This article is primarily or only relevant to Pathfinder Second Edition.
The subject of this article exists in or is relevant to the real world.

Index of articles (2E)

From PathfinderWiki

This index of articles and Adventure Toolbox sections spans Pathfinder Adventure Path issues 145-213 for Pathfinder Second Edition.

For articles in issues 144 and prior using Pathfinder First Edition, see Index of articles (1E). For an index of location maps, see Project:Mapping project sources.

Geography and locations

Articles containing gazetteers or social, cultural, or historical details for locations, including settlements, regions, nations, planets, and planes

Article Author Volume
Akiton the Red Michael SayreMichael Sayre 173 PF173 (68)
Alkenstar Services 178 PF178 (80)
Alseta's Ring and Dahak's Wrath (section) 145 PF145 (70)
Barrel & Bullet Saloon Stephanie LundeenStephanie Lundeen 178 PF178 (66)
Breachill, Outpost of Secrets Amanda HamonAmanda Hamon 145 PF145 (62)
CastrovelAdventures on Castrovel James L. SutterJames L. Sutter 187 PF187 (66)
Cradle of Knot Gazetteer Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 203 PF203 (66)
Felgunn Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 195 PF195 (73)
Gluttondark Amber StewartAmber Stewart 154 PF154 (66)
Goka Sen.H.H.S. 167 PF167 (60)
GunworksThe Gunworks Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (65)
Hagegraf Scott D. YoungScott D. Young 194 PF194 (68)
Harrow CourtThe Harrow Court James JacobsJames Jacobs and Jason Tondro 190 PF190 (69)
Hermea Luis LozaLuis Loza 150 PF150 (66)
Hillcross, Oasis of the North Jason TondroJason Tondro 177 PF177 (64)
Holomog, Land of Celestial Concordance Jenny JarzabskiJenny Jarzabski 183 PF183 (62)
Inner Sea Trade John ComptonJohn Compton 185 PF185 (62)
IroriumGames of the Irorium Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 159 PF159 (60)
Jula Gazetteer Andrew MullenAndrew Mullen 171 PF171 (68)
Kortos MountsThe Kortos Mounts Mikhail RekunMikhail Rekun 156 PF156 (58)
Kovlar Gazetteer Linda Zayas-PalmerLinda Zayas-Palmer 148 PF148 (64)
Kyonin Michelle Y. KimMichelle Y. Kim 210 PF210 (71)
Lake of Mists and VeilsThe Lake (of Mists and Veils) Ivis K. FlanaganIvis K. Flanagan 188 PF188 (68)
Lost Aiudara James L. SutterJames L. Sutter 149 PF149 (70)
Lost Demiplanes Amber StewartAmber Stewart 168 PF168 (60)
Otari Gazetteer James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (64)
Prisons of the Inner Sea Patchen MortimerPatchen Mortimer 161 PF161 (64)
Ravounel Gazetteer Ron LundeenRon Lundeen 147 PF147 (58)
Return to the Darklands James JacobsJames Jacobs 195 PF195 (66)
Sandpoint Gazetteer: A Doomed Town James JacobsJames Jacobs 200 PF200 (166)
Shraen Gazetteer Mikko KallioMikko Kallio 155 PF155 (60)
Siege Castles of Absalom Carlos CabreraCarlos Cabrera 162 PF162 (66)
Spellscar Desert Ron LundeenRon Lundeen 179 PF179 (66)
Swardlands Gazetteer Greg A. VaughanGreg A. Vaughan 153 PF153 (56)
Talmandor's Bounty Jim GrovesJim Groves 213 PF213 (68)
Vault of the Black Desert (section) 151 PF151 (72)
Verduran Forest Diego ValdezDiego Valdez 201 PF201 (72)
Vudra, The Impossible Kingdoms Saif AnsariSaif Ansari 158 PF158 (66)
Willowshore Sen H.H.S. 196 PF196 (68)
Willowside Gazetteer Kate BakerKate Baker 154 PF154 (60)
Wyvernsting Gazetteer Kendra Leigh SpeedlingKendra Leigh Speedling 209 PF209 (69)

Deities and religion

Articles detailing deities and religions, including pantheons and regional practices

Article Author Volume
Arshea Isabelle ThorneIsabelle Thorne 205 PF205 (76)
Ashes Mystery Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (80)
Belkzen Faiths John ComptonJohn Compton 209 PF209 (75)
BrighVestiges of Brigh (section) 179 PF179 (78)
Camazotz Luis LozaLuis Loza 213 PF213 (74)
DahakAlseta's Ring and Dahak's Wrath (section) 145 PF145 (70)
Cults of the Darklands Scott D. YoungScott D. Young 155 PF155 (66)
Dajermube, the Sun Goddess of Eclipses (section) 172 PF172 (75)
Droskar James L. SutterJames L. Sutter 148 PF148 (58)
Findeladlara Jacob W. MichaelsJacob W. Michaels 189 PF189 (69)
Green Man Faiths John ComptonJohn Compton and Alexi Greer 202 PF202 (62)
Kabriri James JacobsJames Jacobs 184 PF184 (68)
Narakaas Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 186 PF186 (68)
Nhimbaloth James JacobsJames Jacobs 165 PF165 (60)
NorgorberA History of Secrets (Norgorber) Sen H.H.S. 206 PF206 (74)
Ravithra Brian YakshaBrian Yaksha 161 PF161 (70)
Religions of the Realm Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (60)
Sangpotshi Grady WangGrady Wang 197 PF197 (66)
Treerazer Aoife EsterAoife Ester 211 PF211 (70)
Walkena Shanyce HenleyShanyce Henley 172 PF172 (68)
Zevgavizeb Amber StewartAmber Stewart 153 PF153 (62)
Zibik John ComptonJohn Compton 203 PF203 (65)

Ancestries and heritages

Articles with social, cultural, or historical details for playable ancestries and heritages

Article Author Volume
EkujaeWays of the Ekujae Eleanor FerronEleanor Ferron 146 PF146 (64)
Catfolk of Golarion David N. RossDavid N. Ross 152 PF152 (66)
Pine Leshy Heritage Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (77)
Shoony Ancestry 153 PF153 (70)

Bestiary entries

Creature statblocks with a few paragraphs of detail or variations; might include ancestries that were also presented separately only as creature statblocks

Article Author Volume
AeolaekaAzata, Aeolaeka (Stone Azata) 183 PF183 (83)
Afziaka Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (82)
Agadaz (gambling devil) 205 PF205 (86)
AgradaemonDaemon, Agradaemon 162 PF162 (79)
Aiudara wraith 150 PF150 (78)
Akashti (Sobbing Nindoru) 198 PF198 (82)
Alapolo 174 PF174 (80)
Alghollthu 194 PF194 (82)
Algriever 199 PF199 (82)
Alkenstar clockwork 178 PF178 (82)
Aluum 149 PF149 (82)
Amelekana 187 PF187 (84)
Ammut 155 PF155 (77)
Anadi 145 PF145 (84)
Anadi 169 PF169 (78)
Animated bones Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 181 PF181 (82)
Angoyang 167 PF167 (78)
Anguish siktemporaSiktempora, Anguish 204 PF204 (89)
Anugobu Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (80)
Arboreal 201 PF201 (82)
Arboreal snag Jason TondroJason Tondro 182 PF182 (80)
ArgyrzeiNindoru, Argyrzei 199 PF199 (84)
Asanbosam 146 PF146 (80)
Aukashungi 154 PF154 (77)
Aurochs Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 207 PF207 (82)
Aurochs herd Leo GlassLeo Glass 208 PF208 (82)
Aurochs, warWar aurochs 209 PF209 (87)
Avarek 159 PF159 (80)
Azarpal 204 PF204 (84)
Azhana 201 PF201 (83)
Azmakian effigy Jason TondroJason Tondro 182 PF182 (81)
Ba'aupa mdoudu 172 PF172 (80)
Baatamidar 162 PF162 (76)
Bakeneko 197 PF197 (82)
Barnacle ghoulGhoul, Barnacle 159 PF159 (83)
Beaver Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (82)
Bee, Giant 169 PF169 (80)
Bee-Man of BellisThe Bee-Man of Bellis 201 PF201 (84)
Berberoka Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (82)
Bhanyada 190 PF190 (84)
Bida 146 PF146 (81)
Biloko 146 PF146 (82)
Binumir 157 PF157 (82)
Long-horned bisonBison, Long-Horned Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (83)
Blackfrost dead 189 PF189 (80)
Blight bonded 203 PF203 (80)
Blight, swampSwamp blight 211 PF211 (84)
Blightburn genies 155 PF155 (78)
Blood boar 147 PF147 (76)
Bloodseeker 194 PF194 (84)
Bloodshroud 184 PF184 (82)
Bogeyman 152 PF152 (79)
Bone skipper 158 PF158 (80)
Bregdi 159 PF159 (81)
Briargeist 211 PF211 (86)
Bright walker Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (78)
Bristle boar Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 207 PF207 (83)
Brughadatch 154 PF154 (78)
Bugul noz 153 PF153 (76)
Bul-gae 168 PF168 (79)
Bull of Zagresh 209 PF209 (86)
Caligni 194 PF194 (85)
Calikang 149 PF149 (84)
Camarach 162 PF162 (77)
Canopy elderArboreal, Canopy elder 168 PF168 (78)
Capstan swabbie Jason KeeleyJason Keeley 188 PF188 (84)
Carnivorous crystal 148 PF148 (76)
Cat sith 153 PF153 (77)
Caustic monitorLizard, Caustic monitor Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (86)
Cave worm 195 PF195 (84)
Charau-ka 146 PF146 (84)
Charghar Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 181 PF181 (84)
Chetamog 201 PF201 (86)
Child of Mhar (Deghuun) 156 PF156 (78)
Cleftwood fiends 212 PF212 (84)
Clockwork 179 PF179 (80)
Clockwork Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (80)
Clockwork amalgam 161 PF161 (81)
Clockwork assassin Ron LundeenRon Lundeen 160 PF160 (82)
Clockwork Clock Tower 174 PF174 (81)
Clockwork serpent Jacobs 200 PF200 (188)
Cobblebone swarm Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 181 PF181 (85)
Cobbleswarm 157 PF157 (83)
Coiled conifer 203 PF203 (81)
ColoxusDemon, Coloxus (Fly Demon) Jacobs 200 PF200 (189)
Contemplative of Ashok Michael SayreMichael Sayre 173 PF173 (80)
CornugonDaemon, Cornugon (Horned Daemon) 149 PF149 (87)
Corpselight James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (82)
Counteflora 153 PF153 (78)
Cranium preserver Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (82)
Creeping cone 203 PF203 (80)
Creeping crone Jason TondroJason Tondro 182 PF182 (82)
Crownbound constellation 189 PF189 (82)
CrucidaemonDaemon, Crucidaemon (Torture Daemon) 149 PF149 (85)
Crowded veil 212 PF212 (80)
Cu sith 153 PF153 (79)
Cythnophorian 201 PF201 (87)
Dalos 148 PF148 (77)
Damibwa 170 PF170 (80)
Deadly puffball Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (79)
Daelum 179 PF179 (82)
Dalgyal gwishin 197 PF197 (83)
Deathless zealot 209 PF209 (84)
Deculi 148 PF148 (78)
Demon throng 191 PF191 (82)
DegholauDemon, Degholau (Treason Demon)) 210 PF210 (82)
Derhii 191 PF191 (84)
Desa-desa 187 PF187 (85)
Desecrated guardian 168 PF168 (80)
Desmohund 213 PF213 (85)
Devasance 212 PF212 (83)
Devourer 148 PF148 (79)
Dhuthorex Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (80)
Dirge piper zombieZombie, Dirge piper Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 181 PF181 (89)
Doorwarden 145 PF145 (86)
Dragonscarred dead 148 PF148 (82)
Dragonshard guardian 150 PF150 (79)
Dread wisp Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (81)
Dreadsong dancer 158 PF158 (81)
Dreamscraper 189 PF189 (83)
Drenchdead 172 PF172 (81)
Dromornis Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (83)
Drow Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (82)
Drowned mummyMummy, Drowned 186 PF186 (81)
Eberark 159 PF159 (82)
Elder thing 189 PF189 (84)
Elk Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (885)
Emperor bird 145 PF145 (87)
EphialtesVelstrac, Ephialtes 191 PF191 (80)
EshmokDemon, Eshmok (Wasp Demon) 210 PF210 (83)
Excorion 158 PF158 (82)
Eyelet Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 202 PF202 (82)
Faceless butcher 154 PF154 (80)
Facetbound Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (84)
FerrugonDevil, Ferrugon (Rust Devil) 190 PF190 (86)
Fleshwarp 164 PF164 (78)
Flickerwisp James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (83)
Floodslain Creature Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 207 PF207 (84)
Formian Michael SayreMichael Sayre 173 PF173 (82)
Forge-spurned 148 PF148 (83)
Fungus tyrant Jacobs 200 PF200 (190)
Furnerico 204 PF204 (85)
Gashadokuro 148 PF148 (84)
Gbahali 170 PF170 (81)
GhalzarokhDemon, Ghalzarokh 191 PF191 (80)
Ghostly mob Jason TondroJason Tondro 182 PF182 (83)
Ghoul 184 PF184 (84)
Gibtas 164 PF164 (80)
Glimmervine Jason KeeleyJason Keeley 188 PF188 (86)
Glitterspore Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 202 PF202 (83)
Gluttonworm Michael SayreMichael Sayre 173 PF173 (85)
Glyptodon Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (82)
Golgopo 171 PF171 (80)
Gorga 187 PF187 (86)
Graveknight 172 PF172 (82)
Gremlin 169 PF169 (82)
Grauladon 145 PF145 (88)
Graveshell 145 PF145 (89)
Grippli 146 PF146 (86)
Grippli 170 PF170 (82)
Gritblight 203 PF203 (84)
Grizzer 210 PF210 (84)
Groplit Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (83)
GulovalAgathion, Guloval 183 PF183 (81)
Gumiho 168 PF168 (81)
Hadi 191 PF191 (85)
Hag Jason TondroJason Tondro 182 PF182 (84)
Hantu Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (84)
Harrow doll 154 PF154 (81)
Harrowkin 192 PF192 (82)
HegessikProtean, Hegessik 162 PF162 (80)
Hellcrown 145 PF145 (90)
Hellshadow 204 PF204 (86)
Herecite 153 PF153 (80)
HoraNymph, Hora Jason TondroJason Tondro 177 PF177 (80)
Hryngar 194 PF194 (86)
Hryngar 195 PF195 (86)
HurliluLilu, Hurlilu 190 PF190 (88)
Hyphae tyrant 193 PF193 (86)
I'iko dragon 170 PF170 (84)
Iffdahsil 155 PF155 (81)
Ikeshti Michael SayreMichael Sayre 173 PF173 (86)
Immolis 187 PF187 (88)
Immortal ichor 149 PF149 (88)
Imprecasia 199 PF199 (82)
ImvathDemon, Imvath 212 PF212 (81)
Inmyeonjo 168 PF168 (82)
Intellect assemblage 186 PF186 (80)
InvidiakDemon, Invidiak 211 PF211 (87)
Iridescent animal 152 PF152 (80)
IronbullGreat ironbull 209 PF209 (86)
IzfiitarProtean, Izfiitar 162 PF162 (81)
Jiang-shiVampire, Jiang-shi 167 PF167 (84)
Jorogumo Ron LundeenRon Lundeen 160 PF160 (83)
Kadlaka Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (84)
Kagekuma (Lurking Nindoru) 198 PF198 (83)
KalavakusDemon, Kalavakus 147 PF147 (77)
Kareq 187 PF187 (89)
Karumzek 171 PF171 (81)
KatpaskirDemon, Katpaskir 191 PF191 (81)
Khefak Michael SayreMichael Sayre 173 PF173 (87)
Kilia mwibo 172 PF172 (84)
Kishi 146 PF146 (88)
KithangianDemon, Kithangian Jason KeeleyJason Keeley 188 PF188 (85)
Klacktel 212 PF212 (86)
Kun 167 PF167 (79)
Kvernknurr Jason KeeleyJason Keeley 188 PF188 (87)
Lagofir Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (86)
Leshy mob 203 PF203 (82)
Living sap 146 PF146 (89)
Lizardfolk 171 PF171 (82)
Loblobi Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (85)
Longlegs Jacobs 200 PF200 (192)
Lophiithu 168 PF168 (83)
Lusca 161 PF161 (83)
Magma dragon Dragon, Magma 148 PF148 (80)
Mana Wastes Mutant 179 PF179 (84)
Manananggal Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (87)
Mask of Norgorber Sen H.H.S. 206 PF206 (84)
Masque mannequin 205 PF205 (87)
MiastrilekDemon, Miastrilek 211 PF211 (88)
Minchgorm 161 PF161 (84)
Mindmoppet 189 PF189 (86)
Mokele-mbembe 146 PF146 (90)
Moonstalker Leo GlassLeo Glass 208 PF208 (85)
Morlock cultist James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (85)
Morlock engineer James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (84)
Morlock scavenger James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (84)
Mpeshi 170 PF170 (85)
Muckish creep Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (88)
MugrisantQlippoth, Mugrisant 211 PF211 (89)
Muse phantom 152 PF152 (81)
Myroga Jason KeeleyJason Keeley 188 PF188 (88)
Myrucarx 161 PF161 (85)
Najra lizard 158 PF158 (83)
NalfeshneeDaemon, Nalfeshnee (Boar Demon) 149 PF149 (86)
Necrohulk Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (86)
Necrohusk Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (87)
Necromunculus Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 181 PF181 (86)
Nemesis (brainchild) 204 PF204 (92)
Nemesis Risen Nemesis (echopsyvne) Sen H.H.S. 206 PF206 (92)
NenchuujSahkil, Nenchuuj 162 PF162 (85)
Nindoru 197 PF197 (84)
Noppera-bo Sen H.H.S. 196 PF196 (84)
Noppera-bo 198 PF198 (84)
Nornhound 192 PF192 (84)
Oathrisen Blisterwell oathrisen Leo GlassLeo Glass 208 PF208 (83)
ObsidianGolem, Obsidian 155 PF155 (80)
Obrusian 161 PF161 (86)
ObcisidaemonDaemon, Obcisidaemon (Obliteration Daemon) 192 PF192 (80)
Ohancanu 201 PF201 (88)
Ockomlire 204 PF204 (87)
One Eye phantom Leo GlassLeo Glass 208 PF208 (84)
Ooze 174 PF174 (82)
Ooze 178 PF178 (87)
Oppali 190 PF190 (89)
Orcs Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 207 PF207 (86)
Orcs, WyvernstingWyvernsting orcs 209 PF209 (88)
Orochi 168 PF168 (84)
OsyluthDevil, Osyluth 147 PF147 (78)
Palinthanos Sen H.H.S. 206 PF206 (86)
Palpares 209 PF209 (85)
Path maiden 199 PF199 (86)
Peng 167 PF167 (82)
PenqualSahkil, Penqual 162 PF162 (84)
PhasmadaemonDaemon, Phasmadaemon (Terror Daemon) 192 PF192 (81)
Phytohydra 203 PF203 (86)
PigWar pig Leo GlassLeo Glass 208 PF208 (87)
Prairie drakeDrake, Prairie 178 PF178 (86)
Psychopomp 186 PF186 (82)
Putrifer Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 202 PF202 (84)
Pyrogeist 184 PF184 (86)
Pyronite oozeOoze, Pyronite Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (60)
Qurashith 154 PF154 (82)
Ravenile 159 PF159 (84)
Redcap 194 PF194 (88)
Redwood leshy 203 PF203 (83)
Remnant of Barzillai 147 PF147 (80)
Rezzelki 204 PF204 (88)
Rhevanna 162 PF162 (83)
Rift pulper 212 PF212 (84)
Rift weasel 212 PF212 (87)
Rime sludge Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (86)
Rivka 167 PF167 (83)
Root rotter 210 PF210 (85)
RoruDemon, Roru Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (84)
Rotbomber 184 PF184 (878)
Rusalka 147 PF147 (81)
Sabosan 146 PF146 (91)
Sanzuwu 168 PF168 (85)
Saurian 156 PF156 (80)
Scalathrax James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (86)
Scarecophagus 179 PF179 (86)
Screaming sulfur 171 PF171 (84)
Second spawn 212 PF212 (85)
Serpentfolk 170 PF170 (86)
Seugathi 164 PF164 (82)
Shabti 186 PF186 (84)
Shadow giant Giant, Shadow 147 PF147 (79)
Shadow worm 186 PF186 (86)
Shadow yaiOni, Shadow yai 167 PF167 (80)
Shadowforged guardian 183 PF183 (84)
Shanrigol 164 PF164 (84)
Shanty chanter 205 PF205 (88)
Shatterling Ron LundeenRon Lundeen 160 PF160 (84)
Shimmernewt 183 PF183 (85)
Shimmerthief 198 PF198 (86)
Shinigami Sen H.H.S. 196 PF196 (86)
ShisagishinNindoru, Shisagishin 199 PF199 (85)
Shobhad Michael SayreMichael Sayre 173 PF173 (88)
Shock zombieZombie, Shock Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (60)
Shoony 153 PF153 (82)
Shroud moss 212 PF212 (88)
Siege shard 157 PF157 (84)
Sigbin Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (89)
Silsyche 198 PF198 (87)
Silverfish 169 PF169 (84)
Sinmold 210 PF210 (86)
Skin beetle Jason KeeleyJason Keeley 188 PF188 (89)
Skinslough Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 207 PF207 (88)
Skinstitch 158 PF158 (84)
Skull fairy Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 181 PF181 (87)
Slana 174 PF174 (84)
Smog giantGiant, Smog 179 PF179 (83)
Smog wraithWraith, Smog Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (84)
Solifugid 149 PF149 (89)
SordesdaemonDaemon, Sordesdaemon 162 PF162 (78)
Soul slime 186 PF186 (88)
Soulbound mauler 193 PF193 (87)
Soulbound ruin 148 PF148 (85)
Spawn of Jeharlu 212 PF212 (89)
Spawn of Rovagug 150 PF150 (80)
Speaker in spores 203 PF203 (85)
Spellskein 169 PF169 (85)
Spirit guide Jason KeeleyJason Keeley 188 PF188 (90)
Spirit turtle 168 PF168 (86)
Spitting sawfly 203 PF203 (80)
Sporeborn 193 PF193 (88)
Sprite 194 PF194 (89)
Ssumzili 171 PF171 (85)
Stabbing BeastThe Stabbing Beast Ron LundeenRon Lundeen 160 PF160 (85)
Sthira 168 PF168 (87)
Straugh 184 PF184 (88)
Stone spider Sen H.H.S. 196 PF196 (87)
Stoneriver 195 PF195 (88)
Stormblood tiger Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 207 PF207 (89)
Sunburst corpse 172 PF172 (85)
Suvarden 192 PF192 (85)
Svartalfar 159 PF159 (85)
Ta'apundo 174 PF174 (85)
Taiga yaiOni, Taiga yai 167 PF167 (81)
TallowOoze, Tallow 154 PF154 (83)
Tapir, Giant Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (87)
Tar oozeOoze, Tar Jason TondroJason Tondro 177 PF177 (82)
Tar zombieZombie, Tar Jason TondroJason Tondro 177 PF177 (84)
Tenebric giant Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (88)
Tenome 158 PF158 (85)
Teraphant 158 PF158 (86)
Terrorguard 184 PF184 (89)
Thatchling Sen H.H.S. 196 PF196 (88)
Theater phantasm Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (89)
Timberweb 203 PF203 (87)
Titan 156 PF156 (82)
Tithekeeper 210 PF210 (87)
Tixitog 145 PF145 (91)
Toilforged sentinel 195 PF195 (89)
Tombstone trollTroll, Tombstone Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 181 PF181 (88)
Tormonshild 213 PF213 (86)
Trapjaw tangle 179 PF179 (87)
Trighoul Leo GlassLeo Glass 208 PF208 (86)
TsetseFly, Giant tsetse 169 PF169 (73)
Twigjack bramble 201 PF201 (89)
Tzitzimitl 150 PF150 (82)
Ulat-kini 194 PF194 (83)
UmbraexDarvakka, Umbraex Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (83)
UniilaDevil, Uniila (Cabal Devil) 190 PF190 (87)
Unfeeling empath 193 PF193 (90)
Urdefhan 155 PF155 (82)
Urdefhan Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (84)
UrglidDemon, Urglid 184 PF184 (83)
VansidiethDemon, Vansidieth 212 PF212 (82)
VaultbreakerOoze, Vaultbreaker 158 PF158 (87)
VavakiaDemon, Vavakia 156 PF156 (79)
Vazgorlu 150 PF150 (83)
Velstrac 147 PF147 (82)
VincuvicarVelstrac, Vincuvicar 191 PF191 (80)
Visitant 152 PF152 (82)
Viskithrel 156 PF156 (84)
Virulak Jason TondroJason Tondro 182 PF182 (86)
Vitalia 155 PF155 (84)
Voidglutton James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (87)
WaterElemental vessel, Water 161 PF161 (82)
Warcat of Rull 209 PF209 (87)
Waxen effigy 205 PF205 (89)
Werecreature 213 PF213 (87)
Werecreature, Wereant 174 PF174 (86)
Weykoward Jason TondroJason Tondro 177 PF177 (83)
Wheel archonArchon, Wheel 183 PF183 (82)
Witchwyrd 149 PF149 (90)
Woodblessed Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 202 PF202 (85)
Woodwarp Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 202 PF202 (86)
Wyrmwraith 150 PF150 (84)
Xilvirek 154 PF154 (84)
Xotanispawn 149 PF149 (91)
Xulgath deepmouth 155 PF155 (85)
Xulgath gutrager 154 PF154 (85)
Xulgath ravening 193 PF193 (91)
Xulgath spinesnapper 152 PF152 (84)
Xulgath stoneliege 153 PF153 (84)
Xulgath thoughtmaw 156 PF156 (85)
Yaganty 153 PF153 (85)
Yaiafineti 189 PF189 (87)
Zealborn 161 PF161 (87)
Zimiezek Sen H.H.S. 206 PF206 (89)
Zoog Jacobs 200 PF200 (193)
Zrukbat 157 PF157 (85)
Zuipnyrn (Moon Mole) 152 PF152 (85)

Creature ecologies

Articles with extensive ecological and historical details about a broad group or class of creatures

Article Author Volume
Arboreal Ecology John ComptonJohn Compton 201 PF201 (66)
BlightCorruptors of Nature (Blights) Linda Zayas-PalmerLinda Zayas-Palmer 211 PF211 (77)
Cave Worm Ecology Scott D. YoungScott D. Young 194 PF194 (62)
DragonHere There Be Dragons James L. SutterJames L. Sutter 147 PF147 (64)
FleshwarpWarpers of Flesh (Fleshwarps) Quinn MurphyQuinn Murphy 164 PF164 (64)
Ghosts of the Inner Sea Mikhail RekunMikhail Rekun 165 PF165 (66)
HagSecrets of the Covens (Hag) Jason TondroJason Tondro 182 PF182 (68)
KaijuRise of the Kaiju Joshua KimJoshua Kim 167 PF167 (66)
Kuchisake-onnaHorrors Among Us (Kuchisake-onna, brainchild) Liane MercielLiane Merciel 199 PF199 (66)
Megafauna Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (68)
NindoruCycles of Destruction (Nindoru) Jeremy BlumJeremy Blum 198 PF198 (62)
SahkilEcology of the Sahkils John S. RobertsJohn S. Roberts 162 PF162 (60)
ShadowAmong the Shadows Ivis K. FlanaganIvis K. Flanagan 183 PF183 (68)
Will-o-WispAmong the Will-o'Wisps Amber StewartAmber Stewart 164 PF164 (58)
WitchwyrdEcology of the Witchwyrd John ComptonJohn Compton 149 PF149 (64)
XulgathEcology of the Xulgaths Andrew MullenAndrew Mullen 152 PF152 (60)

Characters and organizations

Articles and significant sections focused on individual people or organizations, including backgrounds and relationships to others

Article Author Volume
Ainamuuren 189 PF189 (88)
Ajbal Kimon 171 PF171 (86)
Alyce Quinley 201 PF201 (90)
Alzarius 210 PF210 (88)
Ambrost Mugland 179 PF179 (88)
Andera Paldreen 152 PF152 (86)
Anjelique Loveless Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (86)
Ashen Swale Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (88)
Arodeth 190 PF190 (90)
Avathrael Realmshaper Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 202 PF202 (88)
Ban-niang HuBan-niang "Granny" Hu Sen H.H.S. 196 PF196 (90)
Bee-Man of BellisThe Bee-Man of Bellis 201 PF201 (84)
Belcorra Haruvex Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (86)
Belcorra's History (section) James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (75)
Belmazog 146 PF146 (76)
Blood Lord Machinations 184 PF184 (75)
Blune Bandersworth 162 PF162 (86)
Bolan Nogasso 187 PF187 (89)
Carcass ManThe Carcass Man 209 PF209 (90)
Carman Rajani 164 PF164 (86)
Delaraius Solzakarr Sen H.H.S. 206 PF206 (90)
Dimari-Diji 172 PF172 (86)
Drustan 190 PF190 (92)
DusklightMistress Dusklight 152 PF152 (88)
Dyzallin Shraen 155 PF155 (86)
Emorga All-Seer 201 PF201 (94)
Etward Ritalson 189 PF189 (90)
Emaliza Zandivar 150 PF150 (86)
Factions of Geb Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 181 PF181 (70)
Fallenta Sumac d'Venenoux 204 PF204 (90)
Fenton Vilorgo 205 PF205 (90)
Fire-Pot Ubanu 170 PF170 (88)
Following of the Broken Tusk Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (67)
Franca Laurentz 159 PF159 (86)
Froglegs 170 PF170 (90)
Gage Carlyle 159 PF159 (86)
Ghiasi the Unraveler Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (90)
Ginjana Mindkeeper 153 PF153 (86)
Glax "Brick Blaster" Nixbrix 178 PF178 (88)
Grace "the Rhino" Owano 183 PF183 (86)
Grospek Lavarsus 157 PF157 (86)
Gangs of Absalom Alexander AugunasAlexander Augunas 159 PF159 (68)
Guards of Absalom David N. RossDavid N. Ross 158 PF158 (60)
HajeckAll-Seeing Hajeck 191 PF191 (88)
Halbrux Far-Sight 171 PF171 (88)
Harrowing ThreeThe Harrowing Three 192 PF192 (86)
Hegremon Jason TondroJason Tondro 177 PF177 (86)
Heh Shan-Bao 198 PF198 (89)
Heh Shan-Bao 199 PF199 (88)
Helg Eats-the-Eaters 154 PF154 (86)
Hendrid Pratchett 157 PF157 (86)
Hyrune Loxenna 184 PF184 (90)
Ibrium Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (88)
Il'setsya Wyrmtouched 162 PF162 (88)
Ilssrah Embermead 150 PF150 (86)
Inizra Arumelo 150 PF150 (88)
Inzikar 213 PF213 (90)
Iron Taviah Jason TondroJason Tondro 182 PF182 (88)
Ivarsa Jason TondroJason Tondro 177 PF177 (88)
Jafaki 164 PF164 (89)
Jonis Flakfatter Ron LundeenRon Lundeen 160 PF160 (86)
K'zaard the Drover Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 207 PF207 (90)
Kanker Jacobs 200 PF200 (194)
Kaneepo the Slim 187 PF187 (92)
Kelda Halrig 148 PF148 (86)
Chancellor Kemnebi 186 PF186 (88)
Kendley Nathrael 156 PF156 (86)
Kepgeda the Hag-Nailed Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 181 PF181 (90)
Kerinza 183 PF183 (88)
War Champion Kharostan 155 PF155 (88)
Khasprickle Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 202 PF202 (90)
Khurfel Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (88)
King of Biting Ants Michael SayreMichael Sayre 173 PF173 (90)
Kirosthrek 156 PF156 (88)
KorideUnshadowed Koride 174 PF174 (90)
Kortash Khain 184 PF184 (92)
Krohan Veldollow 193 PF193 (92)
Kurshkin 169 PF169 (86)
Lacunafex Lore 147 PF147 (72)
Lasheeli Aminda 183 PF183 (90)
Laslunn 147 PF147 (86)
Ledorick Banyan 154 PF154 (88)
Lukarazyll 210 PF210 (90)
Mago Kai 198 PF198 (90)
Mengkare 150 PF150 (90)
Mengkare's Story (section) 145 PF145 (70)
Maurrisa Jonne 159 PF159 (90)
Metuak Jason TondroJason Tondro 177 PF177 (90)
Mialari Docur 147 PF147 (88)
Mogaru 167 PF167 (88)
Nai Yan FeiLady Nai Yan Fei Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (90)
Narseigus Wormcaller 195 PF195 (90)
Nketiah 146 PF146 (78)
Nkiruka 172 PF172 (88)
Nolly Peltry 147 PF147 (90)
Olansa Terimor 162 PF162 (90)
Orcs of Belkzen John ComptonJohn Compton 207 PF207 (67)
Oriole 205 PF205 (92)
Otari Ilvashti James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (88)
Pakano Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (88)
Parsus Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (90)
Paskis Nine-Knivespaskis 209 PF209 (92)
Pokmit Bloody-Pike Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (92)
Prince of WolvesThe Prince of Wolves 191 PF191 (90)
PythonThe Python 212 PF212 (90)
Qormintur 155 PF155 (90)
Quahs of Moon and Sun Shay SnowShay Snow 208 PF208 (69)
Quara Orshendiel Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (90)
Quilindra 211 PF211 (92)
Rabbit PrinceThe Rabbit Prince Ron LundeenRon Lundeen 160 PF160 (88)
Ralso 157 PF157 (86)
Raven Nicoletta 192 PF192 (88)
Razu 167 PF167 (90)
Red BishopThe Red Bishop Jacobs 200 PF200 (196)
Reginald Vancaskerkin 161 PF161 (90)
Ren Mei Li 199 PF199 (90)
Renali 145 PF145 (78)
Researching the Eighth Jacobs 200 PF200 (186)
Romi Bracken 213 PF213 (92)
Ruby Phoenix Fighting Roster Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (66)
Ruzadoya Swiftmane 203 PF203 (88)
Sabora Sharkosa 179 PF179 (90)
Sakuachi Jason KeeleyJason Keeley 188 PF188 (92)
Salathiss 170 PF170 (92)
Sahni Bride-of-the-Sea Jason TondroJason Tondro 182 PF182 (90)
Sarvel Ever-Hunger (section) 151 PF151 (72)
Sarvel Ever-Hunger 156 PF156 (90)
Scarlet Triad, The The Scarlet Triad 145 PF145 (73)
Shalelu Andosana 211 PF211 (90)
Shoma Lyzerius 178 PF178 (90)
Shou Matsuki Sen H.H.S. 196 PF196 (92)
Shristi Melipdra 158 PF158 (90)
Skarja 153 PF153 (88)
Stone Ghost 169 PF169 (89)
Students of the Magaambya Eleanor FerronEleanor Ferron 169 PF169 (66)
Teachers of the Magaambya Eleanor FerronEleanor Ferron 172 PF172 (62)
Syarstik Painted-Tiger Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (90)
Syndara the Sculptor 168 PF168 (88)
Takulu Ot 169 PF169 (90)
Tatterthread 174 PF174 (88)
Telandia Edasseril 212 PF212 (92)
Thessekka 153 PF153 (90)
Thiarvo the Quick 171 PF171 (90)
Matron Uldrula 186 PF186 (90)
Ulthadar 152 PF152 (90)
Unaasi Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 202 PF202 (92)
Urevian 164 PF164 (90)
Uri Zandivar 149 PF149 (92)
Usilket 191 PF191 (92)
Venexus Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (90)
Venomfist Sen H.H.S. 206 PF206 (88)
Veshumirix 148 PF148 (90)
Voz Lirayne 145 PF145 (80)
Warbal Bumblebrasher 145 PF145 (82)
Warmaster councilThe Warmaster Council Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (71)
Worknesh 172 PF172 (90)
Wrent Dicaspiron 158 PF158 (88)
Wrin Sivinxi James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (90)
Wynsal Starborn Ron LundeenRon Lundeen 160 PF160 (90)
Xin Yue 197 PF197 (90)
Yoh Souran 168 PF168 (90)
Zashathal Head-Taker 154 PF154 (90)
Zdagren Half-Ear Leo GlassLeo Glass 208 PF208 (88)
Zellara Esmeranda 192 PF192 (90)
Zhi Hui 197 PF197 (92)
Zibik 203 PF203 (90)


Articles describing significant items, including mundane and magic items, artifacts, relics, weapons, armor, and other equipment

Article Author Volume
Adventure Treasures 147 PF147 (71)
Adventure Treasures 148 PF148 (73)
Aeon Stones Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (77)
Akitonian Weapons Michael SayreMichael Sayre 173 PF173 (78)
Alchemical Bombs Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (75)
Alchemical Bombs 203 PF203 (75)
Alchemical Items Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (73)
Alchemical Items 199 PF199 (73)
Alchemical Poisons 203 PF203 (76)
Apex Items 192 PF192 (69)
Armor and Shields 199 PF199 (75)
Artifacts 195 PF195 (79)
Artifacts and Items James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (77)
Artifacts of Aroden Steven HammondSteven Hammond 156 PF156 (64)
Artifacts of Secrets Past Sen H.H.S. 206 PF206 (83)
Artifacts of the Magaambya 174 PF174 (75)
Artifacts of Paranormal Study 189 PF189 (75)
Artifacts of the Soulkeepers 186 PF186 (75)
Bioluminescence bomb 187 PF187 (80)
Black Whale Treasures 161 PF161 (78)
Blackfrost 189 PF189 (76)
Campaign Relics 193 PF193 (83)
Consumable Magic 199 PF199 (73)
Boreal Magic Items 189 PF189 (76)
Circus Magic Items 152 PF152 (72)
Clockwork Treasures 161 PF161 (79)
Cult of Cinders Treasures 146 PF146 (71)
Deck of DestinyThe Deck of Destiny 190 PF190 (75)
Deck of Destiny 191 PF191 (72)
Deck of DestinyThe Deck of Destiny 192 PF192 (70)
Divine Poisons Ron LundeenRon Lundeen 160 PF160 (77)
Edgewatch Agents Toolbox 157 PF157 (77)
Emelett's Incredible Tonics Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (76)
Equipment & Treasure Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (78)
Equipment & Treasure 195 PF195 (79)
Equipment and Magic Items Jason KeeleyJason Keeley 188 PF188 (79)
Ghorus's Legacy Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 202 PF202 (79)
Gifts of the 203 PF203 (75)
Gifts of the Fossilized King 203 PF203 (79)
Gilded Gear 179 PF179 (76)
Gunworks Wonders Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (74)
Hellknight Hill Treasures 145 PF145 (77)
Heroic Artifacts Rigby BendeleRigby Bendele 212 PF212 (70)
Heroic Legacies (Magic items) 198 PF198 (76)
Heroic Treasures of Kyonin 211 PF211 (81)
Icons of the Roseguard 164 PF164 (71)
Infernal Contracts 164 PF164 (74)
Innate Vitrumancy Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (77)
Item 201 PF201 (81)
Items Jason TondroJason Tondro 177 PF177 (74)
Items 194 PF194 (78)
Items 209 PF209 (82)
Invigorating soapNew Alchemical Item (invigorating soap) 197 PF197 (73)
Katapesh Items 149 PF149 (77)
Katapesh Poisoners 149 PF149 (78)
Mana Wastes Armaments 179 PF179 (77)
Magic Items 153 PF153 (68)
Magic Items 154 PF154 (75)
Magic Items 158 PF158 (75)
Magic Items Ron LundeenRon Lundeen 160 PF160 (79)
Magic Items 162 PF162 (73)
Magic Items 164 PF164 (72)
Magic Items Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (75)
Magic Items Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (75)
Magic Items 170 PF170 (75)
Magic Items 172 PF172 (75)
Magic Items Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (76)
Magic Items Jason TondroJason Tondro 182 PF182 (75)
Magic Items 183 PF183 (75)
Magic Items 184 PF184 (81)
Magic Items 187 PF187 (80)
Magic Items 191 PF191 (71)
Magic Items Sen H.H.S. 196 PF196 (81)
Magic Items 213 PF213 (80)
Magic Tea 197 PF197 (76)
Magical Masks 169 PF169 (73)
Magical Treasure 204 PF204 (79)
Magical Treasure 205 PF205 (84)
Magical Treasure 210 PF210 (77)
Magical Weapons 199 PF199 (75)
Masks of the Magic Warriors 174 PF174 (78)
Miogimo 161 PF161 (88)
New Items 193 PF193 (85)
New Items Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 207 PF207 (79)
New Items Leo GlassLeo Glass 208 PF208 (77)
New Weapons 172 PF172 (78)
Other Items 199 PF199 (76)
Other Treasures 211 PF211 (83)
Parsus's Innovations Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (60)
Pilgrimage Gifts 197 PF197 (73)
Potions 187 PF187 (81)
Powderkeg Paraphernalia 178 PF178 (77)
Primordial Flame Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (75)
Pyronite 179 PF179 (75)
Relics 194 PF194 (77)
Resonant Reflections 151 PF151 (72)
Shadewither KeyThe Shadewither Key 187 PF187 (79)
Shadow Items Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (79)
Shaped by Shadow (Gloaming Arbor) Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 202 PF202 (81)
Shieldmarshal Gear Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (73)
Sinister Magic 189 PF189 (77)
SisterstoneSpecial Material (sisterstone) 183 PF183 (79)
Snares Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (79)
Theater Items Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (77)
Titanic Treasures 156 PF156 (74)
Treasure Sen H.H.S. 206 PF206 (81)
Treasures 167 PF167 (74)
Treasures 200 PF200 (181)
Treasures and Spells 212 PF212 (77)
Treasures of Bloodsalt 171 PF171 (75)
Treasures of Taldor Catalan JessicaCatalan Jessica 202 PF202 (77)
Treasures of the Ten Michael SayreMichael Sayre 173 PF173 (75)
Urdefhan Tools of War 155 PF155 (76)
Undercity Treasures 161 PF161 (77)
Vestiges of Brigh 179 PF179 (78)
Vile Gear 159 PF159 (78)
Weapons 164 PF164 (73)
Weapons and Adventuring Gear Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (73)
Weapons of Tian Xia Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (76)
Willowshore Fulus Sen H.H.S. 196 PF196 (83)
Wonders of the Wildwood Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 202 PF202 (78)
Xulgath Survival Gear 155 PF155 (75)


Articles specifically about vehicles and modes of transportation

Article Author Volume
Akitonian Vehicles Michael SayreMichael Sayre 173 PF173 (78)
Cauldron of flyingVehicle (cauldron of flying) Jason TondroJason Tondro 182 PF182 (79)
Sky Chariots 167 PF167 (60)

Historical knowledge

Articles covering past events in detail, including timelines of events

Article Author Volume
Aeon orbsThe Aeon Orbs 151 PF151 (71)
Artifacts of Aroden Steven HammondSteven Hammond 156 PF156 (64)
Belcorra's History James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (75)
Campaign Background: Sky King's Tomb Caryn DiMarcoCaryn DiMarco and Vanessa Hoskins 193 PF193 (2)
Campaign Overview (Blood Lords) 181 PF181 (2)
Campaign OverviewGatewalkers (Campaign Overview) Patrick ReniePatrick Renie 187 PF187 (2)
Campaign Overview (Season of Ghosts) James JacobsJames Jacobs 196 PF196 (2)
Campaign Overview (Seven Dooms for Sandpoint) James JacobsJames Jacobs 200 PF200 (2)
Campaign Overview (Wardens of Wildwood) John ComptonJohn Compton 201 PF201 (2)
Campaign Overview (Triumph of the Tusk) John ComptonJohn Compton and Michelle Y. Kim 207 PF207 (3)
Campaign Timeline (Age of Ashes) 145 PF145 (75)
Campaign Timeline (Extinction Curse 151 PF151 (72)
Campaign Timeline (Abomination Vaults) James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (76)
Campaign Timeline (Curtain Call) James JacobsJames Jacobs 204 PF204 (4)
Campaign Timeline (Spore War) 210 PF210 (4)
First Long Night Tan Shao Han 197 PF197 (60)
Flood TruceThe Flood Truce Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 207 PF207 (73)
HistoryA History of Secrets (Norgorber) Sen H.H.S. 206 PF206 (74)
Legends of the Harrow Luis LozaLuis Loza 160 PF160 (64)
Lost Dwarven Treasures Caryn DiMarcoCaryn DiMarco 193 PF193 (77)
Mengkare's Story 145 PF145 (70)
Mwangi Folktales James CaseJames Case and Lu Pellazar 170 PF170 (68)
Outlaws of Alkenstar 178 PF178 (2)
Quest for the Frozen FlameThe Quest for the Frozen Flame 175 PF175 (2)
Radiant FestivalThe Radiant Festival Patrick ReniePatrick Renie 157 PF157 (64)
Return to the Darklands James JacobsJames Jacobs 195 PF195 (66)
Siege Castles of Absalom Carlos CabreraCarlos Cabrera 162 PF162 (66)
Starstone Aspirants Hilary Moon MurphyHilary Moon Murphy 160 PF160 (70)
Stolen Fate (Campaign Overview) James JacobsJames Jacobs and Jason Tondro 190 PF190 (2)
Warpers of Flesh Quinn MurphyQuinn Murphy 164 PF164 (64)

Gameplay help and tools

Articles providing Pathfinder Roleplaying Game mechanics, systems, and gameplay advice


Article Author Volume
Alkenstar Agent Archetype 178 PF178 (78)
Animal Trainer Archetype 152 PF152 (76)
Archetype 201 PF201 (79)
Bellflower Tiller Archetype 147 PF147 (75)
Bloodsalt Dragon Disciple Feats 171 PF171 (79)
Bright Lion Archetype 172 PF172 (79)
Butterfly Blade Archetype Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (78)
Clockwork Reanimator Archetype Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (78)
Corpse Tender Archetype Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 181 PF181 (81)
Crystal Keeper Archetype 148 PF148 (74)
Drow Shootist Archetype Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (77)
Edgewatch Detective Archetype 157 PF157 (79)
Eldritch Researcher Archetype 164 PF164 (76)
Elven Exemplars 210 PF210 (80)
Folklorist Archetype 170 PF170 (78)
Game Hunter Archetype Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (81)
Ghost Eater Archetype Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (79)
Ghost Hunter Archetype James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (81)
Ghoul Archetype Feats 184 PF184 (79)
Golden League Xun Archetype 167 PF167 (76)
Golem Grafter Archetype 153 PF153 (74)
Jalmeri Heavenseeker Archetype 158 PF158 (78)
Mammoth Lord Archetype Jason TondroJason Tondro 177 PF177 (78)
Nantambu Chime-Ringer Archetype 170 PF170 (79)
New Feats Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 207 PF207 (80)
Oatia Skysage (Archetype) 187 PF187 (82)
Operatic Feats 204 PF204 (81)
Provocator Archetype 159 PF159 (79)
Sanguimancer Archetype 213 PF213 (83)
Scions of Domora (Archetype) Jason KeeleyJason Keeley 188 PF188 (82)
Sixth Pillar Archetype 167 PF167 (77)
Stone Brawler Archetype 195 PF195 (82)
Stonebound (Archetype) 195 PF195 (83)
Tattooed historian (Archetype) Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 207 PF207 (80)
Turpin Rowe Lumberjack Archetype 153 PF153 (75)
Twilight Speaker (Archetype) 189 PF189 (78)
Worm Caller Archetype 194 PF194 (80)
Zephyr Guard Archetype 149 PF149 (81)


Article Author Volume
Animal Companions 154 PF154 (72)
Animal Companions Jason TondroJason Tondro 177 PF177 (73)
Katapesh Companions 149 PF149 (80)
Spirit guide Jason KeeleyJason Keeley 188 PF188 (90)
Undead Companions Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 181 PF181 (77)
Wyvern (creature companion) 209 PF209 (81)

Spells and rituals

Article Author Volume
Ashes Mystery Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (80)
Broken Promises Magic 150 PF150 (75)
Castrovelian Spells 187 PF187 (81)
Circus Spells 152 PF152 (77)
Community repairRitual (community repair) 170 PF170 (75)
Contemplative Magic Michael SayreMichael Sayre 173 PF173 (77)
Epic Spells 156 PF156 (76)
Kuthite Spells Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 181 PF181 (79)
Necromancy Spells Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 176 PF176 (76)
New Rituals 197 PF197 (78)
New Rituals 198 PF198 (75)
New Spells 172 PF172 (77)
New Spells 197 PF197 (74)
Phoenix Bloodline 168 PF168 (74)
Poison Spells Ron LundeenRon Lundeen 160 PF160 (80)
Rituals and Spells 155 PF155 (73)
Rituals and Spells James JacobsJames Jacobs 163 PF163 (79)
Rituals and Spells Brian DuckwitzBrian Duckwitz 185 PF185 (79)
Specialty Magic 169 PF169 (75)
Spell 201 PF201 (80)
Spells 154 PF154 (74)
Spells 162 PF162 (75)
Spells 164 PF164 (73)
Spells Stephen Radney-MacFarlandStephen Radney-MacFarland 165 PF165 (75)
Spells Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (77)
Spells Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (80)
Spells Jason TondroJason Tondro 182 PF182 (78)
Spells 183 PF183 (77)
Spells 186 PF186 (75)
Spells 194 PF194 (79)
Spells 205 PF205 (83)
Spells 209 PF209 (82)
Spells and Rituals 158 PF158 (76)
Spells and Rituals Jason TondroJason Tondro 177 PF177 (76)
Spells and Rituals Jason KeeleyJason Keeley 188 PF188 (80)
Spells of the Sodden Lands 171 PF171 (77)
Spells of Wood 203 PF203 (78)
Song of Silver 205 PF205 (84)
Unfettered Marks 161 PF161 (80)

Other gameplay options

Article Author Volume
Advice for Game Masters 157 PF157 (74)
Belkzen Operations Ruvaid VirkRuvaid Virk 208 PF208 (61)
Beyond the Campaign (Age of Ashes) 150 PF150 (73)
Beyond the Campaign (Extinction Curse) 156 PF156 (71)
Beyond the Campaign (Stolen Fate) Luis LozaLuis Loza 192 PF192 (62)
Beyond the Campaign (Spore War) James JacobsJames Jacobs 212 PF212 (66)
Black Powder Feats 178 PF178 (79)
Blightburn Sickness 155 PF155 (68)
Blood Lord Machinations 184 PF184 (75)
Camping in the Jungle 146 PF146 (71)
Campaign Consequences (Fists of the Ruby Phoenix) 168 PF168 (73)
Campaign Repercussions (Agents of Edgewatch) 162 PF162 (73)
Campaign Repercussions (Strength of Thousands) 74 PF174 (75)
Capstone Feats 156 PF156 (72)
Capstone Feats 168 PF168 (75)
Casino Games 159 PF159 (76)
Class Feats 167 PF167 (75)
Beyond the Campaign (Bring the House Down) Sen H.H.S. 206 PF206 (73)
Continuing the Campaign (Quest for the Frozen Flame) Jason TondroJason Tondro 177 PF177 (60)
Continuing the Campaign (Outlaws of Alkenstar) Cole KronewitterCole Kronewitter 180 PF180 (60)
Continuing the Campaign (Gatewalkers) James JacobsJames Jacobs 189 PF189 (64)
Continuing the Campaign (Sky King's Tomb) Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 195 PF195 (62)
Continuing the Campaign (Season of Ghosts) Liane MercielLiane Merciel 199 PF199 (66)
Continuing the Campaign (Seven Dooms for Sandpoint) James JacobsJames Jacobs 200 PF200 (164)
Continuing the Campaign (Wardens of Wildwood) John ComptonJohn Compton 203 PF203 (62)
Continuing the Campaign (Triumph of the Tusk) Michelle Y. KimMichelle Y. Kim 209 PF209 (64)
Feats 191 PF191 (71)
Feats Luis LozaLuis Loza 166 PF166 (74)
Games of the Irorium Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 159 PF159 (60)
Gang Feats 159 PF159 (75)
Graydirge Mike KimmelMike Kimmel 181 PF181 (64)
Haunting the Living 198 PF198 (78)
Life in the Academy Patrick ReniePatrick Renie 151 PF151 (59)
Life in the Circus Mark SeifterMark Seifter 169 PF169 (60)
Obnubilate CurseThe Obnubilate Curse 187 PF187 (79)
Optional Campaign Rules 190 PF190 (82)
Paragons of Promise 150 PF150 (75)
Quest for the Frozen FlameThe Quest for the Frozen Flame (Campaign Overview) 175 PF175 (2)
Reincarnation Feats 199 PF199 (79)
Ruling Citadel Altaerein 146 PF146 (72)
Showtime! Rue DickeyRue Dickey 204 PF204 (70)
Simulating Harrow Draws 190 PF190 (83)
Skill Feats Ron LundeenRon Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen 175 PF175 (78)
Telling Fables Jessica RedekopJessica Redekop 174 PF174 (60)
Tiny Adventures Matt MorrisMatt Morris 174 PF174 (66)
Tournaments of the Great Beyond Jabari WeathersJabari Weathers 168 PF168 (66)
Unfettered Growth Jessica CatalanJessica Catalan 202 PF202 (68)
Worlds within the Mind (Mindscape) Joshua KimJoshua Kim 198 PF198 (69)