Index of articles (2E)
This index of articles and Adventure Toolbox sections spans Pathfinder Adventure Path issues 145-213 for Pathfinder Second Edition.
For articles in issues 144 and prior using Pathfinder First Edition, see Index of articles (1E). For an index of location maps, see Project:Mapping project sources.
Geography and locations
Articles containing gazetteers or social, cultural, or historical details for locations, including settlements, regions, nations, planets, and planes
Deities and religion
Articles detailing deities and religions, including pantheons and regional practices
Article | Author | Volume |
Arshea | Isabelle Thorne | PF205 (76) |
Ashes Mystery | Brian Duckwitz | PF185 (80) |
Belkzen Faiths | John Compton | PF209 (75) |
Brigh (section) | Vestiges ofPF179 (78) | |
Camazotz | Luis Loza | PF213 (74) |
Alseta's Ring and Dahak's Wrath (section) | PF145 (70) | |
Cults of the Darklands | Scott D. Young | PF155 (66) |
Dajermube, the Sun Goddess of Eclipses (section) | PF172 (75) | |
Droskar | James L. Sutter | PF148 (58) |
Findeladlara | Jacob W. Michaels | PF189 (69) |
Green Man Faiths | John Compton and Alexi Greer | PF202 (62) |
Kabriri | James Jacobs | PF184 (68) |
Narakaas | Jessica Catalan | PF186 (68) |
Nhimbaloth | James Jacobs | PF165 (60) |
Norgorber) | A History of Secrets (Sen H.H.S. | PF206 (74) |
Ravithra | Brian Yaksha | PF161 (70) |
Religions of the Realm | Jessica Catalan | PF176 (60) |
Sangpotshi | Grady Wang | PF197 (66) |
Treerazer | Aoife Ester | PF211 (70) |
Walkena | Shanyce Henley | PF172 (68) |
Zevgavizeb | Amber Stewart | PF153 (62) |
Zibik | John Compton | PF203 (65) |
Ancestries and heritages
Articles with social, cultural, or historical details for playable ancestries and heritages
Article | Author | Volume |
Ekujae | Ways of theEleanor Ferron | PF146 (64) |
Catfolk of Golarion | David N. Ross | PF152 (66) |
Pine Leshy Heritage | Jessica Catalan | PF176 (77) |
Shoony Ancestry | PF153 (70) |
Bestiary entries
Creature statblocks with a few paragraphs of detail or variations; might include ancestries that were also presented separately only as creature statblocks
Creature ecologies
Articles with extensive ecological and historical details about a broad group or class of creatures
Article | Author | Volume |
Arboreal Ecology | John Compton | PF201 (66) |
Blights) | Corruptors of Nature (Linda Zayas-Palmer | PF211 (77) |
Cave Worm Ecology | Scott D. Young | PF194 (62) |
Dragons | Here There BeJames L. Sutter | PF147 (64) |
Fleshwarps) | Warpers of Flesh (Quinn Murphy | PF164 (64) |
Ghosts of the Inner Sea | Mikhail Rekun | PF165 (66) |
Hag) | Secrets of the Covens (Jason Tondro | PF182 (68) |
Kaiju | Rise of theJoshua Kim | PF167 (66) |
Kuchisake-onna, brainchild) | Horrors Among Us (Liane Merciel | PF199 (66) |
Megafauna | Jessica Catalan | PF176 (68) |
Nindoru) | Cycles of Destruction (Jeremy Blum | PF198 (62) |
Sahkils | Ecology of theJohn S. Roberts | PF162 (60) |
Shadows | Among theIvis K. Flanagan | PF183 (68) |
Will-o'Wisps | Among theAmber Stewart | PF164 (58) |
Witchwyrd | Ecology of theJohn Compton | PF149 (64) |
Xulgaths | Ecology of theAndrew Mullen | PF152 (60) |
Characters and organizations
Articles and significant sections focused on individual people or organizations, including backgrounds and relationships to others
Articles describing significant items, including mundane and magic items, artifacts, relics, weapons, armor, and other equipment
Articles specifically about vehicles and modes of transportation
Article | Author | Volume |
Akitonian Vehicles | Michael Sayre | PF173 (78) |
cauldron of flying) | Vehicle (Jason Tondro | PF182 (79) |
Sky Chariots | PF167 (60) |
Historical knowledge
Articles covering past events in detail, including timelines of events
Gameplay help and tools
Articles providing Pathfinder Roleplaying Game mechanics, systems, and gameplay advice
Article | Author | Volume |
Alkenstar Agent Archetype | PF178 (78) | |
Animal Trainer Archetype | PF152 (76) | |
Archetype | PF201 (79) | |
Bellflower Tiller Archetype | PF147 (75) | |
Bloodsalt Dragon Disciple Feats | PF171 (79) | |
Bright Lion Archetype | PF172 (79) | |
Butterfly Blade Archetype | Luis Loza | PF166 (78) |
Clockwork Reanimator Archetype | Cole Kronewitter | PF180 (78) |
Corpse Tender Archetype | Mike Kimmel | PF181 (81) |
Crystal Keeper Archetype | PF148 (74) | |
Drow Shootist Archetype | Stephen Radney-MacFarland | PF165 (77) |
Edgewatch Detective Archetype | PF157 (79) | |
Eldritch Researcher Archetype | PF164 (76) | |
Elven Exemplars | PF210 (80) | |
Folklorist Archetype | PF170 (78) | |
Game Hunter Archetype | Ron Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen | PF175 (81) |
Ghost Eater Archetype | Luis Loza | PF166 (79) |
Ghost Hunter Archetype | James Jacobs | PF163 (81) |
Ghoul Archetype Feats | PF184 (79) | |
Golden League Xun Archetype | PF167 (76) | |
Golem Grafter Archetype | PF153 (74) | |
Jalmeri Heavenseeker Archetype | PF158 (78) | |
Mammoth Lord Archetype | Jason Tondro | PF177 (78) |
Nantambu Chime-Ringer Archetype | PF170 (79) | |
New Feats | Brian Duckwitz | PF207 (80) |
Oatia Skysage (Archetype) | PF187 (82) | |
Operatic Feats | PF204 (81) | |
Provocator Archetype | PF159 (79) | |
Sanguimancer Archetype | PF213 (83) | |
Scions of Domora (Archetype) | Jason Keeley | PF188 (82) |
Sixth Pillar Archetype | PF167 (77) | |
Stone Brawler Archetype | PF195 (82) | |
Stonebound (Archetype) | PF195 (83) | |
Tattooed historian (Archetype) | Brian Duckwitz | PF207 (80) |
Turpin Rowe Lumberjack Archetype | PF153 (75) | |
Twilight Speaker (Archetype) | PF189 (78) | |
Worm Caller Archetype | PF194 (80) | |
Zephyr Guard Archetype | PF149 (81) |
Article | Author | Volume |
Animal Companions | PF154 (72) | |
Animal Companions | Jason Tondro | PF177 (73) |
Katapesh Companions | PF149 (80) | |
Spirit guide | Jason Keeley | PF188 (90) |
Undead Companions | Mike Kimmel | PF181 (77) |
Wyvern (creature companion) | PF209 (81) |
Spells and rituals
Other gameplay options
Article | Author | Volume |
Advice for Game Masters | PF157 (74) | |
Belkzen Operations | Ruvaid Virk | PF208 (61) |
Beyond the Campaign (Age of Ashes) | PF150 (73) | |
Beyond the Campaign (Extinction Curse) | PF156 (71) | |
Beyond the Campaign (Stolen Fate) | Luis Loza | PF192 (62) |
Beyond the Campaign (Spore War) | James Jacobs | PF212 (66) |
Black Powder Feats | PF178 (79) | |
Blightburn Sickness | PF155 (68) | |
Blood Lord Machinations | PF184 (75) | |
Camping in the Jungle | PF146 (71) | |
Campaign Consequences (Fists of the Ruby Phoenix) | PF168 (73) | |
Campaign Repercussions (Agents of Edgewatch) | PF162 (73) | |
Campaign Repercussions (Strength of Thousands) | PF174 (75) | |
Capstone Feats | PF156 (72) | |
Capstone Feats | PF168 (75) | |
Casino Games | PF159 (76) | |
Class Feats | PF167 (75) | |
Beyond the Campaign (Bring the House Down) | Sen H.H.S. | PF206 (73) |
Continuing the Campaign (Quest for the Frozen Flame) | Jason Tondro | PF177 (60) |
Continuing the Campaign (Outlaws of Alkenstar) | Cole Kronewitter | PF180 (60) |
Continuing the Campaign (Gatewalkers) | James Jacobs | PF189 (64) |
Continuing the Campaign (Sky King's Tomb) | Jessica Catalan | PF195 (62) |
Continuing the Campaign (Season of Ghosts) | Liane Merciel | PF199 (66) |
Continuing the Campaign (Seven Dooms for Sandpoint) | James Jacobs | PF200 (164) |
Continuing the Campaign (Wardens of Wildwood) | John Compton | PF203 (62) |
Continuing the Campaign (Triumph of the Tusk) | Michelle Y. Kim | PF209 (64) |
Feats | PF191 (71) | |
Feats | Luis Loza | PF166 (74) |
Games of the Irorium | Mike Kimmel | PF159 (60) |
Gang Feats | PF159 (75) | |
Graydirge | Mike Kimmel | PF181 (64) |
Haunting the Living | PF198 (78) | |
Life in the Academy | Patrick Renie | PF151 (59) |
Life in the Circus | Mark Seifter | PF169 (60) |
Obnubilate Curse | ThePF187 (79) | |
Optional Campaign Rules | PF190 (82) | |
Paragons of Promise | PF150 (75) | |
Quest for the Frozen Flame (Campaign Overview) | ThePF175 (2) | |
Reincarnation Feats | PF199 (79) | |
Ruling Citadel Altaerein | PF146 (72) | |
Showtime! | Rue Dickey | PF204 (70) |
Simulating Harrow Draws | PF190 (83) | |
Skill Feats | Ron Lundeen and Stephanie Lundeen | PF175 (78) |
Telling Fables | Jessica Redekop | PF174 (60) |
Tiny Adventures | Matt Morris | PF174 (66) |
Tournaments of the Great Beyond | Jabari Weathers | PF168 (66) |
Unfettered Growth | Jessica Catalan | PF202 (68) |
Worlds within the Mind (Mindscape) | Joshua Kim | PF198 (69) |