslave drow in xulgath places pg. 88
- Quest for the Frozen Flame:
- Lost Mammoth Valley: megafauna engineering cited by drow as a precursor to fleshwarping pg. 69
PFS2 scenarios
- The Second Confirmation: On a crit-failed knowledge check only, so already false; no impact
First Edition
- Adventurer's Guide: Sabriune Misraria (Council of Thieves, Nocticula) pgs. 47, 51, 53; Telessel Neirenar (reincarnation into drow, Lantern Bearers) pg. 109; "drow are no longer a secret to the surface world" (Lantern Bearers recruiting non-elves, Mendevian Crusades veterans) pg. 109, Lantern Bearer pgs. 110β111; article on Lantern Bearers pgs. 109β114 (prev. plus blossoming light, Sarenite interest in drow redemption, redeemed drow alignment shifts, original mission of drow genocide, lantern honey)
Campaign Setting/Chronicles
- Darklands Revisited: Major article pgs. 4β10. Notably drow, half-drow, Surface Caller, Sekamina
- Into the Darklands: Sekamina chapter pgs. 31β33, 37; driders pg. 36; Harrowspire, Valinqui Rasiurein, Fighting Society pg. 40; cities of Zirnakaynin, Blackstrand, Delvingulf, Far Parathra, Giratayn, Telderist, Umberweb pg. 43; Drow noble houses of House Azrinae, House Dolour, House Rasivrein, House Tracinoa, House Vexidyre, House Vonnarc on pg. 43; Zirnakaynin residents Alicavniss Vonnarc, Zov Caldrana, Breathless, Varmirhias, Xomos Fain, Letiandeil Dirvond pgs. 43; also Lake Nirthran, Shumbauth, fleshwarping, and population lines in statboxes for Nemret Noktoria and Sverspume
- Mythic Realms: cover art; Star Tower worship pg. 15; Black Desert article pgs. 20β23; House Shraen, Shraen, Zyra Shraen, Nyrinda Shraen, relationship with purple worms and hryngar (duergar) slavers
- Inner Sea Races: Undercommon ("drow-created...derived from Elven") pg. 7; Earthfall pg. 75; Rovagug pg. 78; Jinin pg. 79; half-drow pg. 97; Sekamina pg. 117, major article pgs. 124β129 (Earthfall, Abandonment, elf secret, Winter Council, Mierani, Isharah Alevonnar, Calphiak Mountains, Caves of the Craven, Rovagug, Jinin/Jininsiel split; Simugin Alevonnar, Dinuel Alevonnar, Namitar Alevonnar, Belethiel Alevonnar, Ninliel Alevonnar; Arishkirah Alevonnar/Arishkirah Dolour, Andirifkhu, demonic influence, slavery, Drow noble houses, House Dolour; Haagenti, learning fleshwarping; "the dominant Darklands race"; House Azrinae; Cyth-V'sug noble death ritual; Abraxas/House Azrinae, Areshkagal/House Vonnarc, Cyth-V'sug/House Udrinor, Flauros/House Caldrana, Haagenti/House Parastric, Jubilex/House Tracinoa, Nocticula/House Misraria, Mazmezz/House Moivas, Shax/House Vexidyre, Socothbenoth/House Sardavic, Zura/House Rasivrein; sporecraft, lithicraft, coldwarp; drow distinctions from Nexian fleshwarping; driders; poisons, alchemy, slavery; Winter Council, "not all elves who worship demons or the Rough Beast become drow"; surface elves sought, found, were ashamed of, and kept secret the existence of drow; exiled/non-evil drow; mechanics pg. 241
- Dragon Empires Gazetteer pg. 27 (Jinin, Jininsiel)
- Lords of Chaos: Abraxas pg. 9, Andirifkhu pg. 10, Areshkagal pg. 12, Cyth-V'sug pg. 13, Flauros pg. 15, Haagenti pg. 16, Jubilex pg. 18, Mazmezz pg. 20, Nocticula pg. 21, Shax pg. 24, Socothbenoth pg. 26, Zura pg. 29, demoniac ("demonic initiates") pg. 46
- Faction Guide: Lantern Bearers/Shin'Rakorath (drow genocide, Swallowtail, Kyonin, Avennara, Zirnakaynin) pg. 26, darkflare pg. 55, drow scourge pg. 59
- Inner Sea NPC Codex: drow matron (Nocticula, demon, Sekamina) pg. 19
- Lost Cities of Golarion: Ilvarandin (pre-drow Earthfall refugee elves, xoarians/intellect devourers; drow exiles in Otha-Thola, Sekaleth, Duskport; Laerstrum; drow in city statblock population line) pgs. 5β13
- Dungeons of Golarion: Candlestone Caverns, Black Siren Citadel pg. 6; Blackstrand, Black Siren Citadel, trade with kobolds pg. 8; Umberweb (near Gongorina) pg. 30
- Inner Sea Magic: Alicavniss Vonnarc (Zirnakaynin, House Vonnarc) pg. 5; fleshwarping (Zirnakaynin, relative consistency of drow fleshwarping, dwarven resistance) pg. 11
- Demons Revisited: babau in Zirnakaynin pg. 7; Varmirhias (lives in Zirnakaynin, first advisor to House Vexidyre, ressembles drow) pgs. 37β38; Liluresha (Sekamina, House Rasivrein, Zura, vampires)
- Dragons Unleashed: Aashaq (drow fleshwarping) pg. 4, Moschabbatt pgs. 32 (drow minions), 34 (Scivia Zyrendox),
- Dungeon Denizens Revisited: Cloaker (relationshipw with, learning fleshwarping from) pg. 12; webspinner cloakers (fleshwarping, ettercap) pg. 14; mimic ("bane of...drow") pg. 26, Darklands owlbear (domestication of) pg. 37
- Inner Sea Intrigue: Kyonin (drow secret), Allevrah Azrinae (confirms survival, leadership of House Azrinae) pg. 4
- Misfit Monsters Redeemed: dire corby (purported drow creation) pg. 17, winged dire corbies (purported drow fleshwarping) pg. 20; disenchanter (svirfneblin use against drow cities]] pg. 25
Adventure Path
- Serpent's Skull:
- The Thousand Fangs Below: Vedavrex Misaria (Nocticula, House Misaria, drider) pgs. 28β31; Deloral Parastric (House Parastric, Telderist, fleshwarping, dwarven resistance to fleshwarping) pg. 33β34; drow as serpentfolk food (bloodwine) pg. 42; drider pg. 48; sacred texts of Ydersius on drow-skin parchment pg. 52; hand crossbows, rapiers, poison pg. 56
- Souls for Smuggler's Shiv: serpentfolk history and relationship with drow pg. 66
- Legacy of Fire:
- The Final Wish: Chemnosit documented in drow libraries pg. 51
- Second Darkness:
- Shadow in the Sky
- Children of the Void
- The Armageddon Echo
- Endless Night (major article on Zirnakaynin)
- A Memory of Darkness
- Descent into Midnight
- Second Darkness (Pathfinder Companion) (player's guide)
- Kingmaker: source/cause of Disappearers (Kaladryn, Iluith, Dreeth) pgs. 67β68
- Council of Thieves:
- Mother of Flies: Ghorazagh avoiding/eating drow pg. 84
- Carrion Crown:
- Trial of the Beast: preserved drow head owned/transported by Grine pg. 35
- Shattered Star:
- Into the Nightmare Rift: The Deep Hunt pgs. 38β39 (House Rasivrein, Zura); Xaivanshee Rasivrein pgs. 38, NPC Gallery article pgs. 60β61; connection to slave collar pg. 63
- Jade Regent:
- Shalelu Andosana fighting drow in Mierani Forest/Crying Leaf pg. 59
- Skull & Shackles:
- Raiders of the Fever Sea: drow sail the Sightless Sea pg. 68
- From Hell's Heart: drow legends about Urtleytlar pg. 68
- Iron Gods:
- Fires of Creation: tsaalgrends theorized as drow sporecraft pg. 89
- Strange Aeons:
- In Search of Sanity: drexins as drow slaves pg. 85
- Wrath of the Righteous:
- Sword of Valor: worship Shax pg. 85
- Demon's Heresy: [[worms that walk] allying with drow pg. 73
- The Midnight Isles: drow live in Khavak-Vog pg. 66
- Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth: Svendack pgs. 34, 41β42 (Baphomet; drow on other worlds, "cruel matron on a world far distant from Golarion")
- Hell's Rebels:
- Turn of the Torrent: ulat-kini relationship, fleshwarping immunity pg. 71
- A Song of Silver: Shensen "was born a drow noble", killed as a child, reincarnated and raised by Izorah pg. 67; Chessadril Odranata (Zirnakaynin, Rygirnan, Sekamina, House Vexidyre, House Azrinae, Gadak Simiyin, House Vonnarc) pgs. 80β81
- Hell's Vengeance:
- Ruins of Azlant:
- The Lost Outpost: drow fleshwarping is actually alghollthu slime pgs. 72β73
- Tower of the Drowned Dead: Jastal Thar (Sicva's Fist monastery, Umberweb, Sicva) pgs. 76β77
- Beyond the Veiled Past: council of matrons in Delvingulf (under the control of Uruluura; Xalathala Invinaar, Kaelosie Aediil, Nirova Elsegell, Ciwin Pliesiea; fleshwarping munavri; drow inquisitors from Zirnakaynin)
- Giantslayer:
- Tesharat orphaned by drow pg. 60
- Ironfang Invasion:
- Siege of Stone: Drow hunting party (slavery) pg. 81; as gallerok food pg. 83; connection to deep nagas pg. 91
- Prisoners of the Blight: worship of Cyth-V'sug (House Urdrinor, Zirnakaynin) pg. 68; organized cults associated with drow pg. 69
- Vault of the Onyx Citadel: drow in Orv recovering Vault Keepers artifacts pg. 77
- Return of the Runelords:
- Return of the Runelords Player's Guide: "native population or traditional presence in Varisia" pg. 7
- Runeplague: Leptonia (half-drow) pg. 3; Clegg Zincher pg. 62 (events of Second Darkness; cf. Shadow in the Sky, Children of the Void); fleshwarping ("perfected by the drow") pg. 71; use by Yamasoth in experiments at Gongorina pg. 73; rivalry with worshipers of Yamasoth and drow fleshwarper worshipers of Haagenti pg. 74
- It Came from Hollow Mountain: Leptonia (half-drow) pg. 63
Pathfinder Modules
- Cradle of Night: Drow wine pg. 24; petrified drow pg. 31; Ezurkian (drider, Selmuirgist, Sadist Spires) pgs. 33β38
PFS1 scenarios
- Tower of the Ironwood Watch: About Solvox, Firanil, and Inexora Vexidyre, who are drow; Caldion reflects non-drow elf opinions of drow; Velashu Uplands threatened by drow; drow obsession with the Worldwound
- Beyond the Halflight Path: Drow story arc, particularly pgs. 25, 32; Sparklegrim Passage, drider
- The Darkest Vengeance: Zoathrias (tortured by drow) pg. 3; Karcau Lodge (drow slaver tunnels beneath) pg. 26
- The Hao Jin Hierophant: Lin Fen Hei encounter pg. 12
- The Overflow Archives: The Darklands Precepts (Undercommon, pre-Remaster Sakvroth sign language) pg. 16
- The Consortium Compact: drow poison mentions pg. 24β27
Player Companion
- Blood of Shadows pgs. 14β17, particularly half-drow and spells
- Bastards of Golarion pg. 6, column on half-drow
- Adventurer's Armory 2: spider-silk bodysuit pg. 6, drow razor pg. 9
- Demon Hunter's Handbook: list of cults and worshipers IFC; real-world connection of demonic runes to drow symbols pg. 2; Zirnakaynin pg. 12; demonic cults pg. 14; Lantern Bearers relationship to drow/underground elves pg. 20
- Heroes of the Darklands: Chthonian (Abyssal) and Elven language relationship pg. 5; Nar-Voth/Sekamina passages pg. 6; Lantern Bearers and Winter Council "elves' secret shame" pg. 7; darklantern infiltrators, elves ritualistically transformed into drow, pg. 11; Sekamina pgs. 12β17, Lake Nirthran, drow summoners pg. 13, Shraen and House Shraen pg. 23, Ilvarandin pg. 23; Caphorite ("drowstone") pg. 24; drow settlements Delvingulf ("Delving Ulf") and Telderist pg. 26; alchemy, House Tracinoa, cyanide, slaver's will pg. 29;
- Agents of Evil: Drow noble houses IFC; bloodpyre pg. 22; "the dominant force of Sekamina" pg. 24
- Magical Marketplace: An Umbral Page article pgs. 28β29 (Nelaxria Lirium, Zirnakaynin, Sekamina, coldwarping, fleshwarping, lithicraft, sporecraft)
- Heroes from the Fringe: half-drow pg. 20; poisoner's buckler, mark of spite pg. 23
- Isles of the Shackles: Heslandaena, Pelanquelle (Dahak's Tooth, Adis Vraisdottir, White Hollis Dobilo, Constanza Purgote) pg. 20
- The Inner Sea World Guide: pgs. 11 (Earthfall; drow means "accursed" in Elven), 59 ("transformation...exposure to a mysterious force deep in Orv", Age of Darkness, drow claiming Sekamina regions "once held by the serpentfolk"; Zirnakaynin, Blackstrand, Delvingulf, Dying Sea, Far Parathra, Giratayn, Telderist, drider, Umberweb; Lake Nirthran), 195 (Celwynvian), 251 (Undercommon created by drow), 304 (fleshwarping, drider, "female drow...retain the beauty of their upper torsos and faces") 395 (drow werebats)
- Advanced Race Guide
- Monster Codex
- Bestiary (1E)
- Bestiary 4 (1E)