Teki Stronggut

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Teki Stronggut

The Rememberer
Areas of Concern
The forgotten
Goblins, bugbears, adventurers, unsung heroes
Remember those who others forget, help those who need it the most, aid other misfits in their goals
Give up on your cause, punish someone due to failure or incompetence, abandon a fellow adventurer
Sanctification (2E)
Can choose holy
Domains (2E)
Family, freedom, might, protection
Alternate: Vigil
Favored Weapon
Sword on a pedestal
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Pink, gold
Source: Divine Mysteries, pg(s). 209, 312–313
The religious symbol, sacred animal, and sacred color for this deity are listed exclusively in the Divine Mysteries Web Supplement.
Teki Stronggut

Caretakers of the Shrine of the Failed
Source: Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven, pg(s). 74–75

Teki Stronggut is a goblin hero-god of heroic acts and the forgotten.1


As a mortal

As of 4720 AR, Teki Stronggut was a mortal goblin caretaker at the Shrine of the Failed in Absalom. She was first hired by the shrine's caretakers to remove or eat the food offerings left at the shrine before they rotted, but after being inspired by a tour conducted by the scholar Panizir, she decided to learn and tell the stories of the failed aspirants herself.2

This led to an influx of visitors to the shrine eager to hear her often embellished but heartfelt tales. She also sought to represent the failed as more than just a storyteller but also as a self-styled goddess of forgotten and unlikely heroes, and gained a small following of other goblins as a result. She hoped to one day attempt the Test of the Starstone herself to this end.2

As a deity

Her sudden ascension from obscurity to divinity, which occurred sometime between 4720–4724 AR, surprised scholars.1

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  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Misha Bushyager, et al. “Goblin Gods” in Divine Mysteries, 209. Paizo Inc., 2024
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Hilary Moon Murphy. “Starstone Aspirants” in Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven, 74–75. Paizo Inc., 2020