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Devourer of the Dawn
Areas of Concern
Destroy boats and ships, create lethal hazards in water, extinguish lights, spread chaos, destroy the world
Aid a sun god or their servents, rescue a creature from drowning
Follower Alignments (1E)
Domains (1E)
Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Scalykind
Subdomains (1E)
Catastrophe, Demon, Dragon, Entropy, Fear, Night
Sanctification (2E)
Must choose unholy
Domains (2E)
Darkness, destruction, dragon, water
Favored Weapon
Coiled serpent
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Blue, white
Source: Empty Graves, pg(s). 66 (1E)
Divine Mysteries Web Supplement, pg(s). 6 (2E)

The serpent cult of the deceiver deity Apep is a twin to the cult of the benevolent Wadjet and is part of the ancient cultic system1 of beliefs that existed in Osirion before they were suppressed by later Keleshite rulers.2 The sinister, world-circling Apep symbolizes the dangers that lurk beneath the water: whirlpools, crocodiles, and other lethal hazards.2 He is the boat-crashing rapids, the drowning dark, and the apocalyptic, primordial devourer of the sun, light, and life.

It is believed Apep will eventually devour the sun, creating a night that will never end and effectively bringing about the apocalypse. The rod of the river serpent is a magic item carved in the shape of Apep that grants its bearer the ability to see in the dark and cast hypnotic shadows, and it swallows those it strikes in combat.3


The Devourer of the Dawn is said to dwell in the Tenth Region of Night.4


Apep is a great golden serpent miles long whose coils encircle the world. He also appears as a dragon with night-black scales, and is worshipped by evil dragons in this form.4


Apep is opposed by many other Osirian deities, especially Ra, who battles against him daily every night. Each sunrise was said to be a victory of Ra over Apep, albeit a temporary one until the day the sun will rise no more and everything ends.45


Apep's human cults usually meet under the cover of night or darkness, and keep themselves secret lest they attract the wrath of rival faiths.4


  1. ↑ The deities Ra, Horus, Anubis, Osiris, Ma'at, Isis, and Thoth stopped answering prayers in 4724 AR after events described in War of Immortals. The ramifications of this change in this context might not yet be defined in a canon source. See Meta:Osirian pantheon.
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Jason Nelson & Amber Stewart. “Faith: Cults of Osirion” in Osirion, Land of Pharaohs, 24. Paizo Inc., 2008
  3. ↑ Jason Nelson & Amber Stewart. “Faith: Cults of Osirion” in Osirion, Land of Pharaohs, 25. Paizo Inc., 2008
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Robert G. McCreary. “Gods of Ancient Osirion” in Empty Graves, 66. Paizo Inc., 2014
  5. ↑ Robert G. McCreary. “Gods of Ancient Osirion” in Empty Graves, 72. Paizo Inc., 2014

External links

  • Apep (real-world deity) on Wikipedia