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Creature index (1E)

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This is an alphabetized index of all new creatures appearing in the Pathfinder campaign setting. The index includes the creature's name, its type, sub-type (if applicable), alignment, CR (Challenge Rating), and the print source in which the most up-to-date version of the creature exists. All columns are sortable—click the arrows in the header row to sort by that criteria.

Please note that this is not a complete listing of all the creatures which can be found on the world of Golarion and the Great Beyond which have appeared in Paizo's publications, only those which have been given a complete monster statblock and write-up.

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Name Type Subtype(s) Alignment CR Source (page)
Aashaq's wyvern Dragon CN 08 8 IS (42)
Abaddon gigas Humanoid evil, extraplanar, giant NE 17 17 PF096 PF96 (86)
aballonian Construct N 07 7 DW (58)
abrikandilu Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 03 3 W (42)
abysogh Humanoid giant CE 15 15 PF096 PF96 (84)
Abyss gigas Humanoid chaotic, evil, extraplanar, giant CE 16 16 WL (27)
Achaekek, the Mantis God Outsider lawful, evil, extraplanar LE 30 30 PF009 PF9 (80)
adaro Monstrous humanoid aquatic NE 03 3 PF038 PF38 (80)
addu Magical beast aquatic N 15 15 PF060 PF60 (78)
adherer Monstrous humanoid LE 03 3 MMR (9)
adhukait Outsider asura, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 07 7 PF028 PF28 (82)
advodaza Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 18 18 PF030 PF30 (80)
ahkhat Outsider earth, elemental, native N 04 4 PF079 PF79 (80)
Ahriman Outsider div, evil, extraplanar NE 22 22 PF024 PF24 (76)
ahuizotl Magical beast aquatic NE 06 6 PF034 PF34 (80)
akaruzug Construct LE 14 14 PF012 PF12 (82)
akata Aberration N 01 1 B2 (23)
aluum Construct N 10 10 ISWG (306)
ammut Outsider evil, native LE 18 18 PF084 PF84 (82)
andrazku Outsider chaotic, cold, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 05 5 PF069 PF69 (84)
android Humanoid android N 00.500 ½ ISB (3)
angazhani Magical beast CE 09 9 HJ (58)
angelic guardian Construct N 05 5 MCM (52)
animated jack-o'-lantern Construct N 02 2 PF043 PF43 (80)
animated manacles Construct N 01 1 PF043 PF43 (80)
animated straitjacket Construct N 04 4 PF043 PF43 (80)
animated tank Construct N 12 12 PF071 PF71 (84)
ankou Fey extraplanar LE 14 14 PF036 PF36 (80)
annihilator Construct robot N 16 16 ISB (43)
apocrisiarius Outsider evil, extraplanar, kyton, lawful LE 07 7 PF098 PF98 (84)
apostasy wraith Undead incorporeal CE 06 6 ISB (4)
arcanaton Outsider N 09 9 J2 (27)
Arcanotheign Outsider extraplanar, incorporeal N 15 15 PF041 PF41 (82)
argorth Aberration CE 11 11 PF003 PF3 (86)
asakku Outsider native CE 07 7 KQ7 (12)
aspidochelone Magical beast aquatic N 17 17 PF027 PF27 (78)
astradaemon Outsider daemon, evil, extraplanar NE 16 16 B2 (63)
atamahuta Outsider oni, giant, native, shapechanger LE 11 11 PF051 PF51 (86)
Atlach-Nacha Aberration evil, Great Old One NE 28 PF112 (84)
attic whisperer Undead NE 04 4 B2 (34)
avoral Outsider agathion, extraplaner, good NG 09 9 B2 (16)
axiomite Outsider extraplanar, lawful LN 08 8 B2 (36)
ayngavhaul Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 12 12 PD (56)
azgenzak Aberration aquatic NE 08 8 PF069 PF69 (82)
Azlanti chariot beetle Vermin N 05 5 D1.5 (14)
azuretzi Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, protean, shapechanger CN 05 5 PF098 PF98 (86)
bakekujira Undead aquatic NE 17 17 PF059 PF59 (84)
balisse angel Outsider angel, extraplanar, good NG 08 8 CotR (59)
banshee Undead incorporeal CE 13 13 B2 (41)
Baphomet Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 27 27 PF077 PF77 (88)
baregara Outsider chaotic, evil, extraplanar CE 12 12 PF042 PF42 (80)
barrow hound Fey N 06 6 FK (29)
Basileus Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 15 15 PF029 PF29 (77)
bdellavritra Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 16 16 B2 (85)
beheaded Undead NE -1 Varies PF043 PF43 (82)
belostomatid Vermin N 03 3 PF049 PF49 (82)
benaioh Ooze or Construct N 07 7 PF093 PF93 (84)
bhole Magical beast CN 17 17 PF065 PF65 (84)
biloko Fey NE 00.500 ½ PF038 PF38 (82)
birelu Outsider extraplanar, incorporeal CN 10 10 PF094 PF94 (82)
bishop agathion Outsider aquatic, extraplanar, good NG 04 4 PF061 PF61 (80)
black blooded Aberration aquatic CE +01 +1 PF018 PF18 (82)
Black Echelon operative Undead NE 00.33 ⅓ or 1 PFS0–1 PFS0-1 (13)
black jinni Outsider chaotic, evil, extraplanar CE 12 12 PF023 PF23 (82)
Black Rider Fey LN 13 13 ILEW (53)
blackwisp egret Animal N 00.33 PF091 PF91 (83)
blast shadow Undead fire CE 05 5 PF015 PF15 (82)
blighted fey Fey CE +02 +2 ISB (6)
blightspawn Aberration CE 05 5 FR (29)
blodeuwedd Fey CN 06 6 PF033 PF33 (80)
Blood Queen Outsider native CE 23 23 IS (44)
bloodhaze mosquito swarm Vermin swarm N 06 6 PF038 PF38 (84)
bloodless vessel Undead NE 12 12 E2 (30)
blue whale Animal N 12 12 PF059 PF59 (86)
bluetip eurypterid Vermin aquatic N 05 5 PF037 PF37 (78)
boggard Humanoid boggard CE 02 2 PF002 PF2 (84)
bog strider Monstrous humanoid N 02 2 PF034 PF34 (82)
bogwid Aberration CN 05 5 PF062 PF62 (84)
bogwiggle Aberration aquatic CE 01 1 PF062 PF62 (86)
bone idol Construct N 02 2 PF027 PF27 (82)
bonestorm Undead swarm CE 08 8 PF010 PF10 (82)
boreal creature -1Varies cold As base +01 +1 ILEW (56)
boruta Plant N 09 9 PF044 PF44 (84)
botfly swarm Vermin swarm N 04 4 HJ (59)
brambleblight Plant N 07 7 PF092 PF92 ()
brass golem Construct N 14 14 PF024 PF24 (84)
brethedan Aberration N 05 5 DW (59)
brimorak Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar, fire CE 05 5 LC (56)
bronze sentinel Construct N 03 3 PF062 PF62 (90)
brush thylacine Animal N 02 2 PF031 PF31 (86)
buraq Magical beast NG 05 5 PF020 PF20 (80)
caiman, dwarf Animal N 00.33 PF055 PF55 (88)
calathgar Plant N 04 4 PF034 PF34 (84)
calikang Monstrous humanoid LN 12 12 ISWG (307)
calpina Fey CN 03 3 PF095 PF95 (82)
cambion Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 02 2 PF076 PF76 (84)
camulatz Magical beast CE 09 9 PF039 PF39 (80)
carbuncle Magical beast N 01 1 PF031 PF31 (76)
carrion golem Construct N 04 4 B2 (136)
carrionstorm Undead swarm NE 01 1 PF002 PF2 (83)
caulborn Outsider extraplanar N 07 7 CS(62)
caulborn chrestomath Outsider extraplanar N 06 6 PF063 PF63(84)
cayhound Outsider CG 05 5 ISB (8)
cephalophore Construct N 08 8 PF064 PF64 (82)
ceratioidi Monstrous humanoid aquatic N 03 3 PF032 PF32 (80)
cerberi Outsider evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 06 6 PF028 PF28 (84)
cerebric fungus Plant N 03 3 PFS0–35 PFS1-35 (16)
ceru Magical beast NG 02 2 ISB (9)
cervinal Outsider agathion, extraplanar, good NG 17 17 CotR (58)
chained spirit Undead incorporeal LE 14 14 PF011 PF11 (78)
chalicotherium Animal N 06 6 PF091 PF91 (86)
changeling Humanoid Any 00.500 ½ PF043 PF43 (84)
charau-ka Humanoid charau-ka CE 02 2 ISWG (308)
charda Monstrous humanoid aquatic CN 07 7 B2 (55)
charnel colossus Undead NE 19 19 ISB (10)
chatterer swarm Outsider chaotic, evil CE 08 8 D3 (26)
Chemnosit Magical beast CE 23 23 ISB (47)
chemosit Magical beast N 04 4 PF038 PF38 (86)
chickcharney Magical beast N 03 3 IS (46)
choleric ooze swarm Ooze swarm N 02 2 PF043 PF43 (79)
chon chon Aberration CN 00.500 ½ PF053 PF53 (82)
choral angel Outsider angel, extraplanar, good NG 06 6 CotR (60)
chortov Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 09 9 PF027 PF27 (80)
chupacabra Magical beast N 03 3 B2 (57)
cinder wolf Magical beast N 02 2 PF010 PF10 (84)
clawbat Magical beast N 01 1 PF033 PF33 (82)
clockwork dragon Construct clockwork N 16 16 PF066 PF66 (86)
clockwork familiar Construct clockwork N 02 2 PF063 PF63(86)
clockwork vivisectionist Construct clockwork N 10 PF112 (82)
coeurl Magical beast CN 08 8 PF022 PF22 (78)
cold rider Fey cold CE 08 8 E1 (27)
collector robot Construct robot N 03 3 PF085 PF85 (84)
colour out of space Ooze incorporeal CN 10 10 PF046 PF46 (76)
common eurypterid Vermin aquatic N 01 1 PF037 PF37 (78)
Contemplative of Ashok Monstrous humanoid N 02 2 DW (60)
coral capuchin Magical beast N 01 1 PF058 PF58 (82)
coral golem Construct N 09 9 IS (47)
cordulegaster Outsider aquatic, evil, extraplanar NE 06 6 PF098 PF98 (82)
corpse lotus Plant N 13 13 PF078 PF78 (84)
Courage Heart Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, good CG 15 15 PF068 PF68 (84)
crag spider Vermin N 08 8 PF006 PF6 (77)
crepitus Outsider evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 05 5 LB1 (30)
crimson whale Animal N 08 8 PF059 PF59 (87)
croaker Undead incorporeal LE 05 5 U2 (29)
crone queen Undead cold NE 15 15 PF072 PF72 (84)
cruciarus Undead incorporeal LE 12 12 PF102 PF102 (84)
cutlass spider Construct N 06 6 PF015 PF15 (84)
cynosphinx Magical beast NE 06 6 PF082 PF82 (84)
cytillipede Magical beast N 06 6 NRD (29)
danse macabre Undead incorporeal NE 14 14 PF011 PF11 (80)
dark ice creature As base cold LE, NE, CE +01 +1 E1 (31)
dark young of Shub-Niggurath Aberration CE 12 12 PF046 PF46 (78)
darklands sentinel Magical beast N 02 2 PF013 PF13 (80)
daughter of Urgathoa Undead NE 08 8 ISWG (309)
dawn piper Fey extraplanar CN 05 5 PF068 PF68 (86)
deadly mantis Vermin N 11 11 ISB (30)
deathtrap ooze Ooze N 08 8 KQ7 (14)
deathweb Undead N 06 6 PF004 PF4 (79)
deep crow Magical beast N 14 14 PF016 PF16 (80)
deimavigga Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 17 17 PD (54)
deinosuchus Animal N 08 8 PF058 PF58 (84)
deinotherium Animal N 07 7 PF091 PF91 (86)
delver Aberration earth N 09 9 MMR (15)
demonic vermin Magical beast CE +01 +1 W (52)
denizen of Leng Outsider chaotic, evil, extraplanar CE 08 8 B2 (82)
derakni Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 10 10 W (43)
derhii Monstrous humanoid N 05 5 LCG (23)
Deskari Outsider chaotic, demon, earth, evil, extraplanar CE 29 29 PF078 PF78 (88)
devastator Construct extraplanar, mythic CE 22/MR 8 PF078 PF78 (90)
devilfish Magical beast aquatic NE 04 4 B2 (88)
dhabba Animal N 01 1 DM (60)
dimensional shambler Outsider chaotic, evil CE 08 8 PF046 PF46 (80)
dimorphodon Animal N 01 1 PF037 PF37 (82)
dire corby Monstrous humanoid NE 01 1 MMR (21)
director robot Construct robot N 10 10 PF090 PF90 (88)
disenchanter Magical beast N 03 3 MMR (27)
dodo Animal N 00.250 ¼ PF055 PF55 (88)
domovoi Fey CG 03 3 PF067 PF67 (86)
doru Outsider div, evil, extraplanar NE 02 2 PF019 PF19 (80)
dosojin Outsider kami, native NG 07 7 PF052 PF52 (82)
dragonkin Dragon LN 09 9 DW (61)
dream spider Vermin N 00.500 ½ PF007 PF7 (82)
drekavac Undead NE 03 3 PF032 PF32 (78)
drocha swarm Undead incorporeal, swarm CE 07 7 PF075 PF75 (88)
drowning devil Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 08 8 PF060 PF60 (80)
duppy Undead incorporeal CE 07 7 IS (48)
dvorovoi Fey CN 04 4 PF067 PF67 (86)
dweomercat Magical beast CN 07 7 PF036 PF36 (82)
dweomercat cub Magical beast CN 02 2 PF036 PF36 (82)
dwiergeth Outsider extraplanar CE 13 13 W (54)
earth yai Outsider giant, native, oni, shapechanger NE 13 13 PF053 PF53 (88)
ebon acolytus Construct N 07 7 PF030 PF30 (82)
ectoplasmic creature Undead As base CE +01 +1 PF043 PF43 (86)
edimmu Undead incorporeal CE 03 3 PF020 PF20 (82)
elder sphinx Magical beast N 16 16 PF083 PF83 (90)
elder thing Aberration aquatic LN 05 5 PF046 PF46 (82)
elk Animal N 01 1 PF031 PF31 (80)
embolotherium Animal N 05 5 PF091 PF91 (87)
emkrah Aberration CE 09 9 PF021 PF21 (80)
Emperor of Scales Outsider chaotic, evil, native CE 15 15 PF042 PF42 (82)
End's Voice Outsider chaotic, extraplanar CN 15 15 PF064 PF64 (84)
ephialtes kyton Outsider evil, extraplanar, kyton, lawful LE 16 16 PF030 PF30 (86)
ercinee Magical beast N 04 4 PF005 PF5 (81)
esobok Outsider extraplanar, psychopomp N 03 3 PF080 PF80 (84)
estuarine worm Magical beast aquatic N 10 10 PF082 PF82 (86)
evaluator robot Construct robot N 12 12 PF090 PF90 (90)
exoskeleton Undead NE -1Varies PF091 PF91 (84)
executioner's hood Aberration N 02 2 MMR (50)
faceless stalker (Ugothol) Aberration shapechanger CE 04 4 B2 (122)
faceless whale Magical beast N 15 15 PF060 PF60 (82)
fachen Aberration NE 05 5 PF063 PF63(88)
fallen Undead incorporeal LE 08 8 PF075 PF75 (90)
fell flotsam Undead NE 06 6 W2 (28)
feranth Magical beast CE 14 14 PF090 PF90 (82)
ferrugon Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 12 12 PF101 PF101 (82)
festrog Undead NE 01 1 D4 (30)
fext Undead LE 10 10 PF071 PF71 (88)
First Blade Outsider chaotic, extraplanar CN 15 15 PF035 PF35 (82)
flail snail Magical beast N 03 3 MMR (33)
flame drake Dragon fire CE 05 5 B2 (106)
fleshdreg Aberration NE 01 1 PF061 PF61 (82)
fleshdreg swarm Aberration swarm NE 02 2 PF061 PF61 (83)
flesh-eating cockroach swarm Vermin swarm N 02 2 PF013 PF13 (84)
flood troll Humanoid giant CE 02 2 PF091 PF91 (88)
flumph Aberration LG 01 1 MMR (39)
flying polyp Aberration air CE 14 14 PF065 PF65 (86)
forest drake Dragon earth LE 04 4 B2 (107)
forge spurned Undead fire CE 05 5 D1 (28)
forsaken legion Undead LE -1Varies PF102 PF102 (86)
forsaken lich Undead LE, NE, CE +02 +2 PF048 PF48 (82)
frost fir Plant cold NE 01 1 PF067 PF67 (84)
frostfallen creature Undead cold NE +01 +1 PF051 PF51 (84)
frosty chiseler Fey cold CE 04 4 E1 (29)
fukujin Outsider kami, native LN 03 3 PF052 PF52 (84)
fungal crawler Aberration N 03 3 B2 (127)
fungus leshy Plant leshy N 02 2 PF034 PF34 (86)
fungus queen Plant extraplanar CE 09 9 ISB (12)
gaav Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 03 3 PD (58)
gallu Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 19 19 W (44)
galvo Magical beast aquatic NE 09 9 PF059 PF59 (88)
gambling devil Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 04 4 PF097 PF97 (84)
gammenore Magical beast cold N 08 8 PF089 PF89 (84)
gandareva Dragon aquatic NE 16 16 PF024 PF24 (80)
gare linnorm Dragon aquatic CE 15 15 PF050 PF50 (84)
gargiya Magical beast aquatic N 10 10 PF060 PF60 (84)
gargoyle guardian Construct N 08 8 PF048 PF48 (84)
garuda Outsider native CG 09 9 CED (29)
gashadokuro Undead NE 13 13 PF054 PF54 (84)
gearsman Construct robot N 04 4 ISB (44)
genthodaemon Outsider daemon, evil, extraplanar NE 05 5 PF071 PF71 (86)
get of Iblis Aberration aquatic CE 13 13 PF023 PF23 (86)
ghalshoatan Outsider evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 09 9 J4 (30)
ghawwas Outsider aquatic, div, evil, extraplanar NE 10 10 PF022 PF22 (80)
ghelarn Aberration N 02 2 PF085 PF85 (86)
gholdako Undead giant NE 10 10 IS (49)
ghonhatine Aberration CE 10 10 PF016 PF16 (84)
ghoran Plant N 00.500 ½ ISB (14)
ghorazagh Aberration NE 13 13 PF029 PF29 (84)
ghul Undead shapechanger CE 05 5 DM (62)
giant assassin bug Vermin N 03 3 PF081 PF81 (82)
giant botfly Vermin N 00.33 HJ (59)
giant fly Vermin N 01 1 B2 (124)
giant gecko Animal N 01 1 PF001 PF1 (89)
giant ground wasp Vermin N 04 4 PF081 PF81 (83)
giant hellgrammite Vermin aquatic N 05 5 PF049 PF49 (83)
giant maggot Vermin N 00.500 ½ B2 (124)
giant raven Animal N 01 1 PF097 PF97 ()
giant walking stick Vermin N 05 5 PF081 PF81 (83)
gibrileth Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 11 11 W (46)
gigas clam Magical beast aquatic CN 11 11 PF060 PF60 (64)
gillman Humanoid aquatic N 00.33 ISWG (310)
glass urchin Vermin aquatic N 09 9 PF037 PF37 (84)
gnoph-keh Magical beast cold CE 11 11 PF046 PF46 (84)
goblin dog Animal N 01 1 PF001 PF1 (87)
goblin snake Aberration goblinoid CE 01 1 PF001 PF1 (88)
golden guardian Construct N 06 6 CGD (29)
gongorinan Outsider chaotic, qlippoth, evil, extraplanar CE 11 11 PF064 PF64 (90)
Grand Defender Construct extraplanar LG 15 15 PF062 PF62 (88)
granule construct swarm Construct swarm N 06 6 D2 (29)
Gravedragger Outsider evil, herald NE 15 15 PF089 PF89 (86)
graveknight Undead LE +02 +2 PF026 PF26 (82)
greater gidim Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal, lawful LE 15 15 PF029 PF29 (83)
great cyclops Humanoid giant CE 12 12 PF033 PF33 (84)
Great Elder Iuu Outsider evil, giant, herald, lawful LE 15 15 PF093 PF93 (86)
greater verduous ooze Ooze N 11 11 PF035 PF35 (86)
grimple Fey CN 00.33 FR (15)
grim reaper Undead evil, extraplanar, incorporeal NE 20 20 PF048 PF48 (86)
Grim White Stag Outsider extraplanar, good, lawful LG 15 15 PF032 PF32 (82)
grimslake Aberration extraplanar CE 06 6 W (55)
grioth Monstrous humanoid CE 01 1 DD (62)
grodair Magical beast aquatic, extraplanar CN 05 5 PF036 PF36 (84)
grootslang Magical beast CE 16 16 PF042 PF42 (84)
guardian doll Construct cold NE 03 3 ILEW (58)
guardian scroll Construct N 03 3 PF079 PF79 (82)
gug Aberration CE 10 10 B2 (151)
guiltgorger giant Humanoid extraplanar, giant NE 08 8 S1 (30)
gutdragging lurcher Undead CE 03 3 U2 (30)
half-janni Outsider augmented, human, native Any +02 +2 QGE (26-27)
Hand of the Inheritor Outsider angel, extraplanar, good, lawful LG 15 15 PF026 PF26 (84)
hadhayosh Magical beast fire N 18 18 PF021 PF21 (82)
hag eye ooze Ooze N 033 or 9 PF072 PF72 (86)
hala Outsider air, chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 04 4 PF049 PF49 (84)
haniver Fey aquatic N 00.500 ½ PF025 PF25 (76)
hanshepsu Construct N 10 10 PF083 PF83 (86)
harridan Magical beast CE 12 12 PF006 PF6 (82)
havero Aberration NE 24 24 PF010 PF10 (86)
hegessik Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, protean, shapechanger CN 15 15 PF101 PF101 (84)
Hell gigas Humanoid evil, extraplanar, giant, lawful LE 15 15 PF030 PF30 (84)
herecite Undead LE 09 9 PF100 PF100 (116)
herne Monstrous humanoid CN 06 6 PF073 PF73 (86)
hippopotamus Animal N 05 5 HJ (60)
hoary muntjac Magical beast N 03 3 W3 (27)
hodag Magical beast N 05 5 PF032 PF32 (84)
hollow one Construct N 10 PF112 (86)
hollow serpent Undead reptilian NE 16 16 PF042 PF42 (86)
hooded harbinger Aberration CE 12 PF112 (88)
hound of Tindalos Outsider NE 07 7 B2 (158)
hungerer Magical beast CE 15 15 PF006 PF6 (84)
hunter urchin Vermin aquatic N 01 1 PF037 PF37 (84)
ikelos Outsider extraplanar, incorporeal CE 07 7 PF095 PF95 (84)
imentesh Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, protean, shapechanger CN 10 10 B2 (214)
impaler shrike Animal N 03 3 PF097 PF97 (82)
impundulu Outsider evil, extraplanar, shapechanger NE 11 11 PF040 PF40 (80)
incutilis Aberration aquatic LE 02 2 PF055 PF55 (84)
indarugant Undead CE 14 14 PF094 PF94 (86)
inkanyamba Magical beast CE 13 13 PF041 PF41 (84)
intellect devourer Aberration CE 08 8 ID (50)
irlgaunt Aberration NE 13 13 PF035 PF35 (84)
irnakurse Aberration CE 09 9 PF016 PF16 (86)
iron rhinoceros Construct N 11 11 PF095 PF95 (86)
irradiated dead Undead NE 07 7 PF087 PF87 (84)
isopod, giant Vermin aquatic N 00.125 PF055 PF55 (89)
ja noi Outsider goblinoid, native, oni, shapechanger LE 05 5 PF052 PF52 (90)
jade idol Construct N 04 4 PF027 PF27 (83)
jinkin Fey CE 01 1 B2 (142)
jinmenju Plant N 11 11 PF054 PF54 (86)
juggernaut robot Construct robot N 15 15 PF089 PF89 (88)
kakuen-taka Outsider chaotic, evil, extraplanar, swarm CE 14 14 ISB (20)
kaminari Outsider air, kami, native CN 17 17 PF052 PF52 (86)
kapre Plant CN 10 10 PF058 PF58 (86)
katpaskir Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 18 18 PF078 PF78 (86)
keketar Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, protean, shapechanger CN 17 17 B2 (215)
Kelpie's Wrath Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, water CN 15 15 PF055 PF55 (86)
kere Outsider psychopomp, extraplanar N 10 10 PF064 PF64 (88)
Khaei Monstrous humanoid N 03 3 ISB (22)
khala Dragon cold CE 17 17 ILEW (59)
Kijimuna Humanoid goblinoid CN 02 2 PF053 PF53 (84)
kithangian Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 09 9 W (47)
kokogiak Magical beast NE 12 12 PF069 PF69 (86)
kongamato Dragon N 15 15 PF042 PF42 (88)
korir-kokembe Dragon N 10 10 ISB (23)
kronosaurus Animal N 10 10 PF060 PF60 (88)
kuchrima Magical beast CE 08 8 PF006 PF6 (80)
Kurshu the Undying Outsider evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 15 15 PF065 PF65 (88)
kuru Humanoid kuru CE 00.500 ½ IS (51)
labyrinth minotaur Outsider chaotic, evil, extraplanar CE 16 16 PF077 PF77 (90)
lamhigyn Outsider chaotic, evil, extraplanar CE 03 3 PF076 PF76 (88)
lamia matriarch Monstrous humanoid shapechanger CE 08 8 B2 (175)
lar Outsider good, incorporeal, lawful, native LG 05 5 PF027 PF27 (86)
larabay Fey shapechanger CN 11 11 IS (52)
lashunta Humanoid lashunta NG 00.500 ½ ISB (25)
Latten Mechanism Construct extraplanar, herald N 15 15 PF086 PF86 (84)
lava child Monstrous humanoid earth, fire N 03 3 MMR (45)
Lawgiver Construct extraplanar LN 15 15 PF008 PF8 (86)
lesser gidim Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal, lawful LE 06 6 PF029 PF29 (82)
leucrotta Magical beast CE 05 5 B2 (178)
leukodaemon Outsider daemon, evil, extraplanar NE 09 9 B2 (68)
levaloch Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 07 7 PD (60)
lilitu Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 17 17 W (48)
living cave painting Aberration N 04 4 PF093 PF93 (88)
living effigy Construct N 08 8 PF094 PF94 (88)
living rune Aberration NE 13 13 PF066 PF66 (88)
living sandstorm Outsider earth, elemental N 11 11 PF083 PF83 (86)
living topiary Plant N 04 4 PF047 PF47 (80)
lorelei Aberration aquatic NE 12 12 PF060 PF60 (86)
Lorthact Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 25 25 ISB (26)
lukwata Magical beast aquatic N 11 11 PF041 PF41 (86)
lurker above Aberration N 07 7 MMR (50)
lurker in light Fey extraplanar NE 05 5 B2 (180)
lusca Magical beast aquatic CE 17 17 IS (53)
lyrakien Outsider azata, chaotic, extraplanar, good CG 02 2 B2 (38)
maftet Monstrous humanoid N 06 6 PF015 PF15 (88)
magaav Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 06 6 PD (58)
magnetite golem Construct N 10 10 PF095 PF95 (86)
Malebolgian cerberi Outsider evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 12 12 PF028 PF28 (84)
man-eating animal Magical beast CE +01 +1, 2, or 3 PF074 PF74 (88)
Mana Wastes mutant Aberration augmented NG, CG, N, CN, NE, CE +01 +1 ISB (28)
mandragora Plant CE 04 4 B2 (185)
marax Animal N 11 11 PF090 PF90 (86)
marble sentinel Construct N 04 4 PF062 PF62 (90)
marine crocodile Animal N 03 3 PF058 PF58 (85)
marrowstone golem Construct N 08 8 ISB (17)
marsh giant Humanoid giant CE 08 8 B2 (129)
mask golem Construct N 04 4 MLG (30)
megaloceros Animal N 04 4 PF031 PF31 (80)
meladaemon Outsider daemon, evil, extraplanar NE 11 11 B2 (69)
melancholic ooze swarm Ooze swarm N 01 1 PF043 PF43 (79)
Melfesh Monster Plant extraplanar NE 06 6 PF061 PF61 (84)
memitim Outsider extraplanar, psychopomp N 15 15 ISB (39)
Menotherian Outsider chaotic, elf, extraplanar, shapechanger CN 15 15 PF017 PF17 (86)
mezlan Ooze shapechanger N 14 14 PF066 PF66 (90)
Mindspin ram Animal N 02 2 PF091 PF91 (82)
mi-go Plant NE 06 6 PF046 PF46 (86)
miengu Fey aquatic NG 11 11 PF022 PF22 (82)
mirror man Construct NE 05 5 PF068 PF68 (88)
mobogo Magical beast boggard CE 10 10 PF012 PF12 (88)
mockingfey Fey CN 01 1 ISB (31)
moit of Shub-Niggurath Aberration CE 09 9 PF046 PF46 (88)
mokele-mbembe Animal N 09 9 PF039 PF39 (84)
mongrel giant Humanoid giant -1 Varies +01 +1 PF093 PF93 (90)
monkey goblin Humanoid goblinoid NE 00.500 ½ ISB (16)
monstrous cockroach Vermin N 00.500 ½ PF013 PF13 (84)
moonflower Plant N 08 8 B2 (192)
morgodea Fey CE 04 4 PF099 PF99 (86)
morlock Monstrous humanoid CE 02 2 ID (54)
morrigna Outsider extraplanar, psychopomp N 13 13 PF048 PF48 (88)
mosquito swarm Vermin swarm N 03 3 B2 (193)
Mother of Oblivion Outsider aquatic, native CE 15 15 PF003 PF3 (88)
Mother's Maw Undead evil, extraplanar NE 15 15 PF047 PF47 (82)
mothman Monstrous humanoid CN 06 6 B2 (194)
Moxix Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 20 20 ISB (32)
mummy lord Undead LE, NE, CE +02 +2 PF084 PF84 (84)
narwhal Animal N 03 3 PF059 PF59 (87)
mummified animal Undead NE -1Varies PF081 PF81 (84)
myrmidon Construct robot N 11 11 ISB (45)
naunet Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, protean, shapechanger CN 07 7 B2 (216)
necropyre Undead incorporeal, fire As base +00 +0 E2 (31)
nemhain Undead incorporeal NE 15 15 TIM (29)
neothelid Aberration LE 15 15 ID (48)
nephilim Outsider native N 08 8 PF023 PF23 (88)
neshmaal Outsider extraplanar, incorporeal CE 12 12 PF084 PF84 (86)
nightmare bats Outsider evil, extraplanar NE 03 3 D2 (30)
night monarch Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, good CG 15 15 PF005 PF5 (88)
nightgaunt Monstrous humanoid CN 04 4 PF065 PF65 (90)
nightprowler Undead extraplanar, nightshade CE 10 10 PF102 PF102 (90)
Nightripper Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 24 24 ISB (34)
nihiloi Outsider extraplanar CN 11 11 PF029 PF29 (86)
ningyo Monstrous humanoid aquatic NE 01 1 PF037 PF37 (80)
nirento Plant N 04 4 IS (55)
nixudaemon Outsider daemon, evil, extraplanar NE 07 7 PF096 PF96 (88)
Nocticula Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 30 30 PF076 PF76 (86)
nogitsune Outsider kitsune, native, oni, shapechanger NE 07 7 PF050 PF50 (86)
noqual golem Construct N 18 18 ISB (18)
nosferatu Undead augmented LE, NE, CE +02 +2 PF008 PF8 (88)
nosoi Outsider extraplanar, psychopomp N 02 2 PF047 PF47 (86)
nothosaur Animal N 05 5 PF060 PF60 (88)
nuckelavee Fey aquatic NE 09 9 PF034 PF34 (88)
obambo Undead incorporeal LE 13 13 PF040 PF40 (82)
observer robot Construct robot N 02 2 PF086 PF86 (88)
ochre eurypterid Vermin aquatic N 00.33 PF037 PF37 (78)
ogrekin Humanoid giant LE, NE, CE +01 +1 B2 (204)
The Old Man Outsider extraplanar, lawful LN 15 15 PF053 PF53 (86)
oma Magical beast N 16 16 DW (62)
omox Outsider aquatic, chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 12 12 B2 (79)
oolioddroo Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 13 13 W (50)
oronci Aberration CE 05 5 ISB (36)
Osirion mummy Undead augmented LE +01 +1 J1 (30)
ossumental Undead earth, fire, air, or water NE 12 12 PF083 PF83 (88)
ostiarius kyton Outsider evil, extraplanar, kyton, lawful LE 05 5 PF064 PF64 (86)
ourdivar Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, protean, shapechanger CN 04 4 PF092 PF92 (86)
ovinnik Fey CN 02 2 PF067 PF67 (87)
painted creation Construct N -1Varies U1 (29)
pairaka Outsider div, evil, extraplanar NE 07 7 PF020 PF20 (84)
panotti Humanoid NG 02 2 MM (29)
panthereon golem Construct N 11 11 PF082 PF82 (88)
pelagastr Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, incorporeal, protean, shapechanger CN 08 8 PF099 PF99 (88)
peluda Dragon NE 10 10 PF033 PF33 (86)
peryton Magical beast CE 04 4 B2 (207)
petrified maiden Undead NE 06 6 ISB (37)
petromin Animal N 00.33 PF085 PF85 (82)
phantom armor Undead NE -1Varies PF047 PF47 (84)
phistophilus Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 10 10 PF012 PF12 (86)
phlegmatic ooze swarm Ooze swarm N 00.500 ½ PF043 PF43 (78)
pilo Animal N 02 2 PF085 PF85 (82)
plagued beast Undead NE +01 +1 W (56)
polar bear Animal N 05 5 PF067 PF67 (82)
polevik Fey NE 05 5 PF063 PF63(90)
poludnica Fey CN 10 10 PF072 PF72 (88)
popobala Monstrous humanoid CE 15 15 PF040 PF40 (84)
Prince in Chains Outsider evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 15 15 PF011 PF11 (84)
procyal Outsider agathion, extraplanar, good NG 08 8 PF099 PF99 (84)
proto-shoggoth Ooze N 11 PF112 (90)
pugwampi Fey NE 00.500 ½ B2 (144)
putrid ooze Ooze N 11 11 PF076 PF76 (90)
pyropiscis Magical beast fire N 08 8 PF095 PF95 (90)
qallupilluk Monstrous humanoid aquatic LE 07 7 PF051 PF51 (88)
quantium golem Construct N 20 20 ISB (19)
quetzalcoatlus Animal N 07 7 PF037 PF37 (82)
raelis Outsider azata, chaotic, extraplanar, good CG 10 10 PF066 PF66 (84)
raiju Outsider air, extraplanar, shapechanger CN 05 5 PF053 PF53 (90)
rajput ambari Undead CE 07 7 PF009 PF9 (84)
rakshasa maharajah Outsider native LE 18 18 PF009 PF9 (86)
raktavarna Outsider native LE 03 3 PF007 PF7 (86)
ratling Magical beast CE 02 2 PF049 PF49 (86)
ravener behemoth Magical beast N 18 18 PF030 PF30 (78)
reclamation robot Construct robot N 12 12 PF088 PF88 (84)
redcap Fey NE 06 6 B2 (233)
red reaver Magical beast N 13 13 PF010 PF10 (88)
Red Rider Fey LN 12 12 ILEW (54)
reefclaw Aberration aquatic CN 01 1 B2 (234)
revenant Undead LE 06 6 B2 (235)
rhamphorhynchus Animal N 00.33 PF037 PF37 (82)
rhu-chalik Aberration CE 06 6 PF086 PF86 (86)
riftcreeper Ooze extraplanar CE 15 15 W (57)
river elk Animal N 02 2 PF031 PF31 (80)
rokurokubi Monstrous humanoid LE 14 14 PF054 PF54 (90)
rorkoun Aberration aquatic NE 06 6 PF032 PF32 (86)
roseblood sprite Fey NE 03 3 W1 (30)
rot grub Vermin swarm N 07 7 PF025 PF25 (78)
rot grub, giant Vermin N 03 3 PF025 PF25 (78)
royal naga Aberration LN 11 11 PF027 PF27 (88)
rukh Animal N 10 10 PF021 PF21 (84)
rukh, juvenile Animal N 03 3 PF021 PF21 (84)
rune giant Humanoid giant LE 17 17 B2 (130)
rune guardian Construct N 01 1 GH (29)
runeslave Humanoid giant As base +00 +0 PF004 PF4 (90)
rust-risen Undead CE 02 2 PF086 PF86 (90)
sabosan Monstrous humanoid NE 05 5 PF040 PF40 (86)
salikotal Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 07 7 PF026 PF26 (80)
saltwater crocodile Animal N 05 5 PF058 PF58 (85)
sand eel Animal N 05 5 DM (61)
Sandpoint devil Outsider native NE 08 8 ISWG (311)
sandwalker Magical beast NE 11 11 KQ7 (15)
sangoi Fey NE 07 7 PF069 PF69 (88)
sanguine ooze swarm Ooze swarm N 00.33 PF043 PF43 (78)
sarglagon Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 08 8 PF060 PF60 (80)
saumen kar Monstrous humanoid CN 10 10 PF051 PF51 (90)
scanderig (forgefiend) Outsider earth LE 10 10 PF004 PF4 (86)
scarab beetle Vermin N 06 6 ISB (5)
scrivenite Outsider extraplanar, lawful N 04 4 PF097 PF97 (86)
scythe glass swarm Construct swarm N 09 9 PF101 PF101 (86)
sea scourge Ooze aquatic N 06 6 IS (58)
sea snake Animal N 01 1 or 7 IS (59)
sea-sworn Undead aquatic, augmented NE +00 +0 LB2 (30)
seal Animal N 00.33 PF055 PF55 (89)
seaweed siren Magical beast aquatic CN 13 13 PF060 PF60 (90)
selkie Monstrous humanoid aquatic, shapechanger CN 05 5 PF050 PF50 (88)
sentinel hut Construct N 08 8 ILEW (60)
sepid Outsider div, evil, extraplanar LE 14 14 PF023 PF23 (84)
seraptis Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 15 15 LC (58)
serpentfolk Monstrous humanoid NE 04 4 B2 (242)
serpopard Magical beast CN 07 7 PF081 PF81 (86)
Set guardian Construct N 13 13 PF084 PF84 (88)
seugathi Aberration CE 06 6 B2 (243)
sha Magical beast LE 04 4 PF080 PF80 (86)
shabti Outsider native -1Varies 00.500 ½ PF084 PF84 (90)
shachath Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 11 11 PF075 PF75 (84)
shadowgarm Aberration extraplanar NE 02 2 PF025 PF25 (80)
shalkeshka Magical beast earth N 08 8 PF081 PF81 (88)
shipmind Ooze CE 13 13 PF088 PF88 (86)
shobhad Monstrous humanoid N 04 4 DW (63)
shoki Outsider extraplanar, psychopomp N 09 9 ISB (40)
simurgh Magical beast NG 18 18 PF024 PF24 (86)
shadow giant Humanoid extraplanar, giant LE 13 13 ISB (15)
shadow golem Construct N 14 14 PF102 PF102 (88)
shadowy lurker Undead incorporeal NE 08 8 U1 (27)
shaitan Outsider earth, extraplanar LN 07 7 PF018 PF18 (?)
shasalqu Magical beast N 03 3 PF079 PF79 (84)
Shax Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 28 28 PF074 PF74 (84)
shell sentinel Construct LE 05 5 PF098 PF98 (88)
shenzuzhou Undead LE 12 12 TRPT (29)
shemhazian Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 16 16 B2 (80)
shining child of Thassilon Outsider evil, extraplanar CE 12 12 B2 (245)
shir Outsider div, evil, extraplanar NE 10 10 PF021 PF21 (78)
shoggoth Ooze chaotic CN 15 15 J3 (29)
shriezyx Aberration CE 04 4 MCM (60)
siabrae Undead earth NE +02 +2 W (58)
Sifkesh Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 28 28 PF075 PF75 (86)
sikari macaque swarm Animal swarm N 05 5 PF009 PF9 (88)
sin seeker Magical Beast N 02 2 PF073 PF73 (88)
sinspawn Aberration NE 02 2 B2 (246)
siren Magical beast CN 05 5 B2 (247)
skapraun Fey LN 01 1 PF092 PF92 (88)
skaveling Undead CE 05 5 ID (50)
skeltercat Magical beast shapechanger CE 04 4 PF092 PF92 (90)
skin stealer Fey CE 02 2 PF044 PF44 (88)
skittergoat Animal N 00.500 ½ PF091 PF91 (92)
skrik nettle Magical beast extraplanar N 06 6 PF036 PF36 (86)
skull ripper Construct CN 09 9 PF003 PF3 (84)
skvader Magical beast N 00.500 ½ PF061 PF61 (86)
slime naga Aberration NE 09 9 PF100 PF100 (118)
slithering pit Ooze N 02 2 PF097 PF97 (88)
slurk Magical beast N 02 2 B2 (251)
smoke haunt Undead fire CE 04 4 PF003 PF3 (81)
snallygaster Aberration CE 03 3 PF061 PF61 (88)
somalcygot Aberration NE 12 12 M (29)
snowdrifter Aberration air, cold CE 04 4 W3 (28)
son of perdition Outsider chaotic, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal CE 13 13 D3 (27)
sorico Animal N 01 1 PF085 PF85 (83)
soucouyant Monstrous humanoid NE 08 8 IS (61)
soulbound doll Construct CN, LN, N, NE, NG 02 2 B2 (255)
spartolos Undead NE 06 6 PF028 PF28 (88)
spawn of Yog-Sothoth Aberration extraplanar CE 10 10 CH (28)
spear urchin Vermin aquatic N 04 4 PF037 PF37 (84)
Spellscar fext Undead CE 07 7 ISB (49)
spine dragon Dragon earth CN 16 16 ISWG (312)
spiny eurypterid Vermin aquatic N 09 9 PF037 PF37 (78)
Spirit of Adoration Outsider extraplanar, good NG 15 15 PF050 PF50 (90)
spitting eurypterid Vermin aquatic N 12 12 PF037 PF37 (78)
Spring-Heeled Jack Fey CE 03 3 PF043 PF43 (88)
sprite swarm Fey swarm CN 05 5 FR (62)
spyglass archon Outsider archon, extraplanar, good, lawful LG 03 3 CotR (61)
sruvara Dragon NE 15 15 PF024 PF24 (80)
Stabbing Beast, The Outsider evil, extraplanar, shapechanger NE 15 15 PF059 PF59 (90)
stalk beetle Vermin N 02 2 ISB (5)
star-spawn of Cthulhu Aberration CE 20 20 PF046 PF46 (90)
star monarch Magical beast CG 09 9 ISB (50)
Steward of the Skein Outsider extraplanar, shapechanger N 15 15 PF044 PF44 (90)
stone idol Construct N 03 3 PF027 PF27 (84)
storm aurochs Magical beast CN 09 9 PF096 PF96 (90)
storm hag Monstrous humanoid CE 07 7 PF072 PF72 (90)
stormghost Monstrous humanoid CE 15 15 PF070 PF70 (84)
stranglereed Plant aquatic N 09 9 PF082 PF82 (90)
stringy demodand Outsider chaotic, demodand, evil, extraplanar CE 15 15 PF077 PF77 (84)
strix Humanoid strix N 00.33 ISWG (313)
stygira Monstrous humanoid LE 07 7 PF033 PF33 (88)
stymphalides, giant Magical beast N 08 8 PF026 PF26 (88)
stymphalides, swarm Magical beast swarm N 06 6 PF026 PF26 (86)
suijin Outsider kami, native, water N 14 14 PF052 PF52 (88)
suli Outsider native Any 00.500 ½ QGE (28-29)
sun falcon Magical beast fire LN 04 4 PF079 PF79 (86)
sunbaked zombie Undead NE 01 1 PF080 PF80 (88)
Sunlord Thalachos Outsider angel, extraplanar, good NG 15 15 PF020 PF20 (86)
surgeon robot Construct robot N 14 14 PF089 PF89 (90)
svathurim Monstrous humanoid cold CE 11 11 PF069 PF69 (90)
swamp barracuda Animal aquatic N 02 2 PF013 PF13 (86)
syrinx Humanoid syrinx LE 00.33 ISB (51)
taiga giant Humanoid giant CN 12 12 B2 (131)
tatzlwyrm Dragon N 02 2 PF031 PF31 (82)
tear of Nuruu'gal Ooze fire CN 06 6 LCG (43)
tekenu Undead NE 06 6 PF080 PF80 (90)
telgrodradt Aberration NE 06 6 PF100 PF100 (120)
tenome Monstrous humanoid NE 04 4 PF099 PF99 (90)
termagant Outsider evil, extraplanar, kyton, lawful LE 17 17 ISB (24)
tetrolimulus Magical beast aquatic NE 11 11 PF058 PF58 (88)
Thais Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, good CG 15 15 PF014 PF14 (86)
Thassilonian sentinel Construct N -1Varies PF062 PF62 (90)
thawn Humanoid giant CE 02 2 PF031 PF31 (84)
thin man Fey CN 04 4 ISB (52)
thorgothrel Ooze LE 08 8 PF087 PF87 (90)
thought harvester robot Construct robot N 10 10 PF087 PF87 (86)
thoxel Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 05 5 PF074 PF74 (86)
thremindyr Outsider air, cold, native CE 09 9 PF094 PF94 (90)
thriae dancer Monstrous humanoid LN 06 6 PF081 PF81 (90)
thylacine Animal N 00.500 ½ PF031 PF31(86)
tidepool dragon Dragon aquatic CN 03 3 PF055 PF55 (82)
tikoloshe Undead aquatic CE 03 3 PF040 PF40 (88)
timber wolf Animal N 02 2 PF067 PF67 (83)
tobongo Plant N 12 12 HJ (61)
tojanida Outsider extraplanar, water N 05 5 MMR (57)
tomb giant Humanoid giant NE 12 12 PF094 PF94 (84)
tongue of rebuke Construct N 09 9 J2 (28)
tophet Construct N 10 10 PF021 PF21 (86)
torble Vermin N 00.125 PF025 PF25 (84)
torble swarm Vermin swarm N 02 2 PF025 PF25 (84)
torthune Outsider N 12 12 KQ7 (16)
totenmaske Undead NE 07 7 B2 (269)
trapper Aberration N 08 8 MMR (50)
Treerazer, Lord of the Blasted Tarn Outsider demon, native CE 25 25 ISWG (314)
trench mist Aberration air NE 10 10 PF071 PF71 (90)
trench zombie Undead augmented +01 +1 PF071 PF71 (91)
Triaxian Humanoid Triaxian N 00.500 ½ PF070 PF70 (86)
tribal totem Construct N 06 6 PF039 PF39 (86)
trollhound Magical beast N 03 3 PF032 PF32 (88)
tsaalgrend Plant N 02 2 PF085 PF85 (88)
tuyewera Undead CE 04 4 PF037 PF37 (86)
ugothokra Aberration CE 07 7 PF088 PF88 (88)
ukobach Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 04 4 PF025 PF25 (86)
ulkreth Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 15 15 PF073 PF73 (82)
umasi Monstrous humanoid CN 04 4 PF039 PF39 (88)
umbral dragon Dragon extraplanar CE -1Varies B2 (102)
umbral shepherd Outsider incorporeal LE 05 5 ISB (53)
umdhlebi Plant N 12 12 PF041 PF41 (88)
unchosen gnoll Humanoid gnoll CE 04 4 PF020 PF20 (88)
undead ningyo Undead aquatic NE 01 1 PF037 PF37 (80)
unholy mount Undead cold NE +00 +0 E1 (28)
uniila Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal, lawful LE 10 10 PF028 PF28 (86)
upasunda Outsider asura LE 09 9 B3 (27)
urannag Construct extraplanar CE 08 8 W (60)
urdefhan Outsider native NE 03 3 B2 (276)
ursikka Magical beast N 10 10 PF070 PF70 (88)
vanth Outsider extraplanar, psychopomp N 07 7 PF047 PF47 (88)
vavakia Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 18 18 LC (60)
ved Humanoid giant NE 05 5 ILEW (61)
vegepygmy guard Plant N 02 2 ID (24)
veiled master Aberration aquatic, shapechanger LE 14 14 ISB (56)
vemerak Aberration CE 14 14 B2 (278)
veranallia Outsider azata, chaotic, extraplanar, good CG 20 20 CotR (62)
verdurous ooze Ooze N 06 6 PF035 PF35 (86)
vermlek Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 03 3 LC (54)
vescavor queen Outsider chaotic, evil, extraplanar CE 09 9 PF074 PF74 (90)
vespergaunt Ooze NE 12 12 ISB (58)
vetala Undead augmented LE, NE, CE +02 +2 ISB (54)
vexgit Fey LE 01 1 B2 (145)
viduus Outsider extraplanar, psychopomp N 04 4 ISB (41)
vilkacis Undead incorporeal CE 07 7 PF045 PF45 (84)
vilsteth Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 16 16 PF077 PF77 (86)
volnagur Magical beast CE 22 22 ISB (48)
vouivre Monstrous humanoid aquatic CE 12 12 PF030 PF30 (88)
vrykolakas Undead NE 10 10 PF029 PF29 (88)
vulpinal Outsider agathion, extraplanar, good NG 06 6 B2 (22)
vydrarch Magical beast CE 14 14 MCM (62)
warden robot Construct robot N 09 9 PF087 PF87 (88)
warmonger wasp Construct extraplanar CE 07 7 W (61)
warped one Outsider chaotic, evil, extraplanar CE 08 8 W (62)
warsworn Undead NE 16 16 PF035 PF35 (88)
water strider swarm Vermin swarm N 01 1 PF049 PF49 (82)
water wraith Magical beast aquatic CN 02 2 ISB (59)
wax golem Construct N -1Varies PF047 PF47 (90)
giant weasel Animal N 03 3 PF067 PF67 (82)
weaverworm Aberration NE 08 8 PF045 PF45 (86)
wendigo Outsider cold, native CE 17 17 B2 (281)
werebat Humanoid human, shapechanger NE 03 3 PF045 PF45 (88)
werecrocodile Humanoid human, shapechanger NE 03 3 PF058 PF58 (90)
wereshark Humanoid human, shapechanger CE 03 3 IS (54)
whirlmaw Aberration N 08 8 ISB (60)
White Rider Fey LN 11 11 ILEW (55)
wind yai Outsider air, giant, native, oni, shapechanger LE 16 16 PF054 PF54 (88)
winter fey Fey cold LE, NE, CE +01 +1 PF068 PF68 (90)
witchfire Undead incorporeal CE 09 9 B2 (284)
wings of protection Construct N 08 8 J2 (29)
witchcrow Magical beast CE 01 1 PF067 PF67 (88)
witchwyrd Monstrous humanoid LN 06 6 B2 (285)
wolf-in-sheep's-clothing Aberration shapechanger N 08 8 MMR (63)
wolliped Animal N 03 3 PF070 PF70 (90)
wolpertinger Magical beast N 01 1 PF061 PF61 (87)
wood idol Construct N 01 1 PF027 PF27 (84)
wooden protector Plant N 03 3 TC1 (14)
woundwyrm Dragon chaotic, evil CE 15 15 ISB (61)
wraithwing Undead NE 04 4 PF101 PF101 (88)
wretchghost Undead incorporeal CE 05 5 PF098 PF98 (90)
wyrmskull Undead augmented As base -1Varies PF022 PF22 (88)
xacarba Outsider chaotic, evil, extraplanar CE 15 15 B2 (288)
Xotani Magical beast fire CE 20 20 PF024 PF24 (88)
Xoveron Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 27 27 PF073 PF73 (84)
yah-thelgaad Aberration CE 14 14 PF088 PF88 (90)
yamabushi tengu Outsider native, oni, shapechanger, tengu LE 05 5 PF049 PF49 (88)
yamah Outsider azata, chaotic, extraplanar, good CG 05 5 MCM (63)
yamaraj Outsider extraplanar, psychopomp N 20 20 PF048 PF48 (90)
yangethe Aberration CE 09 9 DD (63)
yarahkut Outsider extraplanar, inevitable, lawful LN 14 14 PF090 PF90 (84)
yethazmari Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, evil CE 15 15 PF005 PF5 (90)
Yolubilis heron Animal N 06 6 PF097 PF97 (83)
zahhak Dragon NE 19 19 PF024 PF24 (82)
Zelishkar Outsider daemon, evil, extraplanar, fire NE 21 21 ISB (62)
zephyr Fey air, shapechanger CN 12 12 PF101 PF101 (90)
zeuglodon Animal N 09 9 PF060 PF60 (89)
zhyen Outsider air, earth, fire, or water N 00.500 ½ QGE (30-31)
zombie lord Undead NE +01 +1 PF045 PF45 (91)
zomok Plant extraplanar N 16 16 PF036 PF36 (88)