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The Healing Touch
Areas of Concern
Provide healing and aid to those who need it, promote the value of connecting faith and science, strive to defend and protect others in battle
Do unnecessary harm, spread disease, fail to aid someone in need
Follower Alignments (1E)
Domains (1E)
Artifice, Good, Healing, Law, Protection
Subdomains (1E)
Archon, Construct, Loyalty, Purity, Restoration, Resurrection
Sanctification (2E)
Must choose holy
Domains (2E)
Creation, healing, protection, repose
Alternate: Knowledge
Favored Weapon
Enclosed six-pointed star
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Source: The Flooded Cathedral, pg(s). 67 (1E)
Divine Mysteries, pg(s). 176, 300–301 (2E)
The religious symbol, sacred animal, and sacred color for this deity are listed exclusively in the Divine Mysteries Web Supplement.

Aesocar is a god of healing and human health who was primarily worshiped in ancient Azlant.1


Aesocar appreciates the bounty Jaidi grants the empire, and the scientific acumen of Amaznen, but disagreed with the latter's disregard for morality. He despises Sicva for spreading diseases.1

Church of Aesocar

Aesocar's clerics provide healing for all in need, and were responsible for eradicating many diseases in the Age of Legend. In addition to divine magic, the church of Aesocar was also a scientific institution that made great advances in medicine, surgery, and prosthetics. Aesocar's and Amaznen's devotees worked together to create clockwork prosthetics that greatly improved the quality of life of those fitted with them.1

A sect of Aesocar's followers focused on the creation of life, creating many lifeforms through magic. They also pioneered replacement of organs for those who lost theirs. They were initially viewed as controversial, but gained more respect as time went on.1

Temples and shrines

The greatest of Aesocar's temples could be found in Azlant's large cities. Small chapels could be found throughout the empire's small villages, attended by priests who served the local population after completing their seminary education.1


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Adam Daigle. “Gods of Ancient Azlant” in The Flooded Cathedral, 67. Paizo Inc., 2017