
From PathfinderWiki

The Raging Torrent
Areas of Concern
Military prowess
Take what you want, indulge in your most base desires, feast on luxurious food, kill demons and evil creatures
Cower from fights, despoil the land, kill the innocent
Follower Alignments (1E)
Domains (1E)
Chaos, Scalykind, Strength, War, Water
Subdomains (1E)
Blood, Ferocity, Protean, Resolve, Rivers, Saurian
Follower Alignments (2E)
Sanctification (2E)
Can choose holy or unholy
Domains (2E)
Dragon, might, protection, water
Favored Weapon
Green crocodile
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Green, gold
Source: Empty Graves, pg(s). 74 (1E)
Divine Mysteries Web Supplement, pg(s). 6 (2E)
The religious symbol, sacred animal, and sacred color for this deity are listed exclusively in the Divine Mysteries Web Supplement. Alignment details sourced from Empty Graves and Lost Omens Gods & Magic 124–125.

Sobek is a crocodile-headed deity of rivers, wetlands, militaries, and fertility among creatures and plants. Known for his violent and primal nature, he is part of the Osirian pantheon1 and was often worshiped in Ancient Osirion.2


Sobek is often depicted as a powerfully muscled humanoid with the head of a crocodile, wearing a plumed and horned headdress bearing a solar disk.2


A family tree of the Osirian pantheon.

Sobek is the son of Neith and Set. He prefers to act alone but will support his father in some situations, and has also stood at Ra's side on his solar barge and in battle. He desires Sekhmet, Lady of Slaughter, and often strains to woo her with his power.2


Sobek is a god of pharaohs and their power, as well as combatants from disciplined soldiers to raging barbarians. Farmers also worship and give offerings to Sobek for his blessings of fertility.2

Clergy and temples

Shrines and temples to Sobek are almost always located on a river's banks and rarely far from a river. Most include pools holding crocodiles, and worship of Sobek includes the act of regularly feeding these creatures. Upon their deaths, a temple's crocodiles are mummified and buried in the same manner, and with the same respect, as humans.2


  1. The deities Ra, Horus, Anubis, Osiris, Ma'at, Isis, and Thoth stopped answering prayers in 4724 AR after events described in War of Immortals. The ramifications of this change in this context might not yet be defined in a canon source. See Meta:Osirian pantheon.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Robert G. McCreary. “Gods of Ancient Osirion” in Empty Graves, 74. Paizo Inc., 2014

External links

  • Sobek (real-world deity) on Wikipedia