
From PathfinderWiki

Mistress of the Mansion
Areas of Concern
Protection of the dead
Mourn the dead and prepare them for burial, protect rightful rulers, assist childbirths, drink beer and celebrate
Mock the grieving, desecrate a corpse, refuse food to a child
Follower Alignments (1E)
Domains (1E)
Chaos, Charm, Community, Darkness, Protection
Subdomains (1E)
Cooperation, Defense, Lust, Night, Protean, Purity
Sanctification (2E)
Can choose holy
Domains (2E)
Darkness, family, protection, sorrow
Alternate: Dust, duty
Favored Weapon
Basket atop a palace
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Amber, black
Source: Empty Graves, pg(s). 71 (1E)
Divine Mysteries Web Supplement, pg(s). 6 (2E)

Nephthys is the Osirion goddess1 of night and the edge of the desert which separates civilisation and wilderness. She mourns and protects the dead, particularly the lungs and the canopic jars which contain them.2


Nephthys appears as a winged woman wearing a headdress shaped like her religious symbol, a basket atop a tower.2


A family tree of the Osirian pantheon.

Nephthys is the sister of Osiris and Isis, and sister-wife of Set. After Set murdered Osiris, Nephthys helped Isis gather Osiris' pieces and protected her nephew Horus. Despite being Set's wife, she has no children with him and usually sides with Osiris and Isis against him. Anubis is Nephthys' illegitimate son with Osiris, born when she seduced him with wine.2


Nephthys is usually worshipped in small shrines in temples of Anubis, Osiris or Isis, or more rarely those of Set, and has few temples of her own. Her clerics mourn and assist other priests at funerals, working alongside the church of Pharasma if needed.2


  1. ↑ The deities Ra, Horus, Anubis, Osiris, Ma'at, Isis, and Thoth stopped answering prayers in 4724 AR after events described in War of Immortals. The ramifications of this change in this context might not yet be defined in a canon source. See Meta:Osirian pantheon.
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Robert G. McCreary. “Gods of Ancient Osirion” in Empty Graves, 71. Paizo Inc., 2014