
From PathfinderWiki

God of Many Doors
Areas of Concern
Mediate conflicts, respect each element equally, experience travel as often as possible
Act before weighing both sides, solve problems with aggression before negotiating, play favorites in negotiation
Follower Alignments (1E)
Domains (1E)
Air, Earth, Fire, Travel, Water
Subdomains (1E)
Ash, Exploration, Metal, Oceans, Portal, Wind
Sanctification (2E)
Domains (2E)
Air, earth, fire, water
Alternate: Metal, travel, wood
Favored Weapon
Swirling portal made of elements
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Source: The Flooded Cathedral, pg(s). 72 (1E)
Divine Mysteries, pg(s). 178, 302–303 (2E)

Onos is the god of the elements, embassies, and extraplanar travel worshiped by the inhabitants of ancient Azlant. As a god of portals, Onos promotes planar travel as a means to experience and discover what other planes, and especially the planes of the Inner Sphere, have to offer.1

Appearance and emissaries

Onos behaves like an animated force without a distinct personality that always speaks directly and to the point, without symbolism.1


In the late Age of Legend, Onos' faith started overlapping with that of Gozreh. It was believed that the church of Onos better understood and controlled the elements, especially those that are not concerned with air and water.2

Church of Onos

Onos has never been particularly widely worshipped on Golarion, even during the height of Azlant. Today, Onos is almost forgotten on Golarion but its worship is still popular in the Inner Planes.1

Worshipers and clergy

Priests of Onos are calm people, not quick to anger, and often serve as mediators.1

Temples and shrines

Many of the empire's outposts hosted temples and shrines to Onos. Its largest temples can be found in planar settlements like Medina Mudii'a, where they host extraplanar visitors.1


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Adam Daigle. “Gods of Ancient Azlant” in The Flooded Cathedral, 72. Paizo Inc., 2017
  2. ↑ Adam Daigle. “Gods of Ancient Azlant” in The Flooded Cathedral, 69. Paizo Inc., 2017