Cihua Coatl

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Cihua Coatl

The War Children
Areas of Concern
Coatls, healers, midwives, and warriors
Aid in the rearing of children; prepare your body, mind, and community for eventual conflict; support your community
Engage in mindless war, refuse to answer a genuine plea for protection
Follower Alignments (1E)
Domains (1E)
Good, Healing, Protection, Strength, War
Subdomains (1E)
Agathion, Defense, Ferocity, Resolve, Restoration, Tactics
Sanctification (2E)
Can choose holy
Domains (2E)
Healing, might, protection, zeal
Alternate: Duty, repose, vigil
Favored Weapon
Two coatls consuming each other's tails with their wings overlapping in the center
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Source: Borne by the Sun's Grace, pg(s). 66 (1E)
Divine Mysteries, pg(s). 180–181, 302–303 (2E)
The religious symbol, sacred animal, and sacred color for this deity are listed exclusively in the Divine Mysteries Web Supplement. Paizo referred to coatls as couatls until the publication of Monster Core. In Borne by the Sun's Grace, Cihua Coatl's sacred weapon was the shortspear and their sacred animal was the hawk.

Cihua Coatl are a dualistic Arcadian deity, patron of those who protect others for the cause of good and of midwives taking care of children. They teach that conflict cannot be avoided, and one must be ready to help those who cannot defend themselves, whether by taking arms, encouraging help, or teaching kindness; caring for others makes everyone stronger.1

Appearance and emissaries

Cihua Coatl consist of a chicome and a tletli coatl2 sharing the same body and both are of fluid gender. Each has its own tail and head, but they share the same arms, one carrying a shield and the other carrying a shortspear. Their constant shift between the roles of attacker and defender, as well as gender, signifies that everyone can care for and protect others.1

Church of Cihua Coatl

Cihua Coatl are worshipped by coatls, healers, and warriors. They are adept at strategy and tactics and favour quick, decisive action, allowing them to swiftly end conflicts with minimal casualties on both sides.1


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Luis Loza. Xopatl” in Borne by the Sun's Grace, 66. Paizo Inc., 2019
  2. Paizo referred to coatls as couatls until the publication of Monster Core.